Remember Their Sacrifice – Memorial Day 2019

Remembering their sacrifice. Memorial Day flag

Remember Their Sacrifice – Memorial Day 2019

Remember their sacrifice. Memorial Day flag
Help Them Remember – Photo from

Today we remember the many heroes who died to win our country’s freedom. As we place a wreath or attend a parade, we honor their sacrifice and shed blood on our behalf.

Often with tears.

Always with respect.

Sometimes with love for those closest to us.

War is never glamorous, but we honor their sacrifice this day because freedom is never free.

War is never glamorous, but we honor their sacrifice this day because freedom is never free. Share on X

Remembering Another Sacrifice

While remembering this day, I also think of the Ultimate Hero who died to set every heart free.

While remembering this day, I also think of the Ultimate Hero who died to set every heart free. #MemorialDay Share on X

He didn’t don a uniform but wore righteousness

He didn’t tote armor but walked in sandals shod with peace

No one saluted, yet many bowed before Him

He wasn’t drafted, but willingly put on the cloak of humanity

He didn’t retaliate but turned His cheek in silence

Instead of hating His enemies, He prayed they be forgiven

And rather than being remembered with a stone marker, He lives on through the empty grave

Sacrificing All Because of Love

Remember their sacrifice - Cross of Jesus Name
His Sacrifice –

We see the one who deeply loves us; He willingly surrendered His life to defeat the enemy in the heavenly realm.

Because of this:

The victory is won.

Jesus Christ traded the sandals of a servant to wear the crown of a King.

His love never fails.



He gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us out of this present evil age. Galatians 1:4

And I saw Heaven opened; a white horse and He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True…He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood; His name is The Word of God…and on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  Revelation 19:11-16

As we honor those who gave everything for our country…how can we better honor Christ who gave His life for us?

May we never forget His sacrifice,



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13 thoughts on “Remember Their Sacrifice – Memorial Day 2019

  1. “Instead of hating His enemies, He prayed they be forgiven.” That’s a powerful reminder. Let us remember His sacrifice as we also honor those who died to preserve the freedom to Worship Him without fear of persecution.

  2. Jeanne, I’m a day late, but wanted to thank you for your post. Like you, I took the time to remember not only the sacrifice of the many brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom but also the ultimate sacrifice given by our Lord and savior. As a Christian and the mom and daughter of Airmen, it is a sobering day.
    Blessings to you and yours!

  3. Jeanne, I like the way you connected the gift of love Jesus shared with us through His willing sacrifice to that of the military that willingly put themselves in danger to protect us. You’ve shown us the similarities and the differences between Christ’s journey to the cross, his death on the cross, and the empty tomb and the journey taken by our military personnel. I pray we never forget these gifts of love.

    1. Thank you, Katherine. I appreciate your comment on this topic. I have a son in the military so it is on my mind. There is no draft..he joined willingly. And Jesus went to the cross willingly for us. A gift of love for sure!

    1. Thank you, Wanda. I appreciate you stopping in and sharing your thoughts about remembering His sacrifice as well as those who fought for our country.

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