Step into Stillness – Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude (Review & Giveaway)

step into stillness

Step into Stillness – Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude (Review & Giveaway)

step into stillness
Image by Schäferle from Pixabay

When the waves of life begin to overwhelm me, I need to step into stillness. I seek it in prayer and in God’s word. But I also benefit from a resource, someone who’s been there and can give me guidance.

You probably know my heart by now on the subject of rest and being still. As believers, we need to be refreshed, hear God more clearly through His Word, and reorient our perspective. So, I am immediately drawn to resources that address this subject.

When the waves of life begin to overwhelm me, I need to step into stillness. #BeStill #FindRest Share on X

Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude, Helps Us to Step into Stillness

step into stillnessWhen Worthy Publishing requested a review of Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude, by Mirjam Van Der Vegt, I couldn’t resist. Stilte means still in Dutch. As I began to read, I wondered if she had been privy to my thoughts while writing it.

This book provides 40 keys to step into stillness. Whether you use them for 40 days, 40 weeks, or choose a short chapter that resonates, you will find insights to help quiet your soul.

The author proposes there are three stages of silence leading to rest:

Relief – a chance to breathe

Stumbling – silence can be terrifying

Inward stillness, Living as the Beloved – hearing that tender and powerful voice, calling you.

My Journey to Stillness Through Silence

I have experienced these stages in my own journey, and agree with the author that they are cyclical throughout our life—we never completely arrive until we enter the true peace of His presence in Heaven.

Several years ago, I experienced this terrifying silence. I arrived early at my first writer’s conference—to beat the city traffic—to an empty building with a dark echoing corridor. As I pulled my wheely suitcase, my shoes squeaking on the polished floor, I remember thinking, what have I done?

The silence was deafening. I was completely alone, something I had never experienced before. I began to weep as fear rose up within me. I asked God then, ‘why am I so afraid? I don’t want to be afraid—I want to receive what You have for me here.’

Looking back, I remember now when the stillness came.

He was with me and I knew He would guide me through this time away. After that point in time, I hungered for more of that silence—being in communion with Him. Maybe this was the birth pangs of my ministry—Pausing To See God Clearly.

Your Step into Stillness

In the middle of life’s noise, He is calling us to a relationship. And it is only when we stop and come aside for a bit, that we hear His voice above the others.

Through my own journey, I have discovered difficult lessons all while experiencing His love for me. The realization came after a struggle with burnout and exhaustion, that my identity is not in what I do but from who I am—and Whose I am. This revolutionized my walk with Him and my service to others.

In the middle of life's noise, He is calling us to a #relationship. When we stop and come aside, we #HearHisVoice above the others. Share on X

The beautiful thing about seeking Him in stillness as He transforms us, He is making us more beautiful, like Christ. He may use a chisel to chip away, but the gentleness of His touch is out of love. And in the middle of the journey, we find Him—His character—His love—His faithfulness.

How Can I Step Into Stillness and Know God’s Love?

The author of Stilte shares a story where a ‘medicine’ is suggested for finding God’s love and regaining balance in life. This caught my attention. I have taken it to heart and plan to follow it too.

What is it, you ask? Pray this three times a day:

“Father, show me how much you love me.”

The author writes, “Who was I to ask this of God? Nevertheless, I started praying this, and, slowly but surely, something changed in my thinking. I felt more and more like a child asking for a hug—like my own daughter sometimes does…this prayer opened my eyes to His expressions of love all around me…I felt like His beloved! ~ Stilte: the Dutch Art of Quietude, page 96

Are you looking and needing that hug from God—to know you are #HisBeloved? #GodLovesYou Share on X

Are you looking and needing that hug from God—to know you are His beloved? I highly recommend finding this stillness, to climb into the lap of His love and find the relationship He is calling you to. This book will help guide you as you begin…

Enter to win a copy of Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude, from Worthy Publishing

Will share your experiences here with us. Leave a comment—how has silence drawn you nearer to God? Or, have you avoided silence, and why? Have you experienced the stages of relief, stumbling, or the inner stillness of being His beloved?

Your comment enters you in a drawing to win a copy of Stilte (U.S. mailing addresses only please). The winner will be announced on Sunday, October 17, 2021.

In a world that is anything but still, there is a hunger for peace. Jesus is the answer. He IS our peace. I know that as we take time in His presence, we will find that He satisfies our every longing.

So happy to share this resource with you,


You can find a copy where books are sold (I have also included an Amazon link below):

Stilte, The Dutch Art of Quietude

by Mirjam Van Der Vegt

Worthy Publishing

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25 thoughts on “Step into Stillness – Stilte: The Dutch Art of Quietude (Review & Giveaway)

  1. Thank you for sharing this book with us, Jeanne. It sure seems to be a much-needed resource for our busy (and noisy) world. I have learned to embrace stillness like an old friend. I’ve also learned that when I’m struggling to embrace it, there’s usually an underlying reason, and I need to bring the uneasiness before the Lord. I loved this post and my fingers are crossed for the giveaway. 🙂 Thanks, Jeanne!

    1. Thanks for stopping and sharing your heart, Cathy. I know this topic is near and dear to you as well. I agree about the underlying reason for struggles…He is so good about showing me the roots of my angst. And then I am amazed at how things begin to untangle.

  2. “Be still and know that I Am God” or in another translation “Cease striving and know that I Am God”. This is one of my very favorite verses of scripture. The Holy Spirit whispered this to me in a critical moment in my career and it lead to tremendous blessing and testimony to others. I have so much on my plate today that I don’t have time to tell the whole story! That in and of itself shows why I need this book in my life!

    1. It has been too long since we have shared a cup of tea and some conversation, Brenda!! I look forward to hearing your story. I love how God knows every intimate detail about us, and how to best speak to us. Praying for you in this season. I think we need a girl getaway!!

    2. Congratulations, Brenda!! You won!! Please message me your mailing address and I’ll have the publisher get a copy out to you! Thanks to all who chimed in on this subject of stillness and rest.

  3. Loved the post Ms. Jeanne. Sometimes, we must purposely seek stillness in our lives. When the busyness of each day attempts to overwhelm me, I make a reason to grab Bubba the chocolate lab and go sit beneath the trees or a far-reaching corner of our ranch where there’s no one but God and us. Bubba places his head on my lap, and I place my heart into God’s hands as we just escape to a still, quiet moment where we our peace and contentment is refilled. Thank you for reminding us how important this purposeful act is.

    1. J.D., you never fail to make my heart warm and my tears flow. I love this picture. And, you are right, it is purposeful! If we don’t make time, time slips away. Thanks for sharing this image with us today!

  4. After more than six months of home renovations, I’m finding myself desperate for stillness. The heightened busyness and frequent presence of workers have left me yearning for time all alone – time to sit with God in quietness for an extended period of time. Your post refreshed me, and this book intrigues me. Thank you! Much love to you in Christ.

    1. Home renovations can be the worst. There is constant noise and distraction. It’s hard to hear yourself think. I hope you get respite soon, Emily. The quiet will be a sweet gift.

  5. Stillness, peace and rest so important yet often neglected. I find it challenging to carve out that time of stillness. However, I am reminded that even Jesus took time away from ministering to be renewed. We need to look to His example rather than listen to the clamor of the culture.

    1. Amen, Sheree! Thanks for your thoughts today. We have an enemy that will dupe us into believing that rest isn’t needed…until, I finish _____. It is part of His plan to keep us distracted and discouraged.

  6. There is more time for “stillness and quiet” in my life now, but it hasn’t always been this way. As a caretaker, there were times I forgot who I was…it was at that time the LORD came in HIS quiet way and I spent many evenings when all were asleep to crawl up on HIS lap, lean in and listen….these are the sweetest times.

    1. Jan/Mom, I can imagine your sweet time in the evening. A time to refresh and to listen. Caretaking is very demanding. You did an amazing job caring for both Dad and Memere. And though it seemed like you were hidden from the world during that time, God saw you…cared for you…and met every need.

  7. I needed to read this today! I often struggle with the “stumbling” phase of silence, and it’s encouraging to hear that I’m not alone in this. I love the practical tip of praying often for the Father to show me how much He loves me! Thank you for sharing this post.

    1. Praying for you, Jenni, during this season. I can’t wait to hear how your prayer results. I love the author’s image of needing a hug from God. Don’t we all need that comfort? Thanks for stopping in today 🙂

  8. Sometimes we get so rushed in this world we forget how valuable quietness and stillness are. But those times are like gold, when we can soak up God’s presences and hear His voice. Jesus showed us how important stillness was because he drew away from the crowds often so He could be alone with His Father. “Be still and know that I am God.”

    1. Love this, Barbara. I also think the enemy loves to see us rushing around and exhausted. If Jesus needed those times with His father, how much more do we!! But He also WANTED that time alone with Him. Once we get a taste of stillness, we realize how hungry and thirsty we really are. I appreciate you stopping in today all the way from South Korea 🙂

  9. Dear Jeanne,

    I sincerely agree with the compassionate, tender and sensitive words that you have shared here in your article. I want to be still in my spirit. I want peace that sets me free from everything that comes to rattle and bind me. This is my heart’s desire.

    As I was reading this article, I could feel peace because the Holy Spirit came and cover me. I sat still. Then, He reminded me that I wrote a poetic prayer about seeking to be silent.

    So, I went to look through my files and there it is..right there. I cannot believe I wrote it in 2006. That was 15 years ago! Well, I read my prayer and…I thank YOU, Jeanne, for bringing me back to my sincere poetic prayer. Oh, Praise God!

    I am sharing it with you and your readers. I hope that it will be a blessing.


    By Wanda J. Burnside


    I want to be silent
    in the heat of the battle.
    Don’t let my mouth
    shout out
    and let the enemy know
    where I am.
    Hide me in Your Word.
    Keep me in Your Word.

    Take the key from my mouth,
    lock up my tongue from complaining,
    and throw away the key!
    I need to be silent . . .
    I need to wait on You.

    Hold me in Your arms
    and rock me.
    Hold me in the storms.
    Hold me.

    Let me hear Your words,
    “Shh, Shh, Shh!”
    I need to wait on You.
    I need to wait.
    I must be silent
    to hear You Lord.
    I want a word from You Lord.
    I need the truth . . .
    Hide me Lord.
    Take the key from my mouth
    and lock up my whining,
    fretting tongue.

    I need to wait.
    I must walk through
    the valley of my test.
    Lead my feet pass the enemy’s camp.
    May my eyes look up
    to the Hill
    to see my help.

    When I’m flat on my belly
    You make me low,
    so that the enemy can’t see me.
    You are lovingly protecting me.

    Let me be silent
    in the battle.
    Let me be silent
    as I wait.
    I will “sh-h-h”
    and wait on You.

    Copyright 2006

    1. Beautiful poem, Wanda. Thank you for your thoughts on this subject. It is a discipline–an intentional act of stepping out of the traffic to focus on Him as our Father. This poem would make a lovely card for my Pausing retreat ladies. 🙂

  10. Thank you for sharing about this book. I think most of us have been in need of the strategies for finding peace in stillness. Sometimes, like you, I find stillness to be frightening (when in a strange place or when loneliness attacks). At other times, especially when out in nature, I find stillness as the opportunity to commune with God. As you remind us, we must have the discipline to seek God, focus on Him, not the trials and challenges which often separate us from Him.

  11. Jeanne, what a beautiful message. I think rest is the most neglected of God’s gifts, and like you, I’ve faced times of burnout when I ignored it. The art information you shared was new to me, but I enjoyed reading about it. Here’s my favorite part of your peace-filled post: “The beautiful thing about seeking Him in stillness as He transforms us, He is making us more beautiful, like Christ. He may use a chisel to chip away, but the gentleness of His touch is out of love. And in the middle of the journey, we find Him—His character—His love—His faithfulness.”

    1. Thank you for your thoughts on this, Jeannie. And for stopping in today. I always appreciate your insights, and the highlight on my post helps me to know the words are HIS 🙂

  12. This book sounds amazing. When I lived in TX I would go to a monastery for one of the services. During the service was a 20 minute segment of silence. The first few times was so hard but the more I went the more I could not wait till the next time.

    I love this quote “hearing that tender and powerful voice, calling you.” That is what I miss from those silent times and need more of it now. Thank you for sharing. I will check out this book.

    1. Hi Jen! Thanks for stopping in and sharing this with us. I do think once we taste silence, it becomes a hunger and thirst. A minute can seem like an eternity when we first begin…but soon we discover it is THE place to be and time isn’t a factor. I hope you get away again soon 🙂

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