Unlikely Stars: God Uses Unlikely People in His VIP Plan

Unlikely Stars Image

Do you remember in high school when we voted for the Most Likely’s…most likely to succeed…best smile…most athletic…cutest couple… Yet, at the ten or twenty-year reunions, the unlikely stars shined. The shy girl started a successful business; the geeky guy grew more handsome; and the late bloomer stood six feet tall. The most and least likely were much different than our short-sighted high school votes.

This Christmas, we see unlikely stars in a drama with ripple effects only God could put in motion.

This #Christmas, we see #UnlikelyStars in a drama with ripple effects only God could put in motion. Share on X

You know the saying, hindsight is 20/20. It’s not until we are well past life events that we see the bigger picture. This is true for those in our story.  They would not have been pictured on the ‘Most Likely to Succeed’ poster of life, yet somehow, God chose them for a role in a complex drama—a drama that would be in the forefront for millennia to come.

Their circumstances were difficult and heartbreaking. They came face-to-face with a challenge of faith that would alter them. And alter history…His-Story.

We know the airbrushed story. Our Cliff-notes version goes something like this:

An angel visits Mary and tells her she will have a child even though she isn’t married. Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem for Caesar’s census where Mary goes into labor. They have trouble finding a place to stay and end up in a stable where Mary gives birth to Jesus. Shepherds hear the news from angels while in the field and go to find the baby sleeping in a manger. And Mary ponders all this in her heart. The End

God Chooses Unlikely Stars in His Story

Read the story in Luke chapters 1-2, and Matthew 1-2. Unlikely Stars Printable

We are familiar with the tale yet some of the smaller details may be missed. We know every good story needs a startling event or conflict. These hooks grab our attention and keep us reading. This story has plenty of that! This is where our journey begins…

…It’s been 400 years since the last Old Testament prophets spoke when suddenly an angel appears to Zacharias.

Zacharias and Elizabeth

In verse Luke 1:6 it tells us, This elderly couple were righteous in the sight of God and walked blamelessly. They were from the priestly line. Yet both Zacharias and Elizabeth are well along in years. Life hasn’t been kind to Elizabeth. Our text says she is “called barren”. She has never had a child and that puts her into a category of shame, and less than—it was thought that sin was the cause. This stigma has followed her all her married life.

Zacharias comes from a long line of priests. This role was passed down from father to son. But Zacharias has no son. This has cast a long shadow, proof that he and Elizabeth have done something to displease God.

Unlikely Names Can Define Us

We all know people in our lives who are called ‘something’. Kind. Busy. Nervous. Fearful. Cold. Welcoming. These labels can define us if we let them. And Elizabeth has allowed ‘barren’ to define who she is.

Zacharias serves in the temple. He has prayed fervently for a child, year after year. But year after year, no answer. There will be no one to carry on the family place in the priesthood. His priestly line is coming to an end unless he has a son to pass it on to. And time is running out.

Zacharias is approaching retirement—Once in a priest’s lifetime, they may be chosen by lot to burn incense in the temple and pray. And then proclaim a blessing over the people who wait outside. Year after year, Zacharias has presented himself for the drawing of lots. And year by year the priests among him are younger and younger. Every year, his name is not chosen. 

Unlikely Turn of Events

Yet, in Luke 1:8, Zacharias is chosen by lot to enter the temple and stand before the curtain that separates the Holy of Holies—there he will burn incense and then pray a blessing over the people who wait outside. God often bestows a blessing over the chosen priest and may grant a special blessing. So in verse 11, the angel says, the LORD has heard your prayer and you will have a son. Elizabeth will conceive and you will name him John.

But, Zacharias questions the angel, ‘How can I be certain…

I wonder, after years of waiting, unanswered prayer, and disappointment, if this is why Zacharias doubts the angel’s words. Did the physical impracticality of conception at such an old age cloud Gabriel’s news of a miracle? 

Did the physical impracticality of conception at such an old age cloud Zacharias from seeing Gabriel's news of a miracle? Join me for #UnlikelyStars in the #ChristmasDrama Share on X

This unlikely couple is about to experience the mighty hand of God, even though they feel it’s too late. Yet, God is always on time.

Because of Zacharias’ unbelief, the angel tells him he will be silent until John is born.

It looks like the 400 years of silence will last a bit longer.

The people are waiting outside the temple for Zacharias’ blessing. But when he comes out, it is clear that something happened. Zacharias is gesturing but unable to tell them what happened, and unable to proclaim the awaited blessing upon them.

After his duty at the temple is complete, he returns home. Just as the angel promised, Elizabeth conceives.

In Verse 25: Elizabeth says the Lord has looked on her with favor to take away her disgrace. When John is born, Zacharias writes on a tablet when their family is disputing the choice of the name John. Suddenly, his words tumble out as he prophesies over his newborn son.

God restores unlikely stars in His time and for His purpose.

What Can We Glean from These Unlikely Stars?

When we face hard things and wait forever for answers, we want relief. We struggle to endure being shunned or overlooked. Zacharias and Elizabeth give us hope.

God’s timing meant that Zacharias and Elizabeth had to experience childlessness until God’s messiah was ready to be conceived. His sovereign choice of Mary to bear the Son of God meant she needed to be born – and grow to the right age to be betrothed to Joseph.

God restores #UnlikelyStars in His time and for His purpose. A #ChristmasDrama starring the Unlikely Share on X

Things to Ponder:

* There is a bigger picture we cannot see at the moment, yet God knows it from beginning to end.

* God is never late – His timing is perfect

* When our circumstances are difficult, unfair, unpopular, and attract whispers from others, we need to remain faithful and believe God’s word and promises.

* We can trust that when the answers do come, things will be as they should be. God’s purpose will unfold.

Romans 8:28 – God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

And this is only the beginning of things working together for God’s plans. Next time, we will look at Joseph and Mary. Their predicament was uncertain and not without scorn from their neighbors. These unlikely stars, at least in the world’s eyes, were not likely to succeed either. But God’s purpose and plan will prevail as they trust and believe.

How do Zacharias and Elizabeth encourage you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

As you ponder these unlikely stars during this season, may you find wonder in His plans,


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5 thoughts on “Unlikely Stars: God Uses Unlikely People in His VIP Plan

  1. Jeanne, you open this story is such a way to retrieve the miraculous. I was not aware of the priests being chosen for the blessing. As always, your insight is amazing.

    1. Thanks, Mom. As I read these passages again, it struck me. It never occurred to me how critical it was for Zacharias to have a son to pass along the priesthood. And the impact of seeing how our delays and disappointments are often waiting for God’s purpose to unfold. This gives me more faith and peace to wait on Him.

  2. God is the God of the impossible. No matter how old we get, He will continue to work in and through us until our last breath. Thanks be to God that in our doubting, impatience, and confusion He never gives up on us!

  3. Hi Jeanne,
    It’s nice to know and an encouragement that like Zacharias and Elizabeth God can and will use us no matter how old we get. We will continue to serve unto we take our last breath. Nothing can hinder God’s plan and it’s a great gift and blessing that we are part of His-Story!

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