When I Feel Like Hiding from the World

One hundred and twenty-eight days in, and I am weary of pandemic-living. It seems I have been hiding from the world all year, but this feels different.
It’s not just wearing a mask, social distancing, cabin fever, or missing my kids. I am also tired of the confusion, social unrest, news reports, and political climate. I said to my husband on the way to church, “I feel like I want to climb into a hole and hide.”
I love when the Holy Spirit hears my heart and knows just what I need to break me out of my funk.
One hundred and twenty-eight days in, and I am weary of pandemic-living and worldly chaos. Sometimes I feel like I want to hide from the world. Share on X
The sermon in Acts 5 centered around not living in fear. God’s call to live as salt and light in the world is clear. As a Jesus follower, we are the ones with hope. We are called to lift Jesus high even when we feel like everything around us is in the ditch. And even with the risk of consequences we can’t allow ourselves to hide from the world. When fear begins to drive us down into inactivity and obscurity, we need the filling of the Holy Spirit all the more.
When fear begins to drive us down into inactivity and obscurity, we need the filling of the Holy Spirit all the more. #BeSalt&Light #wearyandworn Share on X
We can’t be light on our own.
We can’t be salt in our own strength.
Instead of Hiding from the World – We Have A Promise of Help
That’s why Jesus left us with a promise, so that the Holy Spirit could come and indwell believers and our witness would be supercharged with His power. We can stand firm because of Christ. We can live victoriously. And there is no place for cowering in a hidey-hole when we claim to follow and serve the Living God.
There is no place for cowering in a hidey-hole when we claim to follow and serve the Living God. #OurGodIsGreater #StandStrong Share on X
Scripture says our salt and light will temper the world around us…
When the news looks ugly.
When violence seems to overtake.
When bullying pervades every venue.
When lies seem to cover truth.
When anger seeks action.
When politics divides.
When the future looks dim.
…But not when we are hiding from the world.

So my take away from the church service was that I need to put on the Armor of God and stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. No more hiding from the world.
Instead, I need to invite the Holy Spirit to fill me each day with everything I need to handle what’s coming. And, I need to trust that the God who created the world and sent His Son to rescue us from ourselves will bring His kingdom to those who are willing to receive it.
God Will Sort Truth and Lies, Good and Evil
And to those who thwart good and attempt to bring about their own agenda, God will attempt to call them to Himself. Those who lie and cheat to gain, He will continue to offer truth. Someday all will be brought into the light of God’s presence and seen for what it truly is. And until that day, God calls me to be faithful and not ashamed.
Someday all will be brought into #TheLight of #GodsPresence and seen for what it truly is. And until that day, God calls me to be faithful and not ashamed. Share on X
When I Am Tempted to Hide from the World
Micah 6:8 tells what is required of me:
To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.
In my everyday dealings with life’s junk, if I can act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him, I can trust Him to make all things right when it’s time. In the meantime, sin has a hold on the world but we are instrumental in spreading the news that Jesus came to break every chain that holds us captive.
We are instrumental in spreading the news that Jesus came to break every chain that holds us captive. #Witnesses #GodsAmbassador Share on X
When I feel overwhelmed and tempted to hide, I try these things:
Look Up and remember how much God loves me, and His faithfulness in the past
Talk to God (He can take it when I am honest with my feelings)
Get outside, take a walk, enjoy nature’s beauty
Visit with a friend (there is nothing like girl-time to boost my mood)
Read and ponder a meaningful scripture or devotional
Listen to praise music (and sing along)
Can you add to my list?
When I'm #FeelingOverwhelmed and tempted to hide, I try these things...Listen to praise music, Get outside...Can you add to my list? #BeFilledWithHisSpirit Share on X
We all need ways to live IN the world but not OF the world. And part of that is being connected to a community of believers. When I am tempted to hide from the world, the enemy cheers because isolation is one of his tools.
So we need each other! And we need to share how we combat these feelings, so be sure to add your thoughts in the comment section below.
Other Encouragement in my Email This Week
I read a devotional in a series from Moody Bible Institute called, Destructive Words, from Psalm 52. It highlights the fact that our words are powerful. They lift up or tear down. They tell truth or promote lies. It spoke to my feelings of being overwhelmed with the world right now. Here is an excerpt:
Words can do incredible damage. These destructive words come out of the heart of a person whose values are skewed. “You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth” (Psalm 52:3). ~ Today in the Word
It seems as though we are living in the days Isaiah spoke of when he said: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! ~ Isaiah 5:20
Fill up each day with the Living Word so that your light will shine in a dark world. #MakeDarknessFlee #LightofTheWorld Share on X
Jesus is THE hope we need but there are millions in the world who don’t know Him. And we are the ambassadors that God sends to make a difference around us. But we will never make an impact without the power of the Holy Spirit. So, fill up each day with the Living Word so that our light will shine in a dark world.

Is 2020 Driving You to Hide from the World?
How have you felt overwhelmed and tempted to hide from the world and the events we have experienced in 2020? I want you to know you are not alone. Please share your thoughts in the comments below and I would love to pray with you.
Stand firm in the Light of His Glory,
Want to listen to the church service and sermon I heard this week? You can slide the time right to the message at 17:45…
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Commemorate 2020 with humor…
Finding Hope in 2020
Seems great minds think alike. I liked your point about isolation… I feel Satan has been using his tool to discourage,depress and derail many people this year. Thanks for your insights.
Thanks for stopping in, Nancy. I agree. We have to be on guard and help one another with this. It is easy to get dragged down by what we see, hear, and feel. I appreciate your thoughts.
I can relate to how you feel. This stuff is getting old. But your words, “And even with the risk of consequences we can’t allow ourselves to hide from the world,” really hit home. So true and something we need to remember always. We are God’s light on this earth and if we don’t let Him shine, how can they see Him?
Barbara, Thanks for your thoughts in this. We have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us…the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. I don’t recognize or take advantage of that…why?? We need one another on this!!
Always an encouraging word Ms. Jeanne. Thank you so much ma’am. I’ve grown weary too my friend.
Thanks, J.D. How are you feeling these days…fully recovered I hope. You have had quite a year…That can bring on weariness too.
I believe many of us have gone through or are going through what you have, Jeanne. The barrage of covid, political news……..the fear being spread, the isolation have all contributed to this. BUT we serve a “Big GOD”…No more hiding…….let our light shine, let our salt flavor. Thank you for helping us see.
Jan, I need the reminders. He is a big God. He IS still on His throne. We have no need to doubt or fear….and yet He knows our frame. Our weakness. And pours out is love and grace all the more. He is faithful even when we falter. Thanks for your insights
“We can’t be light on our own.” That’s such an important lesson for us to learn. We can only reflect the light and love of Jesus through our actions. Without Him we are dark. Thank you for this inspiring message, Jeanne.
Thank you for stopping in and sharing your thoughts, Katherine. Shine brightly for Him!
Hi Jeanne,
Yes, we are all covid fatigued! I think of Paul’s words in Philippians 4:12-13 when he speaks of learning to be content in every situation. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) In our own strength we can’t persevere but His Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. We as a nation have not been severely tested but this pandemic challenges us to live out what we profess to believe.
Sheree, so true that trials raise the dross and strengthen our faith-walk. Thanks for your thoughts including the Philippians passage. I also think of Paul’s words to think on whatever is… That helps to keep our focus on His faithful provision and presence.
This devotion is so appropriate for what we are all experiencing. You are “right on” our God is big enough to provide our needs. Time with God is even more important now.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for stopping in and sharing your thoughts, Sharon. And, I know in my head He is big enough, but often when circumstances loom, I can still stumble about wondering what’s wrong with me. I truly think He is getting the attention of His children during this crazy year. May He find us faithful and expectant to all His good things.
Shining in a dark world has never been easy. I think a lot of us relate to your post. Thanks for the encouragement to keep shining Jesus’ light.
I agree, Sylvia. The great thing about that is the more we are with Jesus, the more we will shine…without even trying. Thanks for your visit and your thoughts today
I agree 100%! So tired and walk around muttering Psalm 91!
Thanks for stopping in, Lorraine. I know what you mean. This has been a trying year. And Psalm 91 is full of good encouragement.
There have definitely been hiding days for me, Jeanne. Thankfully remembering all this has made it easier to stay on the surface of life. I’m grateful that not one thing escapes God’s notice and He hears every prayer. I’m also grateful for times of sweet refreshing and getaways with my sisters in Christ. That always adds fresh wind to my sails.
Thank you for sharing!
I agree, Linda. Time with Christian sisters is such a huge help.
I have definitely wanted to hide this year from all the stress and craziness. The Bible says that we are allowed to hide in Him as our refuge, and He will protect us, even as we are out in the world. Thanks for sharing.
Joanna, those are some of my favorite verses…hiding myself in Him…being under the shadow of His wings. Thanks for stopping in and sharing your thoughts
Jeanne, thank you for contrasting our tendency to hide with our charge to live as salt and light. Sharing our common feelings and biblical truth encourage us to finish the race well.
Jesus knew we would need the power of the Holy Spirit to live and shine in a dark world. Thanks, Jeannie for your thoughts on this and the desire to finish well. I think this is the heart cry of every follower of Jesus.