Word-Missiles Strike When You Least Expect

launching word-missiles

The Power of Word-Missiles

Launching word-missilesWord-missiles strike when you least expect…

It had been such a long time since we were able to meet friends for breakfast. As we slid into the vinyl-covered booth, the waitress arrived. “Coffee?”

“Yes, please.” We answered in unison. We then put our orders in for breakfast. This is always a challenge for me because of allergies. I decided on a waffle with strawberries.

I looked up to see another familiar face come in the door. I waved and he arrived at our table just as the waitress put my waffle, smothered in strawberries and whipped cream in front of me. I’ll never finish it all.

He blurted out, “You’re gonna gain twenty pounds if you eat that!”

My face felt warm. The pit of my stomach grew heavy and suddenly, I didn’t feel very hungry.

He had no idea that I struggle with a foot injury and am not able to keep up my normal exercise regimen. He had no clue that keeping my weight in check was a goal but I had been feeling defeated because of inactivity. But, his words hurt.

* * * * * *

The Power of Words

Word-missiles strike when you least expect... #HurtfulWords #WoundsAndScars Share on X

Words wield power to tear down or build up. Their echo becomes the filter that sifts every message. We feel their impact when we are the target, but often miss how our own words impact others.

So isn’t it about time we consider what our words can accomplish?

I don’t want to leave a legacy of hurt. Rather I want my words to achieve good things in the lives of others. So when I read Isaiah 50:4:

“You will sustain the weary with a word.”

It has become a prayer, something I want my life to reflect…

Lord, let me sustain the weary with a word—a word that comes from Your heart—a heart that knows the need of every person I come in contact with.

Word-Missiles Destroy

One negative word can shut out hundreds of kind ones. It is the nature of being human and from the heart of an enemy who desires to defeat us. Is it any wonder that Scripture tells us to put a guard over our mouth (Psalm 141:3).

One negative word can shut out hundreds of kind ones. #ChooseKindness #WordMissiles Share on X

Amy Carmichael said, “Let nothing be said about anyone unless it passes through the three sieves:    Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?”

launching word-missilesTo my knowledge, we cannot purchase mouth or thought filters, which is why we must ask God to guard these powerful weapons so that our words heal rather than harm.

Every day I see the effects of our filter-less world. Word-missiles are flying all over social media and hearts are wounded and raw. Faceless bullies bombard with an unrelenting barrage. Is it any wonder that emotional issues are rampant and on the increase?

Whatever happened to treating others as we like to be treated? The Golden Rule is still golden, and getting more valuable all the time.

The #GoldenRule is still golden, and getting more valuable all the time. #KindnessMatters Share on X

Kindness is a choice. Love is a choice.

And both of these spring from the inner working of our hearts. If our own heart is sick, how can we attempt to speak healing words to others?

Out of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Garbage in, garbage out. So whatever we fill our heart with, fuels our actions and speech.

The world has very few healthy choices in this area. Our only true source is God-breathed. His Word. His praise. Christ’s example. His perspective in all things—these can fill and overflow our reservoir with kindness and love.

Jesus, the Word

kind wordsJesus walked the earth and reached people with hope and healing. His powerful word spoke the world into existence. His word calmed the sea. With a word, He cast out demons, healed many, and raised the dead. He chose kindness and love as He showed the world who God is. And He is calling us to do the same by the power of the Word who transformed us so we can be sent out as compassionate ambassadors for His Kingdom.

As we walk among the people we encounter, we have no idea what they are facing. Life inflicts so much hurt. Instead of another rebuke or snarky word, they need the balm of encouragement. And, the Holy Spirit is the one who can speak that from our mouth to their ear.

A word in season is like rain on the parched ground (Proverbs 15:23). A smile, kindness, and a timely word can make all the difference.

So Isaiah’s words resonate. Words—use them wisely, in kindness and love to encourage the weary. This is our legacy.

How have you experienced words that have either built you up or torn you down? These have a way of following us our whole life. My prayer is that we can use words to build one another up.

Also, stop by this post written by a fellow writer. And this one by my friend, J.D.

Sarah, J.D., and I are clearly on the same page this week. I love how the Holy Spirit does that!

Keep speaking life,


Images courtesy of Pixabay.com


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15 thoughts on “Word-Missiles Strike When You Least Expect

  1. WOW………words, you are so right, Jeanne. Even years later we recall something said that hurt.
    Thank you for this timely reminder. Guess we should remember the old saying “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything”

  2. Word missiles. That’s a powerful way to describe what they are and what they do. We can’t get too much reminding to watch our mouths because too many hurtful things can come out. Thank you, Jeannie!

    1. Paul, I think, referred to the tongue as the hardest to train and control. I think he knew this from experience too. It’s a struggle for all of us!! Thanks for your comment, Barbara.

  3. Hi Jeanne,
    A powerful message! As one who makes a living speaking into the lives of others, I use words frequently to build up, sometimes to challenge, sometimes to emphasize or sympathize with another. I am mindful of what needs to be spoken to an individual and how to say it without further damaging the broken spirit and wounds so many are carrying. It is a high and challenging call to imitate and be Jesus to someone.

  4. I’m never surprised by it any longer, but I’m always pleased when I read a post from a brother or sister in Christ that seems to validate one I’ve released. Whether I’m validating their post, or they’re validating mine, we both validate a message God obviously wants His children and the world as a whole to hear. I love when we can come alongside one another with a message of kindness and compassion Ms. Jeanne. Loves this post ma’am. Our words to indeed make a difference. God’s blessings ma’am.

  5. You are so right Jeanne! This IS our legacy. Let’s build each other up! May the Lord use my words, and all of our words, for His glory.

  6. The descriptive term, word-missiles, is perfect to describe the pain words can inflict. We’ve all been on both ends of this (saying things we shouldn’t and being the recipient of painful darts). Your message is so wonderfully phrased in regard to the importance of being kind in our words. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Katherine. I agree–we all struggle with this! But God… He is the one who can both forgive and begin to change our default responses. So grateful for His grace.

  7. Jean, what a powerful and timely message you share with a scriptural foundation. I want to make your prayer from
    Isaiah 50:4 my own: “ Lord, let me sustain the weary with a word—a word that comes from Your heart—a heart that knows the need of every person I come in contact with.” Thank you, Jeanne.

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