Treasures: Gather As You Find Them – Part Four

treasures starfish

Treasures: Gather as You Find Them – Part Four in my Series: Finding Treasures After a Storm

treasures starfishI find the coolest things when I shop at TJ Maxx. I have learned if I really love something, I need to buy it; it may not be there when I go back again. So, gathering treasures when I see them is important.

God told His people to gather memorial stones. These stones helped to pass along the stories of God’s faithfulness to the next generation.

Memorial stones are faith-builders—for others and reminders for us. These bits of shimmering hope give us fuel for the next storm that arises. They become reminders of God’s provision and sovereignty.

Gathering treasures when I see them is important. #BeOnTheLookOut #GodSpeaks all the time. Share on X

Gathering Treasure – My Memorial Stones

Treasures, Dog with ball


While beachcombing for treasure, God spoke in interesting ways through what I observed…

A woman arrived with her dog. She had a nifty ball throwing stick (I assume so she didn’t have to touch the slimy thing) and began to throw the ball. Her dog, however, had a very different idea of the game. Mary-Jane wasn’t bringing the ball back. She ran like a crazy dog, slid in the wet sand, tumbled over her own feet, and then left the ball behind for her master to fetch.

So what did God speak to me through this story?

God has plans for me today. But instead, I take off, running in all directions, with my own ideas, and wear myself out in the process. I can miss the point of this day’s purpose just like Mary-Jane.

Do you run in all directions, with your own ideas, and #WearYourselfOut in the process? #MyIdeasOrGod's? Share on X

Another Observation and How God Spoke

As I watched the ocean waves, a prayer poured out onto the pages of my journal:

Lord, help me to feel your love today.

Then, I saw two people arrive on the beach. One went barely to the edge of the water and let the wave lick her feet. The other, further down the beach went all in — diving headfirst into the cresting waves.

Which one am I?

treasures child in the waterThe one with the wet toes left quickly — she was satisfied. The other was still riding the waves. I could hear her squeals of laughter and joy.

What Did God Say to Me in This?

{From my journal} I didn’t even get my feet wet. I strolled along the water’s edge looking for treasures that were washed up on the beach – not realizing the source of that treasure holds so much more. Teach me to go all in! Help me to experience the vastness of your love. I won’t experience its depths unless I let go and dive in.

Teach me to go all in! Help me to experience the vastness of your love. #LoveWithAbandon #GodHasSoMuchMore4U Share on X

Writing Them Down

These are the sorts of things I write in my journal. They are glimpses of God’s presence and fingerprints in my life that shape my faith and relationship with Him.

When I take note of a God-moment, it helps me to chronicle His blessings. As I slow down enough to gather those treasures, I savor all that He is doing around me.

Savor His Bits of Grace

Don’t be afraid to spend time listening and watching for those pieces of grace God leaves for you. It’s easy to get caught up in the rain clouds and darkness. But His treasures will glimmer, especially in the dark.

Jesus tells me in Matthew that when I seek, I will find. He promises to give me treasures despite the storm as I walk the road of life. I only need to keep the Light of His presence in view so that He can shine it on the places that make up my story—the story of His faithfulness.

God gives treasures glimmer, especially in the dark. #SeeGodWorking #Don'tMissGod'sBlessings Share on X

Do you write down what God is doing in your life?

I would love to hear your stories. Scroll down and leave a comment; I know it will encourage me and others to hear it.

I hope you enjoyed this journey with me as I took time to be alone with God at the seashore. If you missed any in the series, you can find them here:

Part One: After a storm – Finding Treasures

Part Two: Looking from every angle

Part Three: A Better Perspective


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8 thoughts on “Treasures: Gather As You Find Them – Part Four

  1. I love how God does leave us treasures after a storm, like the rainbows in the clouds. We see His light best when all is dark because it is our hope. Thanks for posting the reminder to look for the light!

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Joanna. He is our hope indeed!! And I think we need to remind each other of this truth. To help one another see the treasures despite the darkness around us. They are there. But we need to adjust the lens of our faith to reflect God’s goodness. I appreciate you stopping by to share this.

  2. Jeanne, I love your journal stories! How true…we can miss God’s treasures if we aren’t “in the moment” or are not listening. This is a little different…..years ago after the end of a bereavement group, we were told if we would like to pursue more involvement with others, we could put our phone # down. I did do that….and a friendship blossomed. This dear friend went to heaven this month……I am so grateful for the years we had together. I could have missed a “gem”…..

  3. Treasures don’t always present as something tangible that can be held in our hands. The beauty of creation is a treasure. The company of friends or family is a treasure. Of course the ultimate treasure is Jesus! Thanks for sharing, Jeanne!

    1. You bet, Sheree. Actually, the best treasures are not held in our hands but in our hearts. A sunrise. And answer to prayer. Time spent with someone you love. Seeing your grandsons play on a Skype call. And a confirmation of God through His word. Thanks for your thoughts today!

  4. I keep a prayer journal, and it’s like bits of treasure stored up for future use. I like your illustration of diving into the source of treasure. Thank you, Jeanne! Enjoy the beach!!

  5. A prayer journal is a wonderful idea. Writing things down helps to keep answers to prayer, God moments, insights, and other treasures fresh in our minds. What a beautiful picture frame for God’s faithfulness in our lives. Thanks for your thoughts, Katy.

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