When Winter Settles Over Your Soul

What do you do when winter settles over your soul? It helps to remember that the winter season doesn’t last forever. And, watch to see what God is doing.

when winter settles over

Summer is Gone: When Winter Settles Over Your Soul

when winter settles over

Summer is gone. I don’t like to see it go—or even more, I don’t like what comes next: the arrival of winter. I dread the cold, snow, ice, and wearing coats. I’d live in sandals all year round if I could. That’s not possible in New England. So what do you do when winter settles over your soul?

What do you do when winter settles over your soul? Share on X

It helps to remember that the winter season doesn’t last forever.

Even though I enjoyed summer this year, I felt as though I was entering a winter season of the soul. Fatigue and writer’s block fed my uncertainty of when it would pass. I wrote less, blogged less, and felt crumby for it. I was in a time of less, rather than more—maybe even a time of pruning.

Have you been there?

I think I am still there.

Rather than jumping into new projects, I repurposed articles to create free downloads to offer on my website. That felt good – to be creative and refine some words to further benefit readers. But, I still feel like I need to be refreshed—reset to offer something new.

Need A Selah Moment?

This is the crux of my message to myself as well as to you: we need to be refreshed in order to offer more of ourselves. We can’t pour out of an empty vessel.

We need to be refreshed in order to offer more of ourselves. #RefillMySoul Share on X

In the time of waiting, listening, and pruning, God is doing something new in us. He is pressing the reset button—to pause. Because we all need a selah-moment.

I’m still pausing. And, yes, in some ways it’s frustrating because I want to DO something. But in order to be true to myself and my feelings lately, I need to surrender to it.

This season won’t last forever

It helps to remember this season won’t last forever. In the meantime, I will watch to see what God is doing around me. Maybe there will be clues. I will journal my thoughts and listen to what He is saying through His word.

winter settles over your soulHow about you…what season are you experiencing? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Remember, winter bursts forth into spring,




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20 thoughts on “When Winter Settles Over Your Soul

  1. After a 3 year long winter, I believe I’m in Spring, thank you, Jesus! But in the winter season, indeed He was working, pruning, preparing, strengthening, refining and equipping. I pray you will be able to embrace the Selah!

  2. Jeanne, I just left a season like this behind. I’m so looking forward to winter. Thing is: I won’t be resting. I’ll be working. I really think my seasons unfolded in the reverse order. Should be a wonderful season this year–me snug as a bug in a rug, hunched over my computer, pounding on the keys to finish my projects. Hopefully, when spring burst forth, so will my glees over finished projects. Until the spring . . .

  3. I too would like to wear sandals all year! I feel like I am sometimes in that season of winter in my writing but thankfully we have a community of writers like you to remind us it is only temporary. Thanks for the post.

    1. Barbara, I can feel overwhelmed by the winter-feeling, but I know in my head that God is still at work. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Here’s hoping the sandal-time comes quickly. 🙂

  4. I think I am in fall right now. A time of transition in so many areas of my life, yet at the same time bright with color and a beauty that comes from the Lord’s hand!
    Thanks for sharing, Jeanne!

  5. So encouraging, Jeanne! You’re right — we can’t give to others what we ourselves do not possess. If we’re to offer refreshment, we ourselves need to be refreshed. Praying you will continue to be encouraged, my friend. 🙂

  6. I often refer to this season as the waiting room — sitting in the reception area waiting for my appointment. Just coming out of one of the seasons and excited to see where God will take me next! Thank you for your encouraging words. Wintery seasons are tough!

    1. Michelle, thanks for your insight. Yes, the waiting room. One of my retreat sessions is that same title. Not easy at all. And the enemy likes us to think we’ve been forgotten. But, I do know better – really. I often don’t see it clearly till my name is called LOL. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

  7. Winter can be lonely till I remember God is with me. In the stillness of winter, He prepares me for summer and spring and fall. Then I am grateful for the “winter,” and I pray He brings you through your season into a new one.

    1. Yes, Katy. There is such a comfort to know that God has seasons for us too. And to produce fruit, we need to be fertilized, tended and pruned. I appreciate your heart. God is using you in mighty ways.

  8. I am in the winter season, grieving the end of my two decade marriage. I am weary, looking after children, with many changes ahead. As a believer for 45 years, my faith and trust are weak now. I feel so alone.

    1. Julie, I hear your aching heart and will pray for you during this season. Winter is hard. Life is hard. I have been in that dry and lonely place. The last thing I wanted to do is draw near to people. But I hope you can find a group of encouragers to walk with you. Let me know how I can pray.

        1. I will, Julie. Father, I ask that you will draw Julie near to your heart. Help her to trust you in the middle of all this stress. Help her to know you are with her. Give her wisdom as she makes decisions. Give her joy in the small things you provide. And build her up as Your precious daughter. I also ask that you will surround her with loving encouragement. Thank you for your peace – it is in Jesus – and He promises to never leave us alone.

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