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Cup Of Kindness

Cup of kindness

As we think about LOVE this month. They say that love covers everything, yet I wonder if what the world needs more than anything is a cup of kindness because we have to start somewhere.

Cup of kindnessWe are halfway through winter here in Connecticut and there is nothing better than cradling a cup of hot tea to warm my hands. Winter means, I layer my clothing, wear fuzzy socks to bed, and burrow beneath extra blankets. So when I read this verse, my chilly meter rose:

…anyone who gives one of my most humble followers a cup of cool water, just because that person is my follower, will be rewarded (Matthew 10:42 CEV).

It’s hard to imagine iced cold drinks this time of year. Yet, there is a deeper meaning here than the temperature of our drink offering.

They say that love covers everything, yet I wonder if what the world needs more than anything is a #CupOfKindness. Share on X

According to Moody’s Commentary in this cultural context, it means to show kindness to a follower (specifically a Jewish follower of Jesus) by a Gentile. During this time both Jewish and Gentile believers lived under tremendous persecution because of their faith. To show kindness to one of God’s people shined a heart of compassion as well as respect for Jesus and God took notice. And there is a principle we can emulate.

This is a good example of taking a cultural teaching of Jesus and applying it to our lives today. Jesus may have been addressing a need in His day, but the broader idea of showing kindness helps to understand its meaning.

What’s In A Cup of Kindness?

When we combine Jesus’ words with the Golden Rule—treating others the way we’d like to be treated, loving our neighbor as ourselves, and the story of the Good Samaritan, our kindness to others is a universal goal. It is going out of our way to serve others, offering ourselves—to do what we can to alleviate another’s “thirst.”

So, what does that look like?

In a world filled with believers persecuted for their faith—our tender-hearted action on their behalf is a ministry of true faith lived out. Yet, we also have those in our own backyard where kindness is needed. It may be someone demeaned because of their beliefs. Or anyone being mistreated.

Kindness is never uncalled for. I believe the Holy Spirit will direct our actions as we surrender to His direction. It may be a cup of water or a cup of coffee. A kind word, a listening ear, or a practical provision—when we share it in the name of Jesus.

There are many ways to offer simple acts of kindness and people all around us who could use some cheering up.

Noticing An Empty Cup

First, be aware of our surroundings and notice a need, no matter how small. Like the young mom at the grocery store pushing a grocery cart full of food and pulling another filled with children with wandering arms grabbing items off of the grocery shelves. I remember those days.

How do we offer a cup of cold water in this instance?

I usually strike up a conversation with Mom’s ‘helpers.’

You are good helpers—who is the oldest? And what’s your name? Will you help Mom make dinner tonight? This short conversation can help Mom to know she is seen in the middle of what seems like her daily obscurity.

A kind word makes a huge difference – all moms need to know they are doing a good job parenting these little people.

We can offer to help them out to the parking lot and then put their grocery cart away. Juggling groceries, children, and car seats is a challenge. This assures that mom can stay near her kids and not have to run the cart back to the corral

Different Ways To Share Kindness

Every day we encounter needs and ways to bless others. A simple meal. A note in the mail. A phone call. A ride to an appointment. A smile. An encouraging word… As you watch and listen, the Holy Spirit will direct you to know how to share from your heart.

Every day we #EncounterNeeds and ways to bless others. The Holy Spirit will direct you to know how to share from your heart. #CupOfKindness Share on X

Jesus goes on in Matthew 25:31-46 about those who are hungry, thirsty, sick, or in prison. His followers ask, “When did we see you thirsty, hungry, or naked…?”

His reply was epic.

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me.”

Kindness flows from a grateful heart and speaks volumes even without words. During this month of love and compassion, our love for Jesus and gratefulness for all He has given us reminds us that it can be given away.

Our #love for Jesus and gratefulness for all He has given us reminds us that love can be given away. #CupOfKindness Share on X

Have you been on the receiving end of someone’s kind deed? Or do you have ideas on how to bless someone? Be sure to join the conversation below in the comments. Let’s make 2025 the year of many ‘cups of cold water’ shared.

What’s in Your Cup Today?


PS…one of my favorite people offers kindness (and prayer) to others with cards sent in the mail and cookies delivered all over town. And people love it. Here is one of my favorite cookie recipes to try and share. Homemade Oatmeal Cookie Printable Recipe


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A cup of Kindness


Scatter Kindness Travel Mug




Cup of kindness


The Kindness Journal: Little Activities to Make a Big Difference




Cup of Kindness


Dayspring Encouragement Cards




cup of Kindness


Dayspring Praying for You Cards

4 thoughts on “Cup Of Kindness”

  1. What a blessed message ………it only takes a little something to brighten a persons day. Thank you for the sweet thoughts, Jeanne.

  2. Great reminder, Jeanne. It almost feels like the word “kindness” is becoming obsolete these days with all the hatred, anger, and discord going around. One of the small ways I try to demonstrate kindness is by recognizing by name the folks who work in the grocery store. Ever notice how they wear a name tag? It’s not to help them remember who they are but I see it as an opportunity to speak personally to them. So I will say “Thank you (insert their name) I hope you have a great day!” I remember a recent incident where I did this after asking the person to help me find a grocery item. The person was taken aback and commented that they had never experienced something like that before. I responded, “You aren’t a nameless, faceless person. You work hard and deserve to be recognized.” We never know what people are experiencing in their lives outside of their jobs and a small gesture of kindness can change everything.

    1. Great example, Sheree. Everyone needs to be SEEN. And we know that God sees them too. But to interact in this way is huge. I feel the same way when at the airport or a place where people are caring for the restrooms. What a thankless job…but to be thanked encourages them.

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