Wired to Serve: Hints from Everyday Tasks

wired to serve

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Wired to Serve: Hints From Everyday Tasks

wired to serve
Photos by Jeanne; Collage created with Canva.com


Sitting on my porch this week, I noticed how much my plants have grown. I repotted my houseplants in large pots, hoping they’d look lovely on the porch all summer. They are thriving and bring me joy. The idea of NURTURE came to mind and I wondered if maybe that’s how I am wired to serve.

The more I thought about it, the idea of my nurturing seems to apply to both plants and people.

I wonder if the everyday tasks that bring us joy give hints of how we are wired to serve others?

So I threw out a question on my Facebook timeline:

What everyday activity demonstrates how you care for others?

Me: I love tending plants = Nurturing growth

Could there be a correlation with everyday tasks that bring us joy, and with how we are wired to serve one another?

Many people responded to my Facebook post – Here are a few of their thoughts:

wired to serveCarla prays over her Facebook feed each day. “The Lord gave me a tender heart with a desire to intercede for others.”

Lauri loves to cook. She says, ‘When people eat, they usually feel nurtured and fulfilled. I love to make people feel full and safe and loved.”

And Cathy says, “one of my daughters always tells me I have the gift of availability. It seems to show up in many random divine appointments.”

Nellie also feels cooking is an extension of her ministry. “Cooking for someone is nurturing a basic need, so is praying for and listening…When I do these things, I feel as though God is guiding me toward the service He intended for me.”

Gifted and Willing to Serve

The Lord gives us opportunities to be His hands and feet to a needy world. Share on X

Every day, the Lord gives us opportunities to be His hands and feet to a needy world. Scripture tells us, as a believer in Jesus, we have at least one Spiritual Gift. An ability that is Spirit-filled and led. Could it be that we are wired to serve so deeply, it is expressed in our daily things as well? Simple, like a cup of cold water for the least of them?

I would love to hear from you. Do you see a connection as you live and serve others?  A spiritual gift may not seem special to you because it feels natural as the Spirit leads and gives us joy. But others will see it in you.

The beauty begins when each of us in the Body of Christ exercises our gifts in love. The world begins to see an image of God that is unmistakable and attractive.

Experiencing the Love

This past week, my husband and I were invited along with others from our church to an impromptu lunch. We felt so cared for. The food was delicious (see the cookbook below called, Zahav). And the fellowship around the table was such a sweet time. We felt both loved and refreshed. Our hosts offered part of themselves to serve us.

How has God wired you to serve? #MakeADifference Share on X

Ponder this:

How can your talents or gifts bless others?

What experiences have you gone through in your life and how can your story help others?

Has God put people in your path? How can you be available?

Pausing to see how God has created us is a good thing. What do you think? How has God wired you to serve? Be sure to join the conversation in the comments below.



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  • Note: I am not saying that cooking or tending plants are spiritual gifts, just hints of how we might serve. For more study on Spiritual Gifts and their role in the Body of Christ, be sure to Google for the many resources available.


4 thoughts on “Wired to Serve: Hints from Everyday Tasks

  1. I laugh because I don’t like to garden or cook, but one of the things I love is going to coffee shops, having my daily devotions, and drinkng ice tea. That habit or need or tendency (dare I call it a gift) is the very place I have nearly daily encounters & ministry opportunities to encourage others, share the Lord, and pray with them! One time I posted that I’d figured out my calling, “a coffee shop evangelist!” I wish I liked to garden too! ❤️

    1. I think you have found your niche, Cathy. No need to wish you were anyone else 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts here and in my post. I know God will and does use you mightily.

  2. I do enjoy cooking, even for those that don’t……..but there is something else the LORD does. Somehow He shows me what someone might need, prepares me ahead of time. Kind of difficult to explain, but I love when He does this. We are all unique in the way we show His love to others.

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