
Are You Resting Yet? How to Rest and Nest

restingThere’s a reason people take vacations two weeks at a time. Resting doesn’t come easy. It takes the first week to get settled and begin to unwind and forget about what you left at home. Then the second week you finally start to relax and enjoy your time away.

Is that true for you?

This is my first week of resting at home. I am feeling a bit anxious. I feel guilty doing nothing. But I am trying to rest.

I am enjoying Bonnie Gray’s book, Whispers of Rest.

There is something powerful, mulling over one word at a time in the context of Scripture. As I sat with my journal, Bible and Bonnie’s book this morning – my porch became a haven of rest.

My porch became a haven of rest Share on X

Today’s word is COMFORT

Bonnie’s words touched my heart and I realize there have been times in my life when comfort was missing. This helped me to pray (tearfully) and ask God to be my comfort – and to fill this need, instead of always trying to shake off my sorrow and pull myself together.

I am thankful for this time to be present – enjoying the moment – hearing from God – and releasing myself from the tyranny of the fast pace.

Today feels more like a restful day.


I’m enjoying lunch on the porch.

Taking in the beauty of my backyard.

Sipping iced coffee out of a mason jar.

And I am loving summer.

In the morning, Hubby and I sit on the porch sipping coffee and watch the birds and animals start their day. We often laugh saying, “People pay money for this!”



People pay money for this! Share on X

It’s true! I don’t need to spend lots of money on expensive vacations and destinations.  And, when I can take notice of what I already possess, I receive the gift of contentment. With contentment comes rest. What a sweet gift.

when I can take notice of what I already possess, I receive the gift of contentment. Share on X

If I need a vacation, I give myself permission to REST and NEST

When I don’t have any energy – physical or mental energy, I am learning to take my cue that it means I need to refresh and revive. It may mean scaling back my to-do list or blogging less often. I also look for ways to play, or meet with a friend. I take my day in stride, sprucing up a room, enjoying my home…all without pressing too hard to accomplish it all.

How do you fill the prescription for your need of rest? I’d love to hear your resting ideas.



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Amazon has ideas for your rest and nest time.


Photo collage created in by Jeanne Doyon (Photos by Jeanne)

Heart stones image courtesy of

6 thoughts on “Are You Resting Yet?

  1. Hi Jeanne,
    Yes, rest, play, fun are all important and need to be a part of the rhythms of life. I’m still working on it but praying for more opportunities to take advantage of Sabbath time.

  2. Thank you for this word Jeanne! I wasn’t going to read it at first… too busy. 🙂 But, prompted by the Lord, I did. It brought tears to my eyes. As one who is constantly involved in ministry to people, carrying their burdens and also my own recent physical issues, I have found myself growing weary in the Battle! I think giving yourself “permission” to rest and actually “doing” it are crucial! Resting in HIM is where we obtain our strength! Thank you again!

    1. Barbara Jean, I am so glad the Lord prompted you this way. What a blessing to know that HE KNOWS what we need. May your strength be multiplied as you find time for resting in Him. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. As always, Jeanne, you open our eyes to HIS desire for us. Our days are/can be filled with “pouring out”…..There isn’t anything wrong in that, but even a sponge needs to be moistened when we use it. Thank you for bringing our need to “soak up” HIS rest. I’m finding it fulfilling. Thank you

    1. Janice (MOM), I think you are right. We are designed to pour out – to be a vessel of God’s love and ministry. But, we need to be refilled in order to do that effectively. Whether it is daily, being at His feet…weekly observing a sabbath rest….or sometimes we even need a longer period of time as He both refills and prepares us for what’s next. Thanks for chiming in.

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