Truth or Lies – Which Mirror Do You Believe?

truth or lies

Truth or Lies – Which Mirror Do You Believe?

truth or liesThere is only one way to see ourselves clearly – that’s in God’s mirror. It helps us distinguish between truth or lies. The difficulty comes when our mirror shows two messages; we need to decide which one to believe.

Scripture tells us we are made in God’s image. When God looks at us, He sees the one He made. He sees our heart.

Our desires to be wanted, cherished, precious, appreciated, and protected are placed within us by God Himself. He is the only one that can fulfill those desires. But often, we look other places to be satisfied.

Scripture is clear on how God feels about us, so why is it so hard for us to feel loved and precious to God?

Our image in the mirror is more likely to be skewed by:

truth or liesWhat others say – Words hurt despite what the sticks and stones rhyme says.

Our past mistakes and failures – tell us we’re unworthy

Comparison – chokes our confidence and peace

Society’s Standard – magazine covers lie

Accusations of the Enemy – He is a master at twisting our thoughts.

We allow these images to define us. Instead of finding growth, peace, and victory, we wallow in uncertainty and despair. Insecurity clouds our confidence. And we don’t see the giftedness God has given us to impact the Kingdom.

Why is it so hard for us to feel loved and precious to God? Share on X

When our mirror shows two messages; we need to decide which one to believe. Share on X

Getting a Glimpse of God’s Love

Our son was boarding his flight to come back to the states from South Korea for a mid-tour Christmas break. As I prayed for safe travel and a restful time with his wife, I imagine the flight crew announcing, “We have servicemen and women on board our flight today, and we thank you for your service.”

I’ve experienced this on many flights as the people on the plane applaud these young men and women who give up so much to serve our nation.

My heart swelled with love and tears began to fall because I am so proud of Him. Then, I heard God say, ‘This is how I feel about you as my daughter.’


This is how God feels about you too.

Somehow God’s love seems clearer and more tangible when I think about how I feel about my children. His love is so big. Being a parent, mother-in-law, and grandma who loves my family deeply gives me a glimpse of how my Heavenly Papa feels about me.

Join me next time when we look at dispelling the lies in your mirror. Until then, tell me about a lie you see when you look in your mirror. How do you know it’s a lie? What’s the truth of that image?

Tell us about a lie you see when you look in your mirror. Share on X

See you next time.


Bring this message of our identity in Christ to your next women’s event. Contact me for more information about, Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself in God’s Eyes 

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12 thoughts on “Truth or Lies – Which Mirror Do You Believe?

  1. The lies I tend to believe often relate to my physical appearance and those little imperfect areas like the “love handles” or the not so tight abs. The truth is I am overall a healthy woman and God loves me just as I am.

    1. He sure does, Sheree. I think we all can focus on certain areas, and many times others don’t notice the same things at all. I see you as strong and beautiful…no love handles or ab-issues at all. 🙂

  2. Jeanne,
    What a great way to describe our Father’s love for us. My oldest son is in the Air Force, by the way.
    Too often we compare ourselves to worldly standards and/or, listen to the lies of the enemy. This is why “hiding God’s word in our heart” is so important. We must “take those thoughts captive” and focus on the truth.
    Thank you, thank you for this reminder. It’s something we need to hear over and over.

    1. Thanks, Beckie. Our son is in the AF also. I think we know in our head that God loves us, but it needs to sink that extra 12″ to our hearts. That’s when seeing how much I love my kids comes into play – I get that. And I can begin to fathom HIS great love all the more. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and love it that we need HIS word to transform our minds to think rightly of ourselves and HIM.

  3. I love when you heard God say, “That’s how I feel about you.” I have heard that whisper in His voice and it’s so overwhelming and endearing. How He loves us! Immeasurably. Abundantly! Even more than we can imagine.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Dawn. His whisper is precious for sure. His love is so extravagant…lavished on us. Doesn’t that sound extravagant?! If we can just rest in that love everyday, I think our walk with Him would look very different.

  4. Boy, sometimes it’s hard to live by the truth because the lies are so deeply ingrained. Through the years I’ve tried to memorize verses with truths I can use to combat the lies Satan, the deceiver and the accuser, hurls at me. It helps, though I still lose the spiritual battle and fall prey to the lies more often than I’d like to.

  5. I’m with you, Michelle. Sometimes it begins so subtly that I don’t recognize it for what it is right away. I wonder what can be done to kick up the awareness a notch? Being in the word, of course. And being in the word with others whom we trust….thoughts?

  6. I’m late responding, Jeanne, but I enjoyed your post. I think the lies in my mirror change according to the busy-ness of my day and what I have on my agenda for that day. Which is all the more reason why I need to start each and every day with God to help me dispel WHATEVER the lies are for that day!

    1. Julie, thanks for your thoughts. I’d love to know more about the connection you see between your lies and busyness. I find that really interesting because busyness is another topic I speak about at women’s events and retreats. Can you tell me more?

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