Who Do We Trust?
Should We Trust Just Anybody?
Welcome to our continuing look at Psalm 146. Verse 4 is a continuation of Psalm 146:3 that tells us, “Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, whom there is no salvation.” We ask the question: Why? And, who do we trust?
Psalm 146:4
His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
The “his” refers to the person in verse three, in whom we are told not to place our trust.
So Who Do We Trust?
Why trust in human wisdom and strength which is here today and gone tomorrow? It says in that day his thoughts die with him. Help and advice can change with someone’s mood. A person’s help is subject to so many factors that are out of our control. Trusting needs to feel sure and stable.
God tells us to put our confidence in the eternal person of Jesus Christ who is worthy and able. He is unchanging and wants what’s best for us.
Often our first reaction when we ask, Who Do We Trust? is to look for someone near us, someone we see everyday. Trustworthiness is an admirable trait. But, in our humanity, we can fail others very easily. There is Someone who is able to handle anything we are facing…
God never fails and His trust never wavers [Tweet This]
He is never too busy. He never sleeps. He is always aware of what you need. So when we ask, who do we trust, we can rest in the fact that God will meet us at our place of need and bring hope. The fleetingness of life will make our rescuers rise and fall.
We find additional verses that speak to this very idea of our life being short. Psalm 104:29 says …they expire, and they return to their dust.
As much as we hate to think about death, it is coming. Death is part of life and we know we only have 70-80 years. In the realm of eternity that is a mere breath.
God is the giver of life. Our lives are in his hands, not the other way around. Ecclesiastes 12:7 says… Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it. That word for spirit means breath.
As we think about this truth, the Lord holds life in the palm of his hand. He is the giver of breath. And He takes our breath when our days on Earth are done.
Who Do We Trust?
The One who is Mighty to Save; He is Able; He is Constant; He is the LORD of all.
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