Enjoy This Moment: Message from a Garden Bench

Come away to our Pausing retreat

A Garden Bench Says, Enjoy This Moment

Enjoy this moment

Okay, full disclosure here…I have been playing catch-up since January. Catching up on sleep. Gaining strength after being sick. Catching up on housework. Catching up on projects… I wonder how I can enjoy this moment.

And now, I am looking ahead to an unknown because my daughter and I are going back to China. In June…we think.

That’s part of the problem, we don’t know for sure. So I am living in limbo while trying to do what is necessary today.

My brain doesn’t function well that way. Is it the same for everyone? I am not sure—I’d love to hear from you on this.

When my thoughts and what-ifs are set in the future, I have trouble enjoying today. #EnjoyThisMoment #MessageFromAGardenBench Share on X

When my thoughts and what-ifs are set in the future, I have trouble enjoying today. I struggle with taking care of the now-things. So when I saw this garden bench, I knew its message was for me.

enjoy this moment

The Garden Bench Says: Enjoy This Moment

No matter what uncertainties lay ahead, today is right here with plenty of potential.

I need reminders because my default setting is to look ahead. I focus on what I don’t know. And what I can’t see.

I wonder…if I adjust my vision, future things might be taken care of simply by focusing on what’s before me today?

Does that make sense?


As I look out my kitchen window while washing dishes, my peony bush is getting taller by the day. No buds yet, but they’re coming. My chives wintered well; they are tall and straight. Buds are forming and soon their purple flowers will make me smile. It is my favorite time of year. The grass is green. Trees and shrubs are leafing out. A hummingbird hovers nearby. I’m seeing beauty after a gray winter. And…

I don’t want to miss it.

When I think of it in this way, I don’t want to rush ahead. Why wish for November when May is so lovely? I want to enjoy this precious time of growth and beauty. This makes perfect sense.

So, why do I rush through other things?

Why wish for November when May is so lovely? #EnjoyThisMoment #SavorToday Share on X

I think it is tethered to my To-Do list. I want so desperately to check things off, that I dwell in the future rather than the present. Rather than enjoy this moment, I am rushing to free up future ones.

Rather than #EnjoyThisMoment, I am rushing to free up future ones. #INeedToSlowDown Share on X

Is this making any sense to anyone else??

I am determined to sit on that proverbial garden bench each day and savor today’s moments. When I do, I am more grateful. And I think that is just what God wants…to commit to:

Really tasting my food

Dwelling on the beauty of spring

Noticing the birds that visit

Taking time to listen

Looking up at the clouds

Enjoying the people in my path

Treasuring every moment with intentional escapes to a place of wonder

Enjoy this momentBecause, with every moment of being really present, thanks-giving can bubble up within my heart. I want to live gratefully. Be in the moment. And love what I see God doing around me.

How about you?

How can you enjoy this moment?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. And, I’ll see you in the garden…

Live Gratefully by #EnjoyingThisMoment Share on X


Images courtesy of Pixabay.com


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12 thoughts on “Enjoy This Moment: Message from a Garden Bench

  1. Jeanne, I too am a list maker. In my devotional today it said…..”We tend to make mental checklists of things we need to do in order to gain control of our lives. If only we could check everything off our list, we could relax ad be at peace. But the more our work to accomplish that goal, the more things crop up on our list. The harder we try, the more frustrated we become. Better to focus on HIS PRESENCE…..this will keep you in HIS PEACE. I do identify with what you are saying. When the future has something for us to do, but the timing isn’t set……it isn’t easy to be in limbo.

  2. This is so true, and something I need reminding of often. When we “go slow” we’re more likely to see the face of God, have peace in our hearts, and experience joy.

  3. I need reminders too, Candyce. Our culture is running on top speed all the time. To slow the pace is to bring today into focus rather than living in the blur.

  4. You’re not alone in having a hard time enjoying the now because of the future’s concerns. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed it threatens to immobilize me. I have an older, wiser friend who taught me to just focus on the next thing. When that’s done, start on the next thing. For me, its been a very freeing approach to life. And it allows me time to relax between tasks or events and enjoy the now.

  5. Michelle, I also find help with doing the next thing. Good advice.and when I pause and take a deep breath, that’s what comes to mind. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

  6. Hi Jeanne,
    Ironically, the church we are attending just started a sermon series on the Sabbath and how we have forgotten in our high tech world how to stop and rest. God created the Sabbath for a purpose, to get us to stop, rest, and be mindful in the moments. Our example is God, who rested after creating all things and admired His handiwork in the moment.

  7. Jeanne, My husband lives in the present. I tend to focus on the future. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. I definitely need to be intentional to enjoy and savor the moment. To enjoy the garden bench is life-giving when we can calm our minds and be still.

  8. I was recently reminded that I am where I am supposed to be. And that I am meant to live in this moment, not the past or future. Telling myself that I am where I am supposed to be is helpful to me.

  9. I kept wanting to say, “Me, too, Jeanne!” My life is too busy and I always have on my mind the list of things I think that I need to be doing. Yard work is my therapy (I’m behind on that, too), so your message is appreciated. I’m trying to slow down so I can appreciate the blessings of today. Thank you!

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