The World’s Longest Sock – Book Review and Win a Copy

The World's Longest SockHave you ever dreamed of winning a place in the Guinness Book of World Records? There are many stories of world record holders and the feats they accomplished. But, I never knew there were champion knitters who held titles until I was asked to review, The World’s Longest Sock, by Juliann Law. Here are a few of the reigning champs:

  1. Miriam Tegals from the Netherlands, holds the fastest knitting world record, stitching 118 stitches in one minute. She has held this title since 2006.
  2. Nine years ago, university professor David Babcock knit a scarf over 12ft long while running the Kansas City marathon in under six hours.

Can you imagine? What compels someone to knit a 12ft scarf while running a marathon? I found these odd facts intriguing, so when I saw this new children’s book hot off the press, I needed to check it out.

Can you imagine? What compels someone to knit a 12ft scarf while running a marathon? Share on X


The World’s Longest Sock, by Juliann Law

The World's Longest SockThis book is unique, colorful, and captures the competitive spirit of two knitters on opposite sides of the world who get wind of a knitting contest. Nana Nina and a lonely lumberman named Chuck battle to be the winner of the longest sock contest.

First Nana Nina’s sock is the longest. Then Chuck takes the lead. The competition is fierce.


What begins as an all-consuming goal eventually brings things that matter most into focus like friendship, family, and working toward a common goal that offers hope to others. When they discover many people are willing to help, it becomes a community effort and they find that winning together is better than winning alone. After all, two socks are better than one.

In the World's Longest Sock, an all-consuming goal eventually brings things that matter most into focus. Unique #ChildrensBook Review & #Giveaway Share on X

I love this story because people find hope by working together…a perfect thought for our world today. God has placed us in a community with one goal. Unity. As we work together, shining the light of Christ in the world, His glory shines brightly. Love is poured out. Grace is applied. And the world becomes a better place.

Who knew that a common pastime and goal could knit people together around the globe? Could it be that a common goal could be an answer for our world today?

Guinness Record Holders for Knitting

And if you think that knitting world champions are few and far between? Here are a few others that might interest you:

  1. The most people knitting simultaneously in a single location is 3,083 in an event organized by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes in London on May 30, 2012.
  2. In India, Air Force Wives set Guinness World Record, knit 41,541 woollen caps for underprivileged
  3. Helga Johansen from Oslo, Norway knit the longest scarf in November 2013, measuring 14,978 ft 6.16 in. It took him thirty years to complete it.

Imagine What We Can Do Together

If only!! If only we as believers in Christ could rally around a common goal despite our minor differences. Imagine what could be accomplished if our focus stayed on the prize: the upward call of Christ. Because two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).

If only we as believers in Christ could rally around a common goal despite our minor #differences. #WorkingTogether Share on X

What Guinness World Record would you battle for? Aim high – You might find a community of people who are ready and willing to come alongside to help.

I am getting ready to attend a knitting/crocheting retreat; no wonder this topic caught my attention. This book is the perfect read-aloud for children and a great addition to a raffle gift I’m bringing to the retreat for a fundraiser. And, YOU CAN WIN A COPY of The World’s Longest Sock from the publisher (Worthy Kids) by leaving a comment below (U.S. Addresses only, please).

Got your copy of, The World's Longest Sock by Juliann Law. Published by #WorthyKids Share on X

Thanks for imagining with me today.


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13 thoughts on “The World’s Longest Sock – Book Review and Win a Copy

  1. So loved this post Ms. Jeanne. I loved how you found such inspiring and encouraging words from reading this book ma’am. If only we Christians would embrace Christ’s teachings instead of trying to place worldly understandings to them, I too think we would be a much stronger, united force for positive influence and change in the world today. Not meaning to be political here, but if we look at America and our values and morals in the post-depression years and all that we did across the globe, then look at them today, we would see a stark difference. We’ve forgotten our first love. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Thanks, J.D. If only we could grasp the height, depth, and width of His love for us. Once we taste this marvelous gift of grace, it becomes more likely we will extend it to others. Praying we can release ourselves from the ‘in the box’ thinking we can have in our humanity and see the bigger picture of His love come down.

    1. What a wonderful surprise to see your name, Gail. Thanks your stopping in today. The children’s story prompted me to look at world records and I was surprised to see the knitting champions. It was fun researching them.

  2. It seems like our world is sorely lacking compassion and unity. Sadly this is true of some churches. Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another as He has loved us because the world will only know that we are His disciples if we love one another. (John 13:34-35) Are we listening?

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, Sheree. Jesus prayed for unity in John 17. I think he knew what a challenge it would be for us. And His Sermon on the Mount turned the essence of the law upside down with a different kind of ethics that make no sense to a human mind. The struggle from selfishness to selflessness is the same distance between our head and our heart.

    2. Congratulations, Sheree!! you have won a copy of The World’s Longest Sock. I know your granddaughters will enjoy it 🙂 Email me with your best mailing address and the publisher will get it out to you

  3. These facts are interesting as I never thought about a knitting contest. I have learned some stitches but I mostly crochet. This sounds like a cute book with great lessons.

    1. My first language is crochet too, Barbara. I can manage small knitting projects. I speak regularly at a fibers (knitting/crochet) retreat and thought this book was unique. Plenty of discussion points too…even for adults 🙂 Thanks for stopping in and sharing your thoughts.

    1. Hi, LuAann – Thanks for this. I can picture you and your cat. As for the little at a time…yep, totally understand. So sorry for my delay in replying. I was in Georgia squishing my granddaughter this past week. Yes, I crocheted her an afghan when she was born. I appreciate you stopping in and sharing your thoughts.

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