We’re Not Alone – Good News While Waiting

not alone

There is good news while we wait: We’re not alone!

not aloneIn my last post, we looked at some things to do while we wait so we can keep our focus on both God’s promise and goodness. When waiting fills us with uncertainty, we can take comfort in the fact that we’re not alone.  [Tweet This]

Wait is a four-letter word for most of the population. That’s why we need one another for a sanity check. We are often calmer with other’s situations than we are with our own. So, we can share encouragement while we keep one another sane.

After posting my last blog, I noticed two others who had similar writings on the subject. Ha, told you we’re not alone. Not only do we struggle together, the Holy Spirit knows it and offers tandem messages of encouragement for us.

Both of these writers post regularly on a Facebook group I belong to called, Christian Poets and Writers.

Paul Phillips is a fifty-something grandfather of four, and husband of one. He owns a music shop and loves Jesus. His words touched my waiting heart:

not aloneStand and Wait

Paul Phillips

I can count.  I learned how to do it in first grade.  Really.

With a wry smile, the orchestra conductor waved her hand in a circle to cut off the entire group.  The entire group!  Most of the musicians waited to hear what the problem was, but I knew.  I knew.

The wry smile was aimed at me. Twenty-one measures, I had counted.  Twenty-one groups of four beats, following the movement of her baton.

I counted—one-two-three-four, two-two-three-four, three-two-three-four, four-two-three-four—all the way up to twenty-one and then three more beats before I played my notes.  At least, that’s what I was supposed to do.

I had only to play five notes—just five—one after another, at the same time the flute soloist played her melody.  It should have been heavenly.  Should have been.

It wasn’t.

When I played my notes—my five notes—the flute wasn’t playing.  Well, not until the last one I played.

She came in when she was supposed to.  I hadn’t waited long enough….    [Read the rest of Paul’s post here]

Excerpt shared with permission

The same morning another writer posted an insightful missive—my new friend, Ana Lisa de Jong pens poetry from her home in New Zealand. Her words blessed me as I allowed the topic of waiting to swirl about me that day. I know her words will touch your heart too:

not aloneHis Light

It is a way forward,
this light, however dim,
and even if I can see my way
only one step at a time,
I trust in the guide
who sees fit to shine
His light only where He leads….

[Read the remainder of His Light on Ana Lisa’s website]

Excerpt shared with permission

So, if waiting is hard, take comfort that you are not alone. It is notable that the wait often brings with it a gift. Both are four-letter words with a promise.

It is thought provoking to think that God may be waiting for us, rather than the other way around. Often, we are the one who needs time to be ready for the outcome of our wait. God’s timing is always perfect.   [Tweet This] 

He is preparing us, others and the circumstances around us before He brings the answer…right on time.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about Paul and Ana Lisa’s words.

What gift do you anticipate in your wait? Can you share a story when God was right on time?



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Standing on His Promises While You Wait


All Images Courtesy of morguefile.com


2 thoughts on “We’re Not Alone – Good News While Waiting

  1. Why is it so difficult for us to wait……to be (as my doctor has said) “purposeful.” Doing one thing at a time with your mind on that thing isn’t that easy for me. I have multi-tasked most of my life. The world tells us to achieve, work, produce. The Lord tells us “In quietness and trust is our strength” Age has a way of showing us the true meaning of His words. Words of wisdom in Paul’s, Ana Lisa, and your writing, Jeanne.
    Thank you Mom

    1. Mom, I think women are multi-taskers by nature. We have to be, to survive. I remember holding one of the baby’s bottle with my chin while I answered the phone. After awhile we think busy becomes us–defines us. I think your doctor is wise. And, Rebecca mentioned in a comment on another post about delighting in the moment. This is my prescription too.

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