When Jesus-followers attack Other Jesus-followers

In light of this week’s events, my heart aches as I see Jesus-followers attack other Jesus-followers. It’s not just a John MacArthur vs. Beth Moore skirmish. The increase in rages on social media is disheartening. So my hope today is to focus on our bigger call to unity despite the things we disagree about.

How Should Jesus-followers act?


When Jesus-followers attack Other Jesus-followers

How Should Jesus-followers act?

In light of this week’s events, my heart aches as I see Jesus-followers attack other Jesus-followers. It’s not just a John MacArthur vs. Beth Moore skirmish. The increase in rages on social media is disheartening. These word-wars have flown across political party lines and other topics that you and I as Jesus-followers get passionate about.

In light of this week’s events, my heart aches as I see #Jesus-followers attack other Jesus-followers. #JesusPrayedForUnity Share on X

So my hope today is to focus on our bigger call to unity despite the things we disagree about.

My hope today is to focus on our bigger call as #Jesus-followers to #unity despite the things we disagree about. Share on X

God is in the business of reaching people in amazingly personal ways—no two alike. His love knows no boundaries. Every nation, tongue, and tribe are in His heart. He doesn’t look at where we live or how much money we make. He doesn’t check our political affiliation. He isn’t influenced by where we were born or what our past looks like. He is seeking those who are lost so we can be found.

#GodIsTrustworthy, we can allow room for Him to move in lives that don’t look like ours. #UnityInChrist Share on X

Do we believe that God is big enough to work in the hearts of people for His purpose? Or do we feel we need to control it all so it makes sense to us and to others?

He is calling out to all who will hear—Come, follow Me!

When we start the journey of following Jesus, it may be filled with missteps like a baby learning to walk. But we know that the God who calls will pick us up, brush us off, and encourage us to keep going. His gentle hand will guide and rescue because that is His nature. He will correct our course when we lose our way. And forgive us when we make a mistake because all of this is part of His creating a relationship with Himself.

As Jesus-followers, we are being watched

There is a world watching. Do they see the love that Jesus spoke about, a love that looks like God? That’s what draws people to Christ. And then He transforms lives for His glory through His Spirit.

God’s heart is grieved when His children bicker in the name of Christ. Rather than giving Almighty God the breadth of Holy-Spirit-room-and-power to work in one another in different ways and in His timing, we gnash one another with teeth of an enemy.

Yes, grieved.

Because rather than seeing the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17, the world sees grumbling children pecking one another’s eyes out in the name of Scripture. Love is absent. Grace is wanting. Instead, we call one another out on the carpet, making a mess of it.

What Has God Called You to Do?

Are we focused on the mission God has personally given to us or do we have one eye over our shoulder measuring our efforts against others’?

How should Jesus-followers actIn Nehemiah’s day, the nation of Israel had the task of rebuilding the crumbling wall. Despite the attacks of the enemy, it was completed because each family focused on repairing their portion of the wall.

We too have a sphere of influence where God has placed us to serve and carry out the Great Commission. It might not look like someone else’s section of the wall, but it is ours to work with the strength God supplies.

Stay Diligent and Devoted

As the time of Jesus’ return gets near, the enemy of our soul becomes more desperate. #SatanIsDesperate so #StandFirm Share on X

As the time of Jesus’ return gets near, the enemy of our soul becomes more desperate. So, our diligence must be at an all-time high. Stand firm against his schemes. Keep our eyes on Jesus our banner. And live in such a way that no one can fault our devotion to the gospel and the two greatest commandments, Love God and Love People.

Live in such a way that no one can fault our devotion to the gospel and the two #GreatestCommandments, #LoveGodAndLovePeople. Share on X

God will do the rest.

Well, I have unloaded my heart,


Images courtesy of Pixabay.com

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14 thoughts on “When Jesus-followers attack Other Jesus-followers

  1. Unity in the body of Christ is so important. Our primary mission as a church is to reach a lost world, to be a light in the darkness of society. But how can we do that when we’re slinging mud at one another. I think debate is important in the church, but it should be done with respect, sincerity, and the love of Christ.

  2. I love this post on so many levels Ms. Jeanne. You’re so right ma’am; this is about how “We the body of Christ” should treat each other, but it is also how we should treat this world and how the world should view us. We are called to be salt and light; and the world should see Christ in everything we say and do. I sadly, can’t tell you others always have since becoming a Christian. The saying “I’m not perfect, I’m forgiven” applies to us all. And while none of us will be perfected until God’s upward call, when we are found lacking (being petty, worldly, or just plain stupid sometimes), we need to seek forgiveness and repentance from God first. We must also be Christian enough to admit we were in error and publicly work to correct the transgression. Debate is good, and needed; debauchery (in all its forms) is of this world and wrong. The only moral high ground belongs to God, not man. Thank you for sharing your heart ma’am.

    1. Thank you for your input, J.D. My heart aches today because of this kind of treatment coming from public ministry figures. Where are the Christlike models that set the tone and pace for us? We need to do better.

  3. I love this, Jeanne: “And live in such a way that no one can fault our devotion to the gospel and the two greatest commandments, Love God and Love People.” Important words to remember every day!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    Thanks for your boldness in speaking on this issue. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:15, “Instead speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ.” The operating words being “love” and “maturity.” When we attack each other we are not demonstrating either and not following our Lord’s example.

  5. I choose to focus on what we have in common and grieve over this divisiveness. Yes, the world is watching as we bicker. We’re supposed to be the beautiful unified church. Very sad.

  6. This is so beautifully and eloquently written, my friend. So much of what you say is in my heart, but I don’t always find the words to express it. So, thank you for writing such a love-filled message. In the name of Jesus, may we be united in prayer for this nation and all its people groups.

    1. Thank you, Karen. I appreciate your encouragement. Thanks for sharing with others too! This topic isn’t going to fade away. And I think the roots are deep. I know that God wants us to be His ambassadors of love. When we need to have difficult discussions, all the more. I think we see so much of this in our culture now. It is commonplace to be a mean bully. It hurts my heart. I must hurt God’s too.

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