Stay Creative and Productive When We’re Stuck – Part Two

turtle stuck

Stay Creative and Productive When We’re Stuck

Photo courtesy of Nancy Smith

When we’re stuck, we can feel like a turtle that’s tipped over on its shell. It’s a vulnerable place to be. We expend energy to break free without much progress.

We give ourselves pat answers, skimming over the need to both lean into God and stand firm against the enemy. Like:

God is good and He is faithful (and He is)

Trials are temporary (which they are)

These truths can become passive attempts to submit to His work in us. Yet, the struggle remains. Times of being stuck can be faith-building in our walk with Him. But they are also times to put into practice what we have learned in the past. 

When We’re Stuck, We Can Tell Ourselves There’s Hope

As a believer in Jesus, we can begin with all the verses that tell us to hope. We throw in a dose of all things work together for good, and His promise to never leave us. We place our hope in tomorrow because of the cross and spending eternity with Him. But…

When the rubber meets the road and we need hope for this day, we need practical ways to make that happen. We need fresh glimpses of His glory to spur our faith into action. And we need a refreshing jumpstart to accomplish the work He has given us to do.

We need fresh glimpses of His glory to spur our faith into action. #Refreshing a #WearySoul Share on X

How to Jumpstart Creativity and Stay Productive When We’re Stuck

Be Grateful – Even when circumstances are bad, there is always something good we can focus on. Write it down and speak it out loud because gratitude has the potential to change our outlook and do our heart good – Philippians 4:6-9.

Focus – On Jesus and all He has done. Dwell on the truth that says He is able to do immeasurably more than we can imagine. Stay focused on Jesus no matter what the storm looks like. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He sees you—He hears you—and He will meet your need even though it may not be in the way you imagine – Ephesians 3:20-21.

God's faithfulness fuels our faith. #Remembering all He has done and passing it on to others helps to #buildoneanotherup. Share on X

Rest – When we’re stuck, so often we are exhausted physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We desperately need rest, to replenish our depleted storehouse of energy, and to practice self-care: good food, plenty of water, and enough sleep. Clear your calendar rather than pushing through the fog, and allow God to renew your heart and mind – Mark 6:31.

Photo courtesy of Nancy Smith

Play – Because we become so serious and driven, our play muscles need exercise. As adults, we forget how to play. Spend time with a child. Dig in the sandbox. Build a sand castle. Do something crafty. Go on a treasure hunt. Play in the water. One hint to find your play button is to look back at something you used to enjoy as a child – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Remember – the ways God has been faithful to provide. This provides the memorial-stone-moments we can share with others. And they become the story of His story in our lives – 1 Samuel 7:7-12.

Be Intentional – to seek constant revival and refreshment. When Jesus says He is our daily bread, I firmly believe it extends far beyond the metaphor. He gives daily forgiveness, grace, mercy, sustenance, and more. Make time for pondering, play, and purpose. We can’t let weeks or months go by without rest or remembering His goodness – Philippians 1:6.

When Jesus says He is our #DailyBread, I firmly believe it extends far beyond the metaphor. #DailyBlessings from God. Share on X

Being Creative Should Bring Us Joy

As responsible adults, we are too good and efficient about work, pushing harder, seeking success, and making our mark. But without being intentional to practice gratitude, focus, rest, and play, our lives will become lopsided and drained of joy.

Life is full of hard moments. We need permission to power down and refuel our souls—for that’s where our creativity comes from. I remember going on a scavenger hunt downtown to find hidden fairy doors. As I checked them off my list, this sense of playfulness bubbled up within me. It truly did bring me joy.

Discover Ways We’re Stuck and How to Replenish Our Joy

Which creative jumpstart do you need most right now?

Do you have a story to share of how putting some of these things into practice helps you?

What are some ways you like to play?

What activity refuels your creativity?

Every motion in faith begins with a first step. Share your thoughts with us in the comments below—I’d love to hear your perspective.

And if you have a moment, Lynn Blackburn has written some wise words that can relate to our topic. She calls these “Adjacent Activities” because when we’re stuck, we need to take a breath and do something fun. And her advice isn’t just for writers and artists.

Let's brainstorm together on ways to free our #creativity and #RefillOurJoy. Share on X

Until next time,



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14 thoughts on “Stay Creative and Productive When We’re Stuck – Part Two

  1. Wow, Jeanne, as always, you hit the nail on the head. I’m focused on what I do….. also,taking time with the LORD, but fun………..not so much. Though I enjoy what I do…….playing just takes a back seat. Thank you for the wake up call.

    1. It is funny, mom, that children don’t need to be taught to play. They are intuitively curious. Yet somewhere along the way, we grow up and lose the desire or the know-how. I think that’s why when we are around children, we automatically settle down to a playful way. It awakens something that lies dormant within us.

    1. Sheree, good for you! I know we have had this discussion before. I think play is different for each person. And I think we can put create and play in the same category. When we create things…as we are created to do, I think there is a joy and satisfaction that wells up within us. Whether that is sewing curtains, making bread, painting, gardening…etc. Interesting that gardening for some would be play…yet to someone else, a drudge-filled work. Something we need to discuss more, huh!

    1. Thanks for chiming in, Diana. My mom and I were talking about this need to play this morning and wonder if it is oldest children who have more trouble…or adults in general?

  2. Loved the metaphor there Ms. Jeanne. As a natural introvert, I live for my “turtle time” when I can crawl into my “shell of solitude” and hide away from the world. I especially liked your encouraging reminder to look for those “glimpses of His glory”. One such moment came just last week. After more than two months with zero measurable rainfall, I posted that although I was tired, weary, worn down, and deflated, I was not going to be defeated and I stood on my faith. That very evening, God brought an unexpected thunderstorm that quickly dropped 0.6 inches of rain in just a few minutes. While it was far from enough to end the extreme drought we’re dealing with, it was more than enough for me to stand out in it with arms raised, praising God that He had not forgotten or forsaken me. Even my cattle, who normally all head for the barn when the thunder and lightning start, stayed out in the pastures and enjoyed the “liquid love.”

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