Where to Abide When Nothing Lasts


Abide – Where To Stay When Nothing Lasts

abideAbide—This word has been on my heart lately as I study John chapter 15. We don’t use the word abide much anymore—maybe never—because nothing seems to last.

Marriages fail. Riches flee.

Cars break down. Health deteriorates.

Friends fail. Churches split.

Relationships cool. Possessions break.

Quality erodes. Trust shatters.

Nothing lasts.

Abide in Christ - Where to stay when nothing lasts! Share on X

One Thing Remains

But, Jesus says:

Abide. Stay. Remain. Trust that I AM your constant. I will never turn my back on you. I AM the one you can trust. When all else is falling apart, I will remain. I will be your rock and shield.

abidePsalm 91:1 says, Abide in the shadow of the Almighty. To me this means:

Not running ahead or lagging behind.

Under His protection

Surrounded by His presence

Shielded from my enemies

Covered with His hand

Resting in His power and sovereignty

Sure of His knowledge and leading

Trusting in His timing and care

Abide means not running ahead or lagging behind Share on X

God Covers You – Good News for Us

So when we face shattered pieces and people around us, know that God is covering you with His shadow. This is news our world needs. It is the hope that anchors us. It is the message He wants you to carry and proclaim…

God says:

I will abide. My love will remain. My grace and mercy will be poured out. Forgiveness will be found because I AM is faithful. Abide in me, and I in you (John 15).

The world needs the hope in Jesus. He will never turn His back. His love will last. Share on X

What does Abide mean to you, and how do you need His close presence today?

Will you Abide or Stay?

Will you remain under the covering of His shadow? Share your experience of abiding in the comments below.

Learning to Abide,



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6 thoughts on “Where to Abide When Nothing Lasts

  1. Hi Jeanne,
    Abide to me has always presented a picture of resting, of being still and lingering or “hanging out” in the presence of the Lord. It is such a sweet image that it’s a place that I don’t want to leave. However, it requires intentionality as we are typically in a hurry to do something. Abiding is the sacred place of rest that we cannot afford to miss.

  2. Jeanne, this message touched my heart………
    so true. As I read it, I thought of “living in HIM.”
    For me…..that would be truly abiding. Thank you for your study or HIS WORD to others.

  3. Oh, Jeanne. I can never get over Jesus’ words, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” -John 15:5 (had to go to ESV to find ‘abide,’ which was left over from my KJV childhood). That abiding: He in me and me in Him…I can’t comprehend it, but I love to think about it!

    1. I so agree, Carole. It is like that word is absent from our vocabulary. We may use stay or remain, but abide brings images of that vine–our source of all things. Thanks for chiming in on this today

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