Time-Out – When A Pause Is Needed

When the treadmill of life won’t stop, you need a time-out. Discover the benefits of pausing when life is too busy and you need to catch up.


time-outTime-Out : When A Pause Is Needed

When my children were small they needed a time-out on occasion. Time alone was a benefit—to cool down and think. Their time-out also gave me a chance to assess the situation and decide how to handle things.

These days, having time to think is a rare thing. Someone once said:

If Satan can’t make you bad, he will make you busy.  [Tweet This]

Well, we ‘do busy’ very well in our culture and lack the time to power down. We are barely able to keep pace on the treadmill of life. Our actions become reactionary rather than calm and decisive.

Discover the Benefits of an Adult Time-Out

time-outTaking a time-out can give us space to be intentional. Pressing pause in our hectic lives is a form of soul-care—a holistic slow-down. Taking a time-out can help us to assess, recharge and refocus before fatigue gets the better of us.

Pressing pause in our hectic lives is a form of soul-care   [Tweet This]

You may be thinking, “How in the world am I ever going to schedule time with the way my life is?”

You can do it. And, you can start out slow. So whether you take an hour in the bathtub, an afternoon by the lake, an overnight get away by yourself—the idea is to start somewhere. I can assure you that once you taste the quiet with God, you will hunger for more.

Pressing the Pause Button Can:


Refocus our priorities

Recharge our batteries

Renew our heart, mind and faith

Draw near to God’s heart and know His presence

Experience God’s love and grace

Pausing Gives God Permission to take the Reins  [Tweet This]

Ideas for Making Your Time-Out Happen

Take a walk – Notice your surroundings and bring a camera to capture some of what you discover.

Choose a Bible verse to meditate on – What action words to you see? What is God saying to you? What else does this verse bring to mind about God’s character and faithfulness?

Take time to play – what does play look like to you? Is there something you used to enjoy that you haven’t done in awhile? Use modeling clay or coloring pages—or something that interests you. Notice how you feel while doing this activity. What have you missed by not taking time to play?

Talk to God about what’s going on in your world – so often we feel like we need to handle life on our own. But, God is there and ready to help.

I would love to hear your time-out ideas…

Do you hear Him calling you to pause? How can you take the first step in that direction today?



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Suggestions for Soul Care Resources when you need to Pause:

Images courtesy of Morguefile.com

12 thoughts on “Time-Out – When A Pause Is Needed

  1. Great post my friend! Yes, to pause…we must purpose to pause. I love to gather my Bible, my coffee, and snuggle in…when I’m comfortable, I can rest. I also give myself some freedom…I don’t have to rest for a long time…15 minutes is great.

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I can just picture you all snuggled with your blanket. Your words remind me of the 23rd Psalm. The sheep were able to rest, and lie down in green pastures because they were not afraid. They trusted their shepherd. What a beautiful picture of God’s care for us.

  2. Words of Wisdom, Jeanne. There have been times in my life when I have been in “overdrive”……..He has brought me to a time of rest one way or another. Either by my surrender, or He will arrange another way. Not always my choice. The “rest, stillness” with Him brings us strength. Enjoy and love it. Thank you for the timely reminder. Love Mom

    1. So true, Mom. If I could just get it through my head that the pause is for my best. And, that scheduling them often rather than waiting for a crisis to bowl me over…I would much healthier for it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Great post, Jeanne! I used this example in my Bible study, Storms of Life. When I worked at Johnson Space Center, the schedulers for the crew’s on-orbit work day were very jealous of “white space.” This was down time with no activities scheduled. If we tried to sneak work into this time, they were quick to jump all over us.

    We all need white space but we won’t get it unless we actively schedule it and guard it earnestly.

    1. I agree, Sherry. And how wonderful of them to recognize and guard their need of their white space. I need to do more of that. Schedule it and then post a guard over that time. Big letters: SOUL CARE TIME

  4. Awesome post Jeanne. I think sometimes I need to take a pause. I just get so focused on my dream that I sometimes forget that it’s okay to relax. Good encouragement.

  5. Having a “snow day” today was a bonus pause. As a very busy teacher, wife and caregiver for an elderly parent, I have had to use the word “no” more and more often in my life. I make very few plans for evenings and weekends, allowing for time to write, read, nap, take walks or visit the gym. I get up earlier in the morning so I can have a quiet cup of coffee and do my devotional reading. I earnestly protect my “downtime” and consider it a necessity. Never a luxury….

    1. So glad you see this as a MUST. We all need to take care of ourselves, Christine. Thanks for being an example for me. I am envisioning a Pause-day each week. Maybe it can take the place of Monday LOL

  6. I love your reminder to play. We sometimes think that is unimportant and a waste of time but it is a way for our minds to get refreshed. Laughter is the best medicine for a weary soul.

    1. Barbara,
      I agree about the laughter too. So good for us! I’d love to hear how you pause this week. Will you play? I took a lovely walk today with my hubby. The snow is so beautiful and it was a bit about 40 degrees with bright sunshine. It was a perfect day to enjoy. Thanks for your comments.

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