Treasure the Quiet Moments: Who We Are

Welcome to Treasure the Quiet Moments

Treasure the Quiet MomentsAs we anticipate the holidays – Thanksgiving – Christmas – Hanukkah, my guest Mary Graziano Scro brings a powerful message for any time of the year.

The busy times can keep us from seeking God as we run to keep up with our to-do lists. Taking time to treasure the quiet moments helps us to know who we are in Christ.

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Who We Are

This morning I started out stressed over how much I have to do. Despite the time crunch, or maybe because of it, I thought spending a few minutes with God might be a good idea. So I made my tea then sat down for a quiet time.

Who We AreIn God’s perfect provision, I picked up a devotional I haven’t read for weeks called “Simple Grace” I received at the Joyce Meyer women’s conference. Today’s topic was stress. First thing to do: spend 10 quiet minutes resting in God and ask Him to set priorities. Tell Him I love Him and trust Him. Then wait.

Best 10 minutes I had all week!

After I sat quietly for a few minutes, God began to bring His peace. He helped me sort through my thoughts. Then He brought to mind a note I received from a co-worker yesterday.

The mantra of business as usual seems to suffocate us so much the mention of God in the workplace has become rather strange. Not so when I met Mary. The first thing that made an impression on me was her countenance. Mary had a permanent smile. I waited for this to change but it didn’t. While I never mentioned this to her immediately I was puzzled. I kept saying there is another side to this individual. A force which I could not place my hands on, until Mary came to my desk a couple of weeks after meeting her. All I can say is the Spirit of God took over and there were exchanges in a natural way that exposed me to whom I was dealing with.

I’m not saying this to brag, for sure. Many days I feel like quite the opposite is true; and yet, because Jesus is in me, people see something I’m not consciously trying to show them…despite my bad days.

It’s Jesus people notice [Tweet This], because I am His and He is mine.  

I share this as encouragement that no matter how much we get done – or not – it’s Jesus in us who makes a difference. When we belong to Jesus, the Holy Spirit shines through us.

It’s who we are.

Next time you find yourself stressed over life [Tweet This], take 10 minutes and let the Lord remind you of what’s important…and it’s nothing on your to-do list. It’s who you are. It’s Who people see in you despite your flaws and mistakes. And it’s all you already have in Him.

Then go out and have a blessed day!

Treasure the Quiet Moments: Who We AreMary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational and entertaining author and speaker who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Mary’s mission is to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. Mary’s books, Intentional Fitness and Intentional Warfare, are available on She lives in Virginia with her husband, her parents, 2 cats, a dog, and an occasional rogue bear who raids the bird feeder. You can reach Mary at her website,



You can order Mary’s book called, Intentional Fitness in Paperback or Kindle:

6 thoughts on “Treasure the Quiet Moments: Who We Are

  1. Thank you Mary and Jeanne! How wonderful that your co-worker recognized Jesus in you. That is my goal always and my encouragement to others. The effort is in developing a relationship with Him. Then the Holy Spirit will shine through without any effort of our own because we’re aligned with His love and will.

  2. Beautiful, Mary! I’m not surprised your co-worker saw Jesus in you. He glows through you on the computer screen when our group meets via Google Hangouts and He pours out of the words in your books.

  3. Thank you, all! I need to read this often to remind myself that we need quiet time with Jesus DAILY. And, sometimes when we are least aware is when He is most visible.
    Blessings and have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you again, Jeanne, for sharing my post!

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