Summer Has Flown By – Are you needing a rest?

Need a rest from your hamster wheel?

Hi Friends,

Need a rest from your hamster wheel?It’s been a whirlwind summer. Our kids were here at the end of June along with the craziest rainstorms and power outages. What a challenge! We lost power three times in one week. We are used to the generator dance with two of us in the house. Our outage paradigm was put through its paces. It was crazy with nine of us. During the same week, my father-in-law started hospice care at home and passed away on July 6th.

Funeral plans. Catering plans. And his internment a month later.

We’re Exhausted.

My husband and I are just beginning to climb out from fatigue and stress.

How about you?

I hope your summer has been eventful…or uneventful, depending on your preference. Here in Connecticut, we have had the rainiest, hottest, and most humid summer I can remember. Tough on the garden, that’s for sure. And even tougher on my energy level.

My flower and herb garden got a makeover this spring. As a result, it also got a late start. I’ve experienced more flooding than flowers I’m afraid.

As I write this, the rain has been falling all day. Damp. Wet. Dark and dreary. But despite the weather, it’s been both restful and productive. I finished binding my king-size quilt (wahoo!), decluttered my bedroom end table, and organized my office (it so needed it). There is something to be said for a campy home day.

In the middle of it all, I can see God’s hand. I can feel His presence even as the difficulties mounted. But it takes being intentional about it – it’s about perspective.

When life is crazy, we need to be intentional

When we go through times like this, we need to be intentional about rest—stepping back from the fray to breathe. That’s what we did today.

So needed!

When we go through times like this, we need to be intentional about #rest—stepping back from the fray to breathe. #PressPause for time with Jesus Share on X

An Opportunity for You to Press Pause

If you receive my ministry updates, you know I have a Pausing for R & R Retreat planned in Massachusetts on September 10-13, 2024…just three weeks away.

Jesus is in your boatDo you need it? Is life whirling around you? Need a break from the chaos?

Need perspective?

Need time to breathe?

I know many who are in the middle of hard things. Caring for parents. Worries about their children. Facing health challenges. The waves continue to roll over them and sometimes it’s hard to stand.

Life is hard. But the good news is, Jesus is in your boat. And He is calling you to come.

Life is hard. But the good news is, #Jesus is in your boat. #PressPause for time with Jesus Share on X

Consider Joining Me for R & R (Rest and Renewal)

There is still time to register (see deadline below) for this unique retreat for women. Pressing the pause button is essential from time to time. So if you sense God tugging your heart, it might be time to get away with Him.

Often the thing we need most is TIME.

TIME to be.

TIME to listen.

TIME to process.

And TIME to receive what only God can provide.

So consider joining us for this three-night retreat with all your meals, and time, time, time.

You can find out more here. Space is limited so if you feel the nudge, check it out today.

Please note: Registration Closes Wednesday, August 21 at Noon EST

Jesus often took time alone to be with the Father. We need it too.

In Mark 6:30-32 Jesus tells His disciples to “Come Away and rest because they hadn’t even had time to eat.”

When we are running, we need rest. When we are overwhelmed, we need time. When chaos is causing us stress, we need to step away.

Just Breathe…

I don’t know what’s overwhelming you today, but I pray you will find a few moments alone to breathe – to BE in His presence and find His perspective.

Praying for His Peace and Rest,


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Does your life need a pause button?

Interested in the Pausing for R & R Retreat? Join us September 10-13, 2024 or Sign Up to receive updates and news about future plans for our next getaway.

For FREE devotional and Bible study materials (including my video study in John 15, Abiding in the True Vine: Producing fruit that lasts) be sure to Visit my Resource Page for Free Downloads.

Your Gifts to this ministry are not tax-deductible but very appreciated. You can donate through Paypal. Thank you.

My Suggested Amazon Resources today:

Affiliate links: means any order placed through one of my links, earns a small commission and helps this ministry at no extra cost to you. Thank you.

Here are a few recommended resources today:

When Strivings Cease by Ruth Chou Simons –

Come Away My Beloved  –

Finding God in the Garden  –

Quiet: Creating Grace Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus



4 thoughts on “Summer Has Flown By – Are you needing a rest?

  1. Yes, the ever elusive “four letter word” REST. Jesus in His humanity needed time away to be with His Heavenly Father. (Luke 5:16) May the Lord bless you and all the ladies who are taking time to come away and be at rest with our Heavenly Father during the retreat. Praying 🙏🏾 for all of you!

  2. Jeanne, I am so sorry for your family’s loss. May you find the rest and comfort you need. Thanks for reminding us to take this time to rest and refresh during every phase of life.

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