The Promise – Acts Chapter One; #ReadGodsWordWithYourHeart

the promise


The Promise – Acts Chapter One


the promise
Image by Cheryl Holt from Pixabay

Thanks for joining me as I blog through the Book of Acts. The theme of Acts 1 is: The Promise. You can Subscribe so you won’t miss any of these posts.

Read Acts 1

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Too Overwhelmed to Move

Forty days have passed and it’s time. Over and over, Jesus has told the disciples it’s good for Him to go away so the Helper can come. I am not sure they are convinced. I can picture them looking up at the sky, dumbfounded as He disappears into the cloud. Their world has changed forever.

During these last several weeks, I guess I feel dumbfounded too. My whole world has changed and everything thrown in confusion overnight. Nothing about this Corona-Virus makes sense and we are overwhelmed. Normal is gone and we struggle with loss, isolation, and uncertainty.

Did the disciples feel some of this angst too? Did they wonder what was next? Who would they follow? Who would teach them? Would the powerful rulers come for them next?

This pandemic has turned the world on its head, and I feel like the disciples must have been feeling similar emotions as they watched Jesus die, rise again, appear to many, and then get ready to leave them again. They were fearful, uncertain, and their world had changed too. Yet they trusted Jesus enough to do what He asked—stay in Jerusalem and wait for the promise.

Sometimes I need to remind myself when I feel unsure of my future, I simply need to do the last thing He told me to do. For the disciples, it was to wait.

When I feel unsure of my future, I need to continue to do the last thing He told me to do. #WaitingOnGod #HolySpiritPower Share on X

The Promise Brings Power and Hope

the promise
Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay

Jesus had been WITH them. Soon, the Holy Spirit will be IN them. Jesus knows this is what they need in order to carry on the business of sharing the gospel with the whole world.

And it’s what we need to live for Christ. To be a witness. Shine light to make a kingdom difference in a dark world. And boy, has our world gotten dark. The news is more than I can bear.

So, what popped off the page as I read chapter one?

Truly, I saw so many things—too many for one blog post. So, today I will dwell on the promise.

This is what I wrote in my journal:

Gather and Wait for the Promise

Acts 1:4

“Gathering them together…Wait for what the Father had promised.”

I imagine followers of Jesus gathering around the world in the middle of this health crisis. We have a common need and a common faith. We cry out to God in our uncertainty for both protection and provision. And then we wait. I believe God is with us and wants to speak in the midst of it as we rely on His Spirit. And through power that is far beyond our own, His Spirit is moving and touching lives. To heal. To motivate to action. To encourage. To mobilize us to make a difference and offer hope.

Jesus’ followers had walked with the risen Christ for forty days, and now He is telling them to wait. They were hoping for His kingdom to come right them. Instead, Jesus tells them not to leave Jerusalem until they receive what He promised. Because they were going to be His witnesses and they needed power and help to do that.

What a gift. To them and to us. I cannot imagine this world without the presence of the Holy Spirit. Scripture says He restrains the evil (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). This past week it’s hard to imagine it being any more evil. Yet the Spirit holds it back so that the full brunt cannot be let loose.

Yet someday, the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way…that’s when you and I leave this earth for heaven, my friend. Then evil will not be contained. I shudder at the thought.

Power to Be His Witness

Acts 1:8

“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you shall be my witnesses…”

Did you know that the word, WITNESS is used over thirty times in the book of Acts?

the promise
Image by Lorri Lang from Pixabay

A Promise Given:

You WILL receive power

You WILL be witnesses

In Jerusalem – Religious, educational, political circles, surrounded by ideas and powerful people.

In Judea – (our comfort zone) In outlying areas, slower way of life, a bit behind in the ways of the world, more down to earth.

In Samaria – places very different from you. Different culture, ideals, language, or laws.

Even in the remotest parts of the earth – (the most unlike us) Out of the way areas often forgotten or left out, marginalized people, often disconnected from technology and with great needs.

God wants us to witness, even to the remotest part of the world. #HolySpiritPower #NotMyPower Share on X

I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew we could not do the job of sharing the Gospel without help.

Jesus left so we could receive HIS power – not our own power or strength. Power beyond our imagination. But we need to wait in His presence to prepare for what is coming.

The Promise is For Me and for You

This is the call on my life too. I have the Holy Spirit so that I can have power to be a witness everyday of my life until He calls me home. No matter where I go. Where I live. Or visit. I am to be a witness to what God has done in my life.

A Few Closing Thoughts – The Promise of the Holy Spirit

In this first chapter, I saw some common emotions that we are feeling, both during this pandemic in 2020, and what the disciples may have felt as they experienced the cross and the forty days following. When feeling frightened and unsure, we need to wait in His presence for the power He provides for each day. And then call on that power to move forward with what God calls us to do.

No matter when we live in history, or what we face, Prayer precedes power. The disciples soon discover the depth of this truth. It is their lifeline and ours as well.

No matter when we live in history, or what we face, Prayer precedes power. #WaitForThePromise #HolySpiritPower Share on X


Join the Conversation

#ReadGodsWordWithYourHeart. Study the #BookofActs one chapter at a time and share what God is saying to you. Share on X

I hope you are enjoying this first chapter in Acts. Please add your discoveries in the comments below so we can all benefit from the richness of His word and teaching.

His Living word speaks into our lives at just the right moment. We may be facing different struggles, but His word meets our need.

This song, He Is Worthy, touched my heart this week. I hope you enjoy its message.

Stay tuned for next time when we look at Acts Chapter Two. You can read it here.

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FYI: A Few Other Things About the Book of Acts:

The Book of Acts was written by Luke. If you read the Gospel of Luke you will notice the final verses are right here at the place of Jesus’ ascension. The account in Acts picks up where Luke leaves off in his gospel account.

We are used to calling this book the Acts of the Apostles, but in truth, it’s the Acts of the Holy Spirit working through the Apostles. The Holy Spirit is the focus throughout its twenty-eight chapters and He is the promise the disciples are waiting for.

The disciples and followers of Jesus gathered in the upper room to wait for the promise. Jesus’ mother and brothers were there. Yes, his brothers finally believed in Him. It says 120 people gathered—this is ten-fold growth from the 12 disciples.

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6 thoughts on “The Promise – Acts Chapter One; #ReadGodsWordWithYourHeart

  1. Great post, Jeannie. I love the book of Acts and have learned so much more about it lately. I look forward to this series. Thank you! BTW, He is Worthy is my favorite song right now….love it!

  2. What a great way to start this series Ms. Jeanne. Can’t wait for the next editions ma’am. I love your patient teaching through application. Thank you!

  3. “Prayer precedes power.” I love this. What a great reminder not to do things or try to figure things out without the help of the Father. Too often in this age, we try to do things in our own strength.

    1. This is such a human thing, isn’t it, Kelly!? I think we are on a lifelong journey of learning to depend on His strength rather than our own. Thanks for your thoughts.

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