Treasure The Quiet Moments: Poetry

Treasure the Quiet Moments

Welcome to my holiday series called, Treasure the Quiet Moments

Poetry by Mary Harwell Sayler

To ponder things rather than rushing past them.

In our hurried world, Christmas peace gets lost in the daily rush [Click to Tweet].

May you slow your pace and ponder Him today.


May Mary’s words bring peace as you ponder the Prince of Peace…


Praise Christ our Peace

to Whom we turn

for peace of mind,

especially now –

alone with Him,

despite the Christmas rush.

Praise Christ the Peace

that bypasses all

misunderstanding –

the Great Shalom

in Whom we find our home.

by Mary Harwell Sayler, © 2015


Treasure the Quiet Moments
Silent Night and A Heavenly Peace

Found Poem: In Tuition

Of Centering Prayer

Let go of thoughts

in deep descent,

and drift down

to the bottom

rest where given

love resides.


the Father’s word

for everything



Surrender into

gentle peace

the symbol

of your intention,

and wait

for word to come

of what you need

to hear.

Listen to

Most Holy Breath

stir your gasping

of God-Spirit.

Be still and be

yourself as one

small word inhaled:

thanks be to God.

by Mary Harwell Sayler

Treasure the Quiet Moments
Mary Harwell Sayler

Mary Harwell Sayler, a Christian poet, writer, and lifelong lover of Christ, the Bible, and the church, has placed books in all genres with Christian and educational publishers. She’s also written 3 Kindle e-books for other poets and writers, reviews new editions of the Bible, and blogs on writingpoetry, and prayer. Recently, she began Praise Poems!

You can find Mary’s poetry  and other titles on Amazon:

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Remember to comment on posts, subscribe and share on social media for chances to win a Christmas sign hand painted by Michele Norman.  Details for the giveaway are found here. Winner will be chosen on December 20th.

Treasure the Quiet Moments Giveaway
Original art by Michele Norman

5 thoughts on “Treasure The Quiet Moments: Poetry

  1. Thank you, Mary for joining us today. Poetry truly does help me to treasure the quiet moments. Each word is filled with meaning. It’s painting with words on the canvas of our heart.
    I appreciate you being my guest and for sharing His peace today.

  2. Certainly enjoyed reading these wonderfully written poems by Mary Harwell Sayler. The smooth flow of their lines evoke the very peace of their gentle intention. However, I am especially partial to “Found Poem:…”, which settles one into the affirming nature of God’s word. Thank you, Mary and Jeanne.

  3. Thank you because I really needed this. When I lose my way and take my eyes off of HIM he always finds a way to knock on my heart. Telling me to not pay attention to the things in this world, but keep my eyes on HIM and walk in my faith. I’ve come too far to look back and become a pillar of salt. Thank you Jeanne, this place I am in is so very uncomfortable but I’m going to walk through it

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