Where Is Our Hope? Living Expectantly

Where is Our Hope? Living Expectantly

Image: Morguefile.com

For well over three-hundred days, getting to the other side of this pandemic still eludes us. At the start, many thought we would see recovery in weeks, not months. And now as we approach a year of its effects, we wonder –  where is our hope?

I think this is why I chose HOPE as my #OneWord for 2021.

We battle with many emotions. Our hearts ache with loss. We struggle with fear, anger, and confusion. We miss seeing family. Our future hangs in the balance and we are desperate for hope.

When Will Hope Arrive?

  • Will it be in a vaccine.
  • Or with a political party?
  • How about stimulus money?
  • When businesses reopen?

Will we ever see normal again?

When will #hope arrive? Let's talk about where our hope comes from. We need it more than ever. #FindingHope Share on X

Somehow we think hope is right around the corner. Yet, all of these things are fleeting and people-dependent. As we begin the new year (that isn’t much different than the last), are we looking for hope rooted in more than the winds of change?

Are we looking for #hope rooted in more than the winds of change? #GodIsOurHope Share on X

Where Is Our Hope?

Psalm 146 addresses the question, Where do we put our hope?

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.

Psalm 146:3-4 NIV

Image by ASSY from Pixabay Created in Canva

His Sure Hope

Rather than trusting in leaders, we have a hope rooted in the unchangeable power of the Living God. We find it in His many promises as well as His faithfulness through the ages. So when life begins to swirl and sway, we can have an unexplainable peace.

God’s word tells us that He does not change. He is eternal with no beginning or end. He is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And He is the One where we find our hope anchored.

God tells us His hope is:

Sure – Hebrews 11:1

An Anchor, Steadfast – Hebrews 6:19

For the present – Jeremiah 29:11

In eternity – Titus 3:4-7

For our rescue – Psalm 71:4-5

Discover Hope and Hang On

As we face the days ahead, we need a #RecipeForHope - a way to #LiveExpectantly. Share on X

As we face the days ahead, we need a RECIPE FOR HOPE – a way to live expectantly.

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1 c. of God’s Word

1 c. of Prayer without ceasing

1 c. of Praise and Worship

Trim off excess news and social media and replace them with what God is doing in your midst.

Stir well with wisdom that God provides and share liberally with those around you.

Trust God for His will in all things.

By the way, do you know what Jesus said about trials? These words are part of His goodbye message to His disciples before His arrest in the Garden…

…In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!

John 16:33 NIV

Take heart – Have hope.

He overcame! Discover Him as your hope, both right now and for the future, and then hang on. He is the solid footing we need. A solid foundation that will never be shaken.

Are you discouraged and losing hope? Cry out to God, knowing He hears you. Trust that He is good. He is faithful. Know that His timing is perfect. He sees you and will meet the need. Grasp onto a promise and hang on. And give thanks for the blessings He sends, no matter how small.

Are you discouraged and losing #hope? Find hope's anchor in Jesus and #HangOn Share on X

How do you keep your hope steady? Do you have a favorite verse or promise to share? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below.



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Amazon Resources for You (As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases without any extra cost to you). Here are a few ways to make the Recipe of Hope.


20 thoughts on “Where Is Our Hope? Living Expectantly

  1. Jean, I love your recipe and your descriptions of the only lasting hope we will have–the truths of God’s Word. Thank you for this post.

  2. Jeanne, we all needed to hear and follow this recipe. The lingering disappointments have been difficult to manage…….
    Thank you, as always for your insight.

    1. This past year has not been easy, Jan (Mom). I’m thankful we can look for the blessing in each day and keep our eyes on Jesus no matter what is going on. I appreciate you stopping in and sharing your thoughts today.

  3. We need hope! Thank you for this inspiring message, Jeanne. When it seems as if the ground is shifting underneath us and we have nothing to hold onto for stability, you remind us that God is our solid foundation. He is stable, trustworthy, and steadfast, even in the greatest times of challenge. And we need only to reach for that mighty hand that He holds down to us when we start to tremble and fall.

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    Yes, Biblical hope goes beyond wishful thinking and placing our trust in things that are temporary. One of my favorite verses is Romans 8:37-39. It tells us we are more than conquerors in Christ and nothing in all creation can separate us from the love we have in Christ.(not even a pandemic) Our hope rooted in Christ is solid and will not dissolve or disintegrate in our hands. We can hold onto Jesus for life!

    1. Sheree, thanks for sharing your favorite verse. He is faithful even when we are both faithless and low on faith. Even faith is a gift. He sustains His creation from the beginning and will bring all to completion when we experience His promise of Heaven. Appreciate your thoughts today

  5. I try and live my daily life, holding onto the promise of Psalm 119:114. Oh how I needed to read your inspiring post this morning my friend. When the world around me is ever-darkening, I needed this reminder that my hope is in God.

    1. J.D., O my! and have things seemed to get dark fast! Yes, we need the solid foundation of our faith that will not be shifted in the sand of change. I appreciate your thoughts today and I am off to read the verse you shared.

    1. I love that verse, Donna. And Psalm 146 alludes to this also. Our hope and trust cannot be in leaders or institutions for they are all fleeting. Thanks for your thoughts today

  6. Jeanne-my “word” for the year is hope and your thoughts here show us it is more than wishful thinking but present tense in our living God and trust in the truth of His Word. Thank you!

    1. I read somewhere that hope is both a verb and a noun…been pondering that a bit this week. But, yes Marilyn, hope is definitely present tense and very tangible yet unseen at the same time.

  7. I can’t imagine a better time in history to be reminded of where our true hope comes from (and where it doesn’t). I try to stay submerged in the Word and surrounded by other believers (like you!) who remind me of His beautiful truths, like those in this post. Thank you, Jeanne!

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