What Day Is It? The Blur of Social Distancing

Social Distancing Week Four – What Day Is it? Now that we are looking at another thirty days of staying inside, I am trying to come up with ways to stay focused on the day’s moments, rather than having everything running together in a blur. #NeedAProject #SavorTheMoment

What Day Is it?


What Day Is It? The Blur of Social Distancing

What Day Is it?I have totally lost track of time during our three weeks of social distancing. Lately our weekly schedule revolves around trash day and church. Without actually going to church on Sunday, I am lost in a sea of hours. I keep asking myself, what day is it?

Just the other day, I wondered aloud, Is today Thursday? 

Hubby replied, “Let’s see, yesterday was Tuesday because I put the trash out. Today is Wednesday.”

Is anyone else having trouble with keeping track of their days?

My brain is crowded with avoiding-the-virus plans to do much beyond the daily survival of cooking, cleaning up, making the bed, house cleaning, laundry…so I read, watch a bit of a favorite series on TV, and take walks.

Then I figured out that Sunday was the fulcrum of my week. My point of reference. My launch point for the days ahead. And I have missed it. We still watch the live streaming church service but it isn’t the same. I miss the interaction.

Staying Focused in the Coming Weeks

what day is it?Now that we are looking at another thirty days of staying inside, I am trying to come up with ways to stay focused on the day’s moments, rather than everything running together in a blur.

What I need is a project, preferably a creative one that will help me to focus when my feet hit the floor in the morning.

I did organize shelves in the basement. And as much as I love the result, it’s not quite what I am looking for.

what day is it?I made a list of plants I want to get once the weather warms up. Basil, parsley, rosemary and thyme for my herb garden. A couple of house plants for the screen porch.

I have managed to write a few blog posts. But wonder if I have it in me to work on a longer project.

I want to make a wreath for my kitchen door but can’t go into a store to purchase the things I need yet. Ordering online doesn’t help with envisioning because of differences in color and scale.

I am catching myself in my regular trap of looking ahead rather than focusing on today. #WhatDayIsIt #Week4ShutDown Share on X

I am catching myself in my regular trap of looking ahead rather than focusing on today. So not only do I need a project, I also need to focus on things that are happening right now.

So here are some moments I’ve been savoring:

A hot shower

Sunsets (and lately sunrises too)

Warm sunshine

Grass turning green

Daffodils reaching for the sun

Skyping with kids and grand kids

Tasting something yummy – I made chocolate chip cookies

Sending mail

The sound of birds and bullfrogs

Hugging my hubby

Seeing the good in others


Finding something marvelous in God’s word – I’m reading the Book of Acts

Laughing at silly things

Answers to prayer

The trick will be remembering how to continue savoring these things once life gets back to ‘normal’ and our pace is resumed.

Some project ideas to help fill my days with purpose:

What day is it?Create a fairy garden

Continue working on a book project I started months ago (been procrastinating)

Edit and look at ways to put my Bible study of Esther to good use

Create devotionals to share

Brainstorm topic ideas for upcoming retreats

Start seeds indoors for moon flowers and morning glories – they are basking in a sunny window as I write this. Stay tuned for updates on my arched trellis idea.

Is anyone else having trouble with keeping track of their days? #SocialDistanceDays #WhatDayIsIt? Share on X

Do you find yourself asking, What Day is it?

Maybe you are feeling a bit stir crazy at home. What do you miss during this time of social distancing?

Something I am reminded of…that Jesus is my fulcrum and point of reference. He is my focus in the middle of these long and empty days. And the quiet is helping me to see I have everything I need right here. Watch for a future post on this topic 🙂

How about you? Have you found ways to make the most of this time of shut down?

What projects are you engaged in? What might you start? And how are you savoring today’s moments?

Be sure to share your comments below. I know they will encourage others (and me) as we tick off the days of the calendar.



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13 thoughts on “What Day Is It? The Blur of Social Distancing

  1. Enjoyed the post Ms Jeanne. Haven’t lost track of my days yet, but seem to be losing track of the hours in each one. “How in the world is it this late already?” Am trying to get more “God time” into each of my days so I can do something useful and productive. Some days are more successful than others I’m afraid. Stay safe, well, and blessed ma’am.

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    Since I am working from home it helps to keep me on track with the days of the week. I do miss my social connections. I was used to having lunch with friends on my days off. Telehealth counseling also doesn’t bring the same satisfaction as meeting with people in person. My home sometimes feels like a prison instead of a place of refuge. I am just trying to remain in the present day and continuing to pray and read the word.

    1. Sheree, I saw something this past week that said, “I am not stuck at home, I’m safe at home.” that helped put it into perspective for me. It is amazing how our culture who was content to live in their phones, online, and inside, suddenly miss the ability to get out. I think this may help to change us a bit after all of this passes. Blessings to you and Barry. Stay well and safe.

  3. Jeanne, I know we aren’t the only ones trying to stay on track with the days of the week. I agree, Sunday seemed to be my “go from.” I love “I am safe at home.” Our perspective needs to be focused on that. I have been tackling my cellar, areas that need to be dealt with. Also, sitting with the LORD listening and talking with HIM…..HE loves hearing from me.

    1. Jan (Mom), Yes, He does love to hear from us…just like I love hearing from my kids 🙂 I am thankful for the grace to be able to see the good in the middle of all of this. We have so much! We are safe. And we are God’s.

  4. Yes! I know the feeling of not knowing what day it is. I have to look at my calendar or phone.
    I have been reading more blogs and writing a bit more. I am also teaching a Zoom Bible study which has been fun and rewarding. Thank you for your post.

    1. Stephanie, thanks for your thoughts. I love that you are teaching a Bible study using ZOOM. Even those commitments help us to stay focused during times like this.

  5. I love the things that you are keeping close to your heart during these routine days! God has a way of showing up in unexpected ways when we take a deeper look at the little things. Thanks for that reminder!

  6. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus is our point of reference, always! I’m losing track of days, too! I missed a newspaper assignment early in our isolation, because I didn’t know what day it was! Fortunately, I got it in the next morning without too much delay!

  7. I, too, get lost in the maze of days though I’m still working. The regular pattern of life has ceased. It’s important to stay focused on what God wants us to learn today. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I loved your savoring moments list! What I miss most is not being able to travel to see my family. We’ve already canceled two trips, and it looks like number three will suffer the same fate. Blessings, Jeanne!

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