Unlikely Stars – The Shepherds

We have met Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary, and Joseph. Find out about those shepherds who were the first to hear the good news of Jesus’ birth. #UnlikelyStars God uses to bring about His plans.


Happy New Year to you! In my previous posts, we watched Zacharias and Elizabeth, and Mary and Joseph’s story unfold. In this installment, we meet the shepherds doing what they do every night, watching over their sheep. These unlikely stars encountered miraculous events that changed history forever.

Their account is found in Luke 2:8-20.  And be sure to Download Your Free Printable here.

Unlikely to be Chosen

Growing up, I remember our class assemblies where we sang Christmas carols for our parents. Week after week we filed down to the auditorium to rehearse. We lined up by height with the shortest on the ends and tall ones in the center. From day one, I was always the one at the end, and my friend, Sherry was at the other. We were the same height and looked like human bookends for the rest of the class.

Unlikely stars get chosenThings didn’t improve much. I was usually the last one chosen when we had to pick teams for gym class, especially when the game was basketball. They didn’t know I could throw a baseball like a boy and a pretty fast runner. They just saw my outer appearance – which was very ordinary.

It was unlikely that I would hit a home run, score a basket, or win a race. I wasn’t one of the popular kids. So every time the choosing began, I simply hoped I wasn’t picked last.

It was unlikely that I would hit a home run or score a basket. So every time the choosing began, I simply hoped I wasn't picked last. #UnlikelyStars #HeChoseShepherds Share on X

God Chooses Unlikely People to Accomplish His Purpose

Interestingly, God prefers the ordinary so that His ability can shine. We read about David when he fought Goliath, Esther when she saved her people, or Mary, who bore the Son of God. They were nothing special. But they had a willing heart to hear and follow God’s leading.

God prefers the ordinary so that His ability can shine. #UnlikelyStars in God's #HeavenlyDrama Share on X

The Christmas story has amazing details about unsuspecting, unlikely people who found themselves in the middle of a drama—a story not yet unfolded—but one destined to be remembered. The Angel Gabriel was dispatched with the message. Zacharias just happened to have temple duty. Elizabeth was too old to get pregnant. Joseph was betrothed to Mary. Mary became miraculously pregnant. Caesar Augustus called for a census, taking Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem, which happened to be foretold long ago as the birthplace of the coming Messiah. Almighty God chose the cast of a timely story that would change both history and humanity for eternity,

They were unlikely stars in a Heavenly drama that only God could direct.

The Shepherds – Most Unlikely to Succeed

As I thought about this story, I pondered. The shepherds out in the fields that night seemed the most unlikely stars of all. The job of shepherding sheep was mundane. Night after night they huddled in sheep-scented clothing, watching out for anything that could harm their flock. They were dirty, smelly, and often as wooly and overgrown as their sheep. They were not well-regarded in society. So lowly, that they were unable to testify in court and forbidden from the Temple.

Shepherds were often lonely, alone as they watched night after night hoping nothing would happen. Imagine their fright when the sky lit up and the angel choir began to sing.

The shepherds prepared that night as they always do. Taking turns at the watch. Counting the sheep. Their eyes scanned the fields for anything suspicious. Armed with a rod, a staff, and a sling, they stayed alert. These shepherds could have been those who kept the sacrificial sheep, ready for their ceremonies and offerings. They were just outside of Jerusalem, not far from Bethlehem.

Unbeknownst to them, a drama had been unfolding and that very night a young couple had arrived in Bethlehem looking for lodging. Mary’s time to give birth was close and there was no room for them to stay. But there was a stable—probably a cave, where they took shelter. An unlikely place to give birth.

I picture the moment of Jesus’ first cry; the sky lit up the shepherd’s field as a host of angels made the announcement. The startled shepherds were overwhelmed by this light—the glory. And the angel proclaimed, Unto You is born, in the city of David… these unlikely recipients saw and heard the glorious news first.

Why Would God Give the News to Lowly Shepherds?

I wondered. Why did God choose the most unlikely people to hear? To go and tell… Who would listen to them? Their testimony had never been heard before…never believed before. Yet God sent the word to the unlikely so their testimony was all the more powerful.

After the angelic choir filed off the heavenly stage, the shepherd’s first words were, Let us go and see. When they arrived, they found all as the angel described, a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. They told Mary and Joseph all they had seen and heard. This message – the birth of the Savior of the world, the Lamb of God who would save people from their sin…proclaimed to unlikely witnesses who understood the significance of the sacrificial lamb.

The Sheep Tower, A Not So Unlikely Place

There is some evidence that this stable is the Migdal Edar (special tower) prophesied in Micah 4:8-10. This was the place where the sacrificial lambs were born and raised, located near the sheep gate of the temple. And the swaddling clothes were not something Mary had to produce, but would have been there as part of the process of wrapping the newborn lambs to keep them from getting dirty, marred, or scarred, to be kept perfect for sacrifice. The symbolism is rich and beautiful as we see Jesus, the lamb of God, perfect in every way, wrapped in those protective cloths.

Ever wonder about the #MigdalEder, The Tower of the Flock? And what it has to do with Jesus' birth? #UnlikelyStars like the shepherds. Share on X

God’s Gift for All Mankind

I can imagine the shepherds pondering all of this, as they proclaimed the story to all they met. Each unlikely star in the nativity story had a part to play in God’s perfectly timed plan. Each of them encouraged the others with their piece of the drama…yet not fully understanding the big picture that was unfolding before them.

God could have sent the messenger to Herod’s palace or the Jewish rulers of that time. But instead, He chose to tell the least likely because His coming, His message, His grace is for all mankind.

God Chose You

God chooses unlikely stars to bring about His plan, and we witness miracles that must be shared. We can’t help but ponder the wonder of it all.

In the same way, God chose you from the foundation of the world, for work that He planned before the world began so that you will bear the name of Jesus, and proclaim Him to the world (Ephesians 2:10).

Are we unlikely stars? Lost? Blind? Naked? Without Jesus, yes.

But scripture says He set you apart, not because you’re a star. Not because you are tall, beautiful, smart, strong, or capable—but because you belong to Him—you are His workmanship. And you have a part in His story of redemption.

Lost, yes, but He seeks and finds us—

We are blind, but He gives us spiritual eyes to see – a heart to receive

He covers our nakedness with Himself. His grace, mercy, redemption, forgiveness, and righteousness are a cloak.

Unlikely, yes.

Unworthy, yes.

Unloved, NO.

God loves the unlikely stars, the shepherds of the world, so much that He sent His son Jesus to become the sacrificial lamb to cover every sin. All who receive this gift of grace will have eternal life with Him.

Whether you are rich, poor, young, old, we all need the Savior that came as a baby over 2,000 years ago.

So, we have met Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, each with a part to plan in this story of Jesus coming down to us. What struck you most as you’ve seen this drama unfold? Do you have other insights to share about the shepherds? Be sure to share your comments below.

Until Next Time,


Scripture tells us to do our own research into what is true. So if you are curious like me, never knowing about the Flock of the Tower, I encourage you to dig into it for yourself. Here are some resources:

Migdal Edar, The True Story Behind The Birthplace of Jesus. | Focus On The End Times Ministry

migdal eder – Search Images


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4 thoughts on “Unlikely Stars – The Shepherds

  1. Dear Jeanne, I did not open this email for a few days. Company here, busy days.
    Now I know why……..I needed to ponder such amazing information. So much I didn’t realize. I did know God often uses the unlikely………I’ve often wondered why he chose me ? Thank you for all your insight, you bring “real” to the places and people that the LORD chose.

  2. Happy New Year! Jeanne
    I am familiar with Migdal Eder. When I first learned about it, I found it fascinating and as was mentioned in your blog, the symbolism with Christ’s birth was amazing. Why did God choose unlikely people like the shepherds? I believe to once again reinforce the idea that Christ understands us and we can identify with Him. He came to earth in the most unlikely way and was not the likely Messiah the Jews were waiting for. How could I identify with a king? There’s not many people born into royalty in this world, so it is hard for a “commoner” like me to identify with, for example, the royal family in the UK. Therefore, if Jesus had been born in a palace and hung out with only royalty and the teachers of the law, then it would be hard for me and countless other “common” people to relate to Him.

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