Telling the Truth – Stephen’s Defense – Acts Chapter 7

This week we continue with Stephen’s story as he answers the charges brought against him by telling the truth. Bogus charges, I might add. False witnesses claim he said Jesus would destroy the temple and alter customs they received from Moses.
Chapter seven begins with the high priest asking, “Are these things so?”
Though I am not sure if he would know the truth if it stood up at bit him.
Stephen then tells of the history of their people, and the faithfulness of God, beginning with the call to Abraham, to the choosing of Moses to be their deliverer from slavery in Egypt. These accounts can’t be strange to the Jewish leaders, but Stephen has a purpose in telling them.
Stephen points out things about Moses in verses 35-38:
This Moses, the one they disowned is the one that God sent to deliver them (vs 35).
This man led them out, performing wonders for forty years (vs. 36).
This Moses said, God shall raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers (vs. 37).
This is the one the angel spoke to on Sinai, receiving living oracles to pass on to you (vs. 38).
If you remember the history of the Exodus, the Israelites struggled with obedience and trust. Stephen reminds them that, our fathers were unwilling to be obedient (vs. 39).
Stephen Speaks the Truth
Stephen then lowers the boom in verse 51, calling his accusers stiff-necked, always resisting the Holy Spirit—just like their fathers did. He then asks, which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? He further places blame on them for betraying and murdering Jesus just as they destroyed every other prophet and messenger from God.
Stephen then lowers the boom in Acts7:51, calling his #accusers stiff-necked, always resisting the Holy Spirit—just like their fathers did. #StudyInActs Share on X
Stephen’s words cut them to the quick and stirred their anger; evidence to me that they have learned nothing from the trial and execution of Jesus. And history is about to repeat itself.
My husband says I struggle with #injustice. There is plenty in Stephen's story. #BookOfActs chapter 7 Share on X
Do You Hate Injustice?

In all honesty, I cringe at the underhanded way Stephen was treated. My husband says I have a very strong aversion to injustice.
Mankind has lived for over 2,000 years since this event, and not much has changed. I feel both angry and sad when I see this behavior in our own society as we bully and tear one another apart. The mob decides guilt and tears apart a person’s character. Yet, I feel stuck as to what to do about it.
Does it seem to you like the world’s stringent anti-bullying strategies have failed?
Does it seem to you like the world’s stringent #anti-bullying strategies have failed? #ActsChapter7 Stephen is condemned by a mob Share on X
Discoveries in Stephen’s Story
There are reasons I see for telling Stephen’s story.
First, to reveal the hard hearts of people and the lengths they will go to accomplish their own agenda.
And, it reveals our need to know what we believe, and to be willing to stake our lives on it.
Stephen had the power and boldness of the Holy Spirit within him, just like we do. He did not allow the leaders to intimidate him from telling the truth.
There will always be those who follow God and do the right thing, and those who don’t. And there will always be people who can’t stomach the peace that dwells in those who trust God.
Stephen's story in Acts 7 reveals our need to #KnowWhatWeBelieve, and to be willing to stake our lives on it. #ActsBibleStudy Share on X
Breaking Through A Hardened Heart
We can never make someone hear or believe us. That is God’s job. Hard hearts never hear unless the Holy Spirit can break through their crusty exterior. But we must be willing to stay the course despite the wind of persecution. And by now we know the wind of persecution is ever-changing and unstable.
Stephen was ready to accept the consequences of his obedience, no matter the cost. He trusted God to sort out the details of those around him—but his first obligation was to serve God. He did it with all his heart, all his soul, and all his might.
Another thing that occurs to me here—the Holy Spirit is the one who gave Stephen the grace, strength, and spirit to forgive those who were taking his life. This is certainly not a human trait or one we can conjure up on our own.
Before his last breath, Stephen said, “Father do not hold this sin against them (verse 60).”
I have to wonder if God was giving these hard-hearted leaders a second chance to respond to gospel of grace. But anger, jealousy, and power win out, at least for now.
Never underestimate the power of God’s timing and ability to change a person. He knows just how to get their attention. We can’t change them, but our prayer can be a mighty weapon in the spiritual realm.
One more thing that jumped out at me as I read.
In Acts 7:56, it says Stephen saw the Son Of Man standing at the right hand of God.
I am used to seeing references to Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father. What could this mean for Stephen, and for us as we face persecution? I did a little digging, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Have you heard teaching on this? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Introducing Saul
The final detail in Stephen’s story is to introduce us to a young man named Saul. This chapter comes to a close with Saul keeping watch over the coats of Stephen’s accusers. But we will soon see how God reaches a person who is consumed with an inner fire to destroy. Grace reaches into some pretty deep pits and transforms people for His glory.
Until next time, when we will pick up in Acts Chapter 8,
If you have missed any of the posts in our Acts Bible Study series, you can catch up here:
Backlash of Power VS Roller Coaster of Truth – Acts 4
Being Filled – Truth or Lie – Acts 5
Nothing New Under the Sun – Acts 6
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Download your copy of How to Read God’s Word With Your Heart and a printable page to jot down your thoughts from each chapter.
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Still loving this in-depth, and personal look Ms. Jeanne. I’m with you regarding injustices ma’am. Also, with how “truth” is not longer a static item, but what the “majority” tells us it is supposed to be at any given time. Truth, as you and I know it my friend, is passing away. Yet, God’s truth shall remain forever!
Amen to God’s forever truth, J.D. I need to keep this in mind when the erosion seems so pervasive. God sees the deeper story around us. His story. Thanks for your thoughts
I’ve always liked the story of Steven, but have never done any deep diving here. I’m enjoying your study.
So glad you are enjoying the study in the Book of Acts, Monty. I and so thankful that you are joining me in the journey. And I so appreciate your comments.
Some things never change……..the masses conjured up a false story to condemn Stephen, they also did it to Jesus…….and in today’s world we see the same thing in many areas. There will always be un-truths, those who want to malign someone else. but. J.D. is right…God’s truth is never changing. I’m enjoying this study.
So glad you are enjoying the study in the Book of Acts, Jan. And we need to remind one another of God’s unchanging truth. It is easy to be swept up in the whirlwind of the world’s views. Thankfully we serve the One who commands the waves and every storm.
“Never underestimate the power of God’s timing and ability to change a person. He knows just how to get their attention.”
You have NO idea HOW much I needed this today…if just for the above quote alone. Never underestimate God. Love it!
Kelly, Thanks for letting me know how much this word spoke to your heart today. You have encouraged me. Praying that His power will reign in you today.