What’s Love Got to do With It? – Everything!

We give gifts to those we love on Valentine’s Day. Does love last? God’s love does. In a world where love is often cheap and disposable, this is good news. His love lasts for eternity. And He offers it to you.


What’s Love Got to Do With It?

loveI just sent my grandson a Valentine in the mail with hugs from Lao Lao and Lao Yei. It is not easy to show love from a distance, though we try our best with cards, stickers, and Skype calls. Visits are the best. The nearer we are, the easier to feel and show our affection.

It’s the same with showing and feeling the love of God. So draw near today and see that…

God’s Love Is…

Everlasting. That word means never-ending, never-changing – past, present and future – His devotion is constant and forever.

Unconditional – no matter what we have done in the past or will do in the future, His love doesn’t change. We can’t earn it, try harder to keep it, or think we will lose it for any reason. There are no strings attached.

loveAll-encompassing, meaning that whether it comes in hugs and encouragement, or by way of discipline, His love is always true and has our best in mind.

Deeper than we can comprehend. So deep, that even when we were sinners, He died in our place. He laid His life down willingly for you and me. No matter what we have done, He takes our punishment so we can be free and forgiven.


In a world where love is often cheap and disposable, God's love lasts for eternity. And He offers it to you. Share on X


loveOffering Tokens of Affection

So as we give our small tokens of love to those in our world on this Valentine’s Day, it helps to remember the small token we can offer God as we receive His love for us.


Praise because we don’t deserve it, but He lavishes it on us anyway. Have you ever thought about that word, LAVISH? Poured out, overflowing, more than we can imagine. Check the dictionary on this one.

In a world where love is often cheap and disposable, this is good news. His commitment lasts for eternity. And He offers it to you.

God's love is everlasting, unconditional, all-encompassing, and deeper than we can comprehend. Share on X

So, what’s love got to do with it??



See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!  1 John 3:1


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4 thoughts on “What’s Love Got to do With It? – Everything!

  1. Thanks, Jeanne for the words of encouragement. The love of God is for ALL whether one is in a relationship or not. It’s nice to know that true love is not defined by our culture but by the One who first loved us and gave His Son as the ultimate love gift to the world!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Marilyn. I felt like our blog posts were in tandem on this topic of love in our world today. O to keep in mind God’s idea of love as we see the world limp in its need of it.

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