Treasure the Quiet Moments…Can I Have a Rain Check?

Treasure the Quiet MomentsWelcome to our series called, Treasure the Quiet Moments. Because in the chaos of the holidays we need time to ponder.

Please welcome Dianna Owens.

Dianna is a single mom trying to find time to seek the Lord while juggling life’s demands. Time is valuable. Something to treasure. Thanks for sharing your heart with us, Dianna…


God, Can I Have a Rain Check? [Click to Tweet]

“Just give me ten minutes, please,” I said to my two children in an elevated voice as one would call out MOOMMMYYYY and then the other. It was 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. How can they bicker already? I thought.

I cuddled up under my blanket anxious to dive into The Word and get lost for a moment with Jesus. Two minutes later, one barged into my room followed by the other. I knew I wouldn’t get the study time I needed or wanted, so I waited. As a single mom, it’s common for me to forego my quiet time for later in the day or at night once I know I can concentrate.

If you’re a single parent to smaller children, can you relate?

They require so much of our time that it’s hard to find solitude. In an attempt to sneak in peace and quiet, we tiptoe around our home while they sleep, whisper long winded prayers like Lord, give me strength, and play hide-and-seek in hopes they take a while to find us.

Can I Have A Rain Check

Raising small children means our daily walk with God will sometimes take creativity and almost always take flexibility.

Just last week, I was in an in depth conversation with The Lord when I heard my door creek open. My four year old ran up and knelt beside me. She never said a word as she knows that prayer time is uninterrupted time. Since she and I were the only ones awake, I allowed her to bring in her books as I read The Book. I peeked up at her only to find her with her book in her lap. My daughter was mimicking me by doing absolutely nothing but being still with her book open.

As parents, our job is to train our children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6).

The best way to do that is to show them what it looks like to follow Jesus. Following Jesus will include some routine days when we can have our coffee and quiet time and some where our home is chaotic and you can barely squeeze in an “Amen.”

Show them what it looks like to follow Jesus [Click to Tweet]

God doesn’t think less of us when we have to ask for a rain check on our one-on-one appointment because sweet innocent Suzie just colored all over the wall and tender little Timmy is terrorizing the cat again. In fact, I would like to think He has a real soft spot for us moms who are doing it on our own while juggling a full time job, homework, and meetings.

I Just Need a Moment…

On the days when we just want to slip into a Calgon bath to be taken far away (which are well deserved and not as many as we’d like) remember, they are only little once. There may come a time when we get too much quiet and the silence is deafening.


God, Can I have a rain check?Dianna Owens is a blogger and reaches out to the community through a women’s ministry she is a part of, Ignite 2 Ignite. She has been published in Living Real Magazine. Dianna is also a full-time single mom to a ten year old boy and four year old daughter.  She resides in Lexington, South Carolina.  You’ll find her journaling on this journey of life on her blog at


Some Resources when you want 5-minutes with Jesus:

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Treasure the Quiet Moments Giveaway
Original art by Michele Norman

We are giving away a beautiful hand painted sign by Michele Norman. Earn entries when you subscribe, share on social media and leave a comment during our Treasure the Quiet Moments Series. Winner will be drawn on December 20th. (ships only to the lower 48 states). Check here for details

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3 thoughts on “Treasure the Quiet Moments…Can I Have a Rain Check?

  1. Dianna, love the “realness” of your story. Years ago with 5 children, I remember not always having the time I wanted to be “still” ……….now my home is empty, but my days are full. The years of wanting more, have been fulfilled. I have all the time I want with Him. I believe you already know, ministering to your family is honoring the Lord. He sees your heart. Bless you.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Melissa. Messages like Dianna’s help me to realize how much we need to encourage one another along the journey. This was how my life was when my kids were small. I felt so overwhelmed at times. Yet, I know God was with every moment. I need to encourage those who are in that season.

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