The Easter-Passover Connection: This Is Good News

Signs of spring, crocus

Signs of spring, crocusThe Easter-Passover Connection: This is Good News

Easter is right around the corner. Whether you are shopping for your special outfit, or planning to participate in Easter events, preparations have begun. New life is seen all around us as birds begin their morning songs; daffodils, crocus, and snowdrops emerge from the cold ground.

For me, spring is a season of hope. Of new beginnings. And Easter, even more so.

Our #Easter celebration is tied closely to the Jewish #Passover. Want to discover their connections? Share on X

Our Easter celebration is tied closely to the Jewish Passover. You can read more about these connections here.

The First Passover

The first Passover occurred during the Israelite’s captivity in Egypt. God instructed Moses to apply the blood of a lamb to the door frame and lintel so the Angel of Death would pass over them, protecting them from the final plague—the death of the firstborn. They were to stay inside under God’s protection.

To commemorate this each year, the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a lamb without blemish and to intercede for the sins of the people.

This foreshadowing in the Old Testament came to life when Jesus walked among us. He brought the Good News of eternal life.

Jesus and Passover

It was Passover week when Jesus was sentenced to death. He was arrested and sent to die a criminal’s death on a cross. Jesus became the spotless lamb, sacrificed to pay the sin debt of the world. He was executed on the cross and then rose from the dead three days later. Though He was blameless, the rulers had evil in mind. But, God’s plan prevailed. The risen Jesus won victory over sin, death, and Satan’s hold.

Jesus became the spotless lamb, sacrificed to pay the sin debt of the world. This is #GoodNews #EasterPassoverConnection Share on X

The blood Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary, forgives every sin. Instead of the high priest’s yearly sacrifice, Jesus died once for all. His final words were,  It is finished!

Easter has nothing to do with eggs or bunnies. It has everything to do with freedom and new life. Jesus is our deliverer. Yet, we need to choose to be delivered.

Choose… to believe or not. To trust or not. To receive Jesus, or not.

Here’s the thing: God doesn’t force anyone to believe. We have a choice. But if we have a choice, it’s a good thing to know what the options are.

God doesn't force anyone to believe. We have a choice. #EasterPassoverConnection #ItIsFinished Share on X

Easter is Celebrated on the First Day of the Week – The Day the Tomb was Empty

Easter empty tomb

We Need Easter’s Hope Today

In a world that seems to be unraveling more and more every day, we need hope. It isn’t found in places we often look…it is found in the peace God brings through all that Jesus did for us.

Jesus came to live among us to settle our eternity. Because of His love, He gives us the choice to either receive it or not.

G. K. Chesterton said it well:

“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.” ― G.K. Chesterton

I don’t know about you, but every day I am inundated with choices. What to purchase online—yes, I compare and read reviews to make the best decision. Where to live. Where to work. What car to drive—which insurance company to engage?

You get the idea.

These are important decisions, and to decide, I need to do my research.

Yet, the most important decision you will ever make is the one about your eternity. Jesus asks His disciples: “Who do you say that I am?

That is a good question. One we all must eventually answer.

I am praying for you as you seek to know who God is and His love for you. Your life doesn’t end here. Eternity is prepared, bought, and paid for by Jesus.

As we prepare for Easter and Passover season, will you consider Jesus’ question…

Who Do You Say that I Am?

God loved the world so much that He sent his only Son, Jesus. So that we will have eternal life if we believe in Him (John 3:16 paraphrase).

In a world that seems to be unraveling more and more every day, #WeNeedHope. It isn't found in places we often is found in the #peace God brings through all that Jesus did for us. Share on X

Need Answers to some of those questions? I Have Prepared a Free Downloadable Resource for You.

Have you wondered who Jesus is and why He lived and died?

Maybe you didn’t grow up hearing about faith, Jesus, or God. Yet, there is something inside that feels like it’s missing. Or maybe you have heard some, but want to know more.

Don’t shy away from getting answers. To help in your initial quest, I have prepared some of the reasons we need Jesus to be our spotless lamb, and what He accomplished by His death and resurrection.

Download a copy of this free resource below including links to Bible verses so you can find them easily.

Maybe you already know Jesus, but could use help explaining the Good News to others—this resource can help.

The message of #Easter and #Passover tells us God's love overcomes. #PassoverEasterConnection Share on XI’d love to hear your thoughts and questions on this in the comments below.

Until next time, may you find what you seek.

Happy Easter, and a Shalom-filled Passover,



PS…my dear sister and online friend, Kathy Howard has shared more about the connections in the Easter and Passover celebrations. Take a look at her post here.

Download your free copy of Good News We Need Today:


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Easter storyOrder your copy of Max Lucado’s booklet called, He Did This For You




Passover Easter connection

Zoe Discovers Passover at Easter: Easter for Kids Book: Understanding Passover for Kids.





Amazon phone cradle   Phone Cradle


6 thoughts on “The Easter-Passover Connection: This Is Good News

  1. I think “good news” at times can’t capture the depth of the significance of Easter! How about mind-blowing, too awesome to believe news! And yet, even those words fall short of what God has done in Christ’s resurrection. You’re so right Jeanne. As this world spirals out of control, people need some “too good to be true news” People need Jesus! May we not hesitate and be open to share with those God leads us to.

    1. So true, Sheree. I think God is moving. I see professions of faith talked about in the public arena and am so dumbfounded. So happy, yet surprised in our culture right now. We need to stand up and speak the name of Jesus freely

  2. Our forever decision is the most important one we will ever make. My prayer for all my family, for everyone I meet ………to know Christ .

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