Summer Reading: Great Books for Pausing

summer reading

Summer Reading: Great Books for Pausing

summer reading

Here in New England it’s taken summer awhile to arrive. We have had some cool and rainy weather, but it was worth the wait. I don’t know about you but I often have several books I am reading at the same time. I don’t necessarily recommend that – keeping plots straight can be an interesting feat. But, it is a matter of place that determines my summer reading.

Reading on the Run

The doctor’s office or other waiting room suggests that I have something light with quick chapters. Reader’s Digest or a story devotional like Holley Gerth’s, What Your Heart Needs for the Hard Days, is perfect for this. They are easy to throw in my purse or download on my Kindle reader.

Reading on Vacation

The beach or lakeside calls for a novel where I can get lost in the characters and tune out the world. I still like light reading, but I enjoy the escape of a good story. Even better if it’s part of a series. It fits vacation-mode for me. A fun series I recommend is written by Virginia Smith. Check out her series called, Tales from the Goose Creek B&B.

Intentional Reading

I also enjoy a book during my early mornings on the porch. I set a steaming mug of tea beside my chair, have my Bible, journal, and a book that draws me closer to the Lord as I sit before Him. This summer I have enjoyed Whispers of Rest, by Bonnie Gray.

And now I’m reading, Jesus and the Beanstalk by Lori Stanley Roeleveld. Perfect for overcoming the giants I face in life.

Reading is one of the pleasures of summer Share on X

Stories have a powerful potential to speak to the heart. As we kick back for summer’s pause, a good book is one of the season’s delights.

What are you reading and do you recommend it?



summer readingI got to visit my grandson…

We just got back from Colorado earlier this month. We got to see our grandson (and our daughters). What fun it was to see his face when we pulled up in front of the house. My daughter didn’t tell him we were coming in case our flight got delayed. His eyes were huge. And his first words were, “No bye-bye. No bye-bye.”

Be still my heart!!

I played trash truck and mail truck on the floor. And we read so many books together. Every morning I heard him call me from his room. Oh how I love being a Lao Lao (grandma).

Enjoy your summer, and next time…

See you next time for my review of  Remarkable Faith, by Shauna Letellier, published by Faith Words. The publisher has asked for my honest review so that will be coming July 11th in honor of the book release.

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Suggestions for Summer Reading


2 thoughts on “Summer Reading: Great Books for Pausing

  1. Hi Jeanne,
    Just started reading a book, “You Are Free” (Be who you already are) by Rebekah Lyons. I saw her discussing the book on a Christian television show. It sounds exciting! I will let you know.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Sheree. It sounds good. There is so much we have to grab hold of in Christ. We are unworthy yet made worthy in Christ. No longer slaves. Loved with an everlasting love–that never changes.

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