Wishing You A Joyous Season & Hopeful New Year

Joyous season

Wishing you a Joyous Season & a Hopeful New Year

Joyous season

As I say goodbye to 2020, I see the faithfulness of God in the midst of the year’s difficulties.


Praying for you during this season. May you see the joy and sense His peace.


Looking forward to sharing the hope of Jesus with you in 2021.



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6 thoughts on “Wishing You A Joyous Season & Hopeful New Year

  1. Thank you, Jeanne. We all need HIS peace during this time…….. I love the Christmas season with its meaningful traditions. We need to focus on what is true, honorable and lovely.

  2. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and in the year to come! Thanks for sharing and encouraging us all through this difficult year. Looking forward to what God places on your heart in 2021!

  3. Merry CHRISTmas, great joy, and God’s blessings in the coming year Ms. Jeanne. Thank you so much for a year full of encouragement, education, and kindness ma’am. Your posts have been a wonderful, year-long gift.

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