Your Small SOMETHING – And a giveaway

caring for flower

caring for flower

Your Small SOMETHING – And a giveaway

It’s the little things that often mean the most. Good coffee. A soothing bubble bath. Snuggling by a crackling fire. Time with family. We find contentment in something when we pause to enjoy it.

But, there are times when little things may not seem like enough. We wonder if our small donation will make a difference. Or the offer to bring a meal to a friend. Will a ‘thinking of you’ card help?

I can say with certainty that it’s the small offerings of kindness that make the biggest difference.

Offerings of Something to Me

Recently, my husband was sick and I couldn’t leave to get to the store and some dear friends offered to help. One brought some homemade chicken soup. Another stopped at the store for ginger ale and saltines. Others have reached out to check on us. These small kindnesses made such a difference because I didn’t feel alone.

Through kindness, there is a blessing to both the giver and the receiver. A small gesture can make a difference even when it seems insignificant to us.

A Crazy World Needs Kindness

As I see the #WorldUnraveling around us, small #kindnesses are needed more than ever. What is #SomethingYouCanDo? Share on X

As I see the unraveling going on in the world around us, small kindnesses are needed more than ever. When we feel overwhelmed, we need to know we are not alone—to feel seen and heard. 

As we are kind, our children and grandchildren are watching. This creates a kind heart in them too. They can know we don’t have to save the world. One person may not be able to solve every problem. But we can offer our something to others. Maybe a smile or a kind deed. A compliment. A small giving of ourselves to show that we care.

We don't have to #SavetheWorld or be able to solve every problem. We only need to #OfferOurSomething to others. Enter to win Something by Natalee Creech Share on X

This makes me think of David’s sling, Moses’ staff, and a little boy’s lunch. I think God asks each one of us, “What is that in your hand?” Exodus 4:2.

The Message of this Book is Something to Ponder

Book Cover, Something by Natalee Creech  


Natalee Creech has written a marvelous children’s book called, Something, One Small Thing Can Make a Difference. This lovely, rhyming read-aloud will be enjoyed by both children and adults as it simplifies something we can do to make a small difference around us. 


Based on Matthew 25, the author says,    

let compassion be your compasslet compassion be your compass.

If there’s something that you notice, there is something you can do.

Keep your kindness radar working—maybe something starts with you!

Excerpted from, Something, by Natalee Creech

Not only is the story wonderful, but I also adore the illustrations done by Pablo Pino. They are bright, expressive, and very engaging. The artist captures the story perfectly through action.

This whimsical story with a powerful message will be enjoyed by all ages. Imagine making a list of your somethings and how they will make a difference in the world closest to home.

A small something can do more than we can imagine.

Speaking of home, I can hardly wait to read this to my grandchildren when they visit. Imagine all the somethings we might come up with as we discuss each page together.

There are printable activity sheets you can download from the Worthy Kids Website too.

Win A Copy of Something and Share Your Something With Others

You can ENTER TO WIN a copy of this sweet storybook by leaving your comment below. Please share SOMETHING you can share with others. Or, a SOMETHING shared with you that made a difference. US addresses only, please. Winner will be drawn next week.

Let #CompassionBeYourCompass and bring #kindness to those you around you. Natalee Creech helps us discover #Something we can do Share on X

Do you need some ideas for your small somethings?

I have created this printable for you:     Acts of Kindness Printable

Can’t wait to read this story with my grands,


  Author, Natalee Creech


Natalee Creech, author of Christian Book Award Finalist Nothing Natalee Creech is a former teacher and current librarian who enjoys bringing Scripture to life through rhyme. During her twelve years as a teacher in South Korea, she discovered that poetry and songs helped her students learn English. When she couldn’t find anything suitable to teach a specific concept, she would write it herself—from igneous rock to ecosystems and amphibians.



Interestingly, Toby Moore, a syndicated columnist wrote an article this week entitled: Even in the Darkest Times, One Person Can Make a Difference. He highlights Harriet Tubman’s legacy of determination as she led slaves to freedom.  How many others can you recall who have overcome fear to make a difference?

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Compass Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay Watering rose Image by Rosy from Pixabay

11 thoughts on “Your Small SOMETHING – And a giveaway

  1. I have a wonderful friend, who likes to send little cards and simple gifts during the holidays, never fails to brighten my mood and puts a smile on my face. I love her thoughtfulness.
    Marilyn Bussiere
    This book sounds like a wonderful story, we need more kindness in the World.

  2. While we were away from home for 2 years our neighbors took care of our house. They did more than was necessary and showed their love un multiple ways. We can never repay them but their kindness made such a difference for us. Thanks for sharing about this beautiful book, Jeanne.

  3. I need to give a shout out to my husband for all the little things he does around the house. It’s easy to assume that as my husband he is obligated to do things. However when I really stop to ponder what life would be like without all that he does, I am grateful to God for him.

  4. Have learned that it isn’t the size or value of the gift that matters as much as it is the thought and godly love behind it.

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