What Does Serving God Look Like?

What's in your hand?

What Does Serving God Look Like?

Ever wonder how you can serve God? After all, He did so much for us. What does serving God look like? It’s helpful to remember God doesn’t need us to accomplish His plans, yet the all-powerful, ever-present, all-knowing God invites us to be part of His work. So, what does that look like? This may be a clue: Most often, it looks nothing like we imagine.

What does #ServingGod look like? Most often it doesn't look like we imagine. #ServingWithOurGift Share on X

God could have toppled Jericho’s walls without any help from the Israelites who marched around the city. He could have hidden the two spies from view without involving Rahab. Yet in order to reveal His power and build someone’s faith, He called them to play a part.

And, God could have simply given Goliath a heart attack and be done with all his taunting. Yet He pricked David’s heart to stand up in indignation for the God who saved him from a lion and a bear. David could have been a strapping guy with bulging muscles, but he was a skinny shepherd boy armed with a sling, who irritated his brothers to no end.

When God involves us in His plans, He builds His kingdom one obedient soul at a time while showing His character. And we encounter the God of all power who cares for every soul He created.

I remember learning about things only God can do.

  1. Stir people to seek after Him
  2. Convict the world of judgment
  3. Convict mankind of their sin
  4. Save people from their sin
  5. Reveal Spiritual Truth
  6. Bring revival
  7. Open a heart to Christ and what He accomplished at Calvary

I found this on SermonCentral.com

At first glance, this list confirms that there isn’t much we can do to make a difference. Yet God gives us a testimony evidencing a heart change that stands out to those who knew us when. His power and grace speak volumes to a skeptical world—yet even then, only a softened and seeking heart will be open to the truth.

Serving God – What Does He Ask of Us?

What's in your hand?Does He ask us to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Will He tell us to fix the world? Are we expected to single-handedly feed and house the poor?

Not at all. He asks us a simple question, one that He asked Moses when he sent him to free the people from Egypt. God asked, “What do you have in your hand?” Exodus 4:2.

Moses answered, “a staff.”

He had been pasturing His father-in-law’s sheep when suddenly he faced a burning bush. And a simple tool of his trade became the symbol of God’s presence, power, and deliverance.

David’s tool was a sling and five small stones. His aim had gotten quite good out on the hillside when predators attempted to kill his sheep.

The widow’s mite. An alabaster jar of perfume. A shout from those who marched around Jericho’s walls. Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams. These are nothing without the power of God and a desire to worship.

Want to #ServeGod? He is asking, #WhatIsInYourHand. Share on X

Serving God with What is in Your Hand

And if He is the same God, which He is, He has given us tools too. When we are faced with a need, He asks, “What is that in your hand?”

It may be a pen, an account ledger, a cookpot, a chainsaw, a toolbox, a spare room, notecards, or a free afternoon… all become something bigger when we offer them to God.

So what does it look like when we offer whatever is in our hands to God?


Worship that flows out of love and obedience. And, trust that God will use our small offering to make a big difference and accomplish more than we can imagine as we serve Him.

So, I wonder…  What is that in your hand? And how might God be calling you to use it for Him? I hope you will share your thoughts in the comments below. I’d love to hear all the ways God takes our ordinary skills to become amazing in His hands.

Serving Him today,



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15 thoughts on “What Does Serving God Look Like?

  1. When you think of it, Moses served HIM, Mary served HIM, Martha served HIM……We serve HIM, sometimes with a kettle of soup, sometimes with cookies, often by giving a ride, or with a pen. I do believe we serve HIM in our quiet time ……..as HE often tells us to “Be still and know.”

    1. Diana, thanks for stopping by today. I was thinking this morning about how Jesus said, He can do nothing without the Father…and that we are to abide in the vine to bear fruit. Not that He doesn’t ask big things sometimes, but often it is the small things.

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    Great blog! It’s so easy to think what we do for God has to be spectacular. What’s even more remarkable is the tools God gives us we’re created by God Himself. Moses staff, the stones in David’s sling even the materials that created the sling. The ingredients used to prepare a meal for someone are drawn from the very ground that God created along with seeds that cause growth. So whatever tool is in our hands, God has created and given to us to complete the task.

  3. Love this, and I was thinking that what do we have in our hand and how to serve, it came to me our Heavenly Father is letting us know what we do is really preparing ourselves to become better souls for him. With all the turmoil in this world that he is dealing with its nice to do something for our Heavenly Father to make him smile.

    1. What a sweet thought, Jeanne. Yet even as we serve, we can know that He smiles on us and calls us daughters because He loves us, not for what we do. And because of that love, we want to pour out love to others. So glad you stopped by today

  4. An open hand. I love that thought Ms. Jeanne. If we open our hand so that God can place when He desires for us to do in His name into it, we’ll receive many more blessings; and we’ll be a blessing to so many more. Thank you ma’am.

  5. I use to think that to make a noticeable difference is to do something big. As time pass, the Spirit of the Lord reminded me that the last penny that woman offered was the greatest offering in the eyes of the Lord. Thank you Ma’am. It is indeed what is in our hands that can be used by God for His greater glory and praise.

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