Busy Stages of Life – Our Need to Pause

Busy stages of life

Our Need to Pause in the Busy Stages of Life

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In whatever busy stages of life you find yourself, there is always a need to pause.  [Tweet This]  When my children were babies, a minute alone in the bathroom was a gift. Nap time gave a few moments, though in all honesty, I didn’t rest during that time. I got caught up on the many things that always seemed undone.

Busy stages of lifeWhen the kids got older, my busyness morphed into driving them to and from sports events, appointments, school, and church, plus juggling things at home.

When my kids reached middle and high school, my husband started a home business and soon those duties took over my calendar too. So much so that something had to give. I wasn’t keeping up on laundry, we got take-out dinners too often, and my busy stages of life began spinning out of control.

I thought getting a job outside the home would be better than the 24/7 demands of a home business—boy, was I wrong. Yes, I could leave my job after eight hours and come home. But, the undone things still waited patiently for me.

Time Changes, Our Need to Pause Doesn’t

Years have passed. My kids are grown and gone. And though I have more time to accomplish things, my brain never shuts off. I ask myself whether it is a spiritual issue or my feeling that I need to keep striving. In my head, I don’t need to prove myself, but does my heart know it?

I need to press pause even now—to periodically set things aside and be still. It helps me think.  It helps me hear more clearly from God. And it helps me to assess where I am and where I am going.

When I stop striving and listen, what do I hear?

I know that pausing helps me to KNOW that God is in charge.  [Tweet This]   

I live in a culture that drives me. And, here in New England it’s an art form. I do it myself—pull myself up by the bootstraps and, like Nike says, I just do it!

Am I the only one?

In the busy stages of life, pausing is a huge part of soul-care. And God knows we need it. Even Jesus took time to be alone with the Father. It is about relationship, isn’t it?

This need to pause is why I am preparing for a Pressing Pause Retreat (sign up to gets details as they come together). Plans are in process and I am waiting for God’s direction to a place to hold a three-night getaway for women. I believe God wants us to pause and take care of our souls.

What Busy Stages of Life Are You Experiencing?  [Tweet This]

What does pausing look like for you?

When you stop striving and listen, what do you hear?

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Come to me

I find it hard to pause—but once I do, I am so glad I did.

No matter where you are in life, take time to press the pause button! God knows you need it.

I find I need some margin right now. How about you? I am going to take some time to catch my breath. I’ll be back…but not before I take a few weeks to pause.

Enjoy the spring weather…and the presence of the One who loves you most!



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Images courtesy of Morguefile.com

Collage created in Canva.com by Jeanne Doyon

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2 thoughts on “Busy Stages of Life – Our Need to Pause

  1. How well you describe this “need to pause” I love to hear of women who are able to let everything go……..like Mary, as she sat at Jesus feet. Now that I have no one at home, I seem to be the one able to do what other’s aren’t able. I love to serve, to be His hands outstretched……but, to give out, we need to take in. Take in His nearness, His Word, hear what He is saying. Yes, I pause, maybe not nearly enough.
    Thank you for your “timely” word. As Always, the Lord has used you to deliver His love for us. Mom

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