Who Should I Trust? Psalm 146:3


TRUSTWho Should I Trust? [Tweet This]

I hope you are enjoying our time in Psalm 146. I love pausing to ponder each verse. Today’s thought is about trust? Who SHOULD we trust?

So far we have looked at Psalm 146:1 and our call to praise. Psalm 146:2 looks at our life as worship.

Today we pick up at verse three…and see how these concepts all fit together.

Psalm 146:3

Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, whom there is no salvation.

Who Do We Trust?

How often do we place our confidence in the wrong man [Tweet This] – A human with failings – yet somehow we think they have the answer. A politician running for office, a political party, an army, a head of state, the pope, a pastor; none can save.


Our trust should be in God alone. It has always been difficult to put faith in an unseen God. Blessed are those who do. He is worthy of our confidence.

In John 20:29 Jesus says to Thomas, blessed are they who did not see and yet believed.

And Psalm 60:11 tells us, deliverance by man is in vain. As much as we want to find a flesh and blood person who fulfills our need for security, we will never find one who will meet our needs.

This realization causes me to stop short and ask for forgiveness because I know I tend to look for solutions in those around me. God is calling me to trust in Him alone for help. And to teach me what it means to praise because He is worthy.

God commands an unseen army surrounding his saints. [Tweet This] He is the great deliverer. And because of this we lift our voices in praise to Him.

Whom do you trust for your situation today?


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