Seeing God Around Us

Seeing God

What are some ways of seeing God around us?

Seeing God

Psalm 19 says the heavens declare His glory. We see His bigness when we look at the vast universe, and His creative power in the awe of the heavens.

But when our eyes return to earth, to the everyday things around us, how do we see God then? Can we see past the circumstances that can cloud our view?

I am learning that seeing God is a point of view; it’s a way of thinking I need to practice. Here are a few ways I focus on who He is:

Seeing God by Slowing our Pace

Life can feel like it’s running at warp speed at times. One of the keys to seeing God in our circumstances is by slowing our pace so we don’t miss it. The truth is, God is there—every minute, no matter what we face, whether we realize it or not. So, the key is to be intentional about looking for Him.

Finding the Gem Buried in the Garbage

Seeing GodLife can feel like a dumpster at times. We are surrounded by the dark heaviness that stinks and we begin to wonder if we’ll ever get out. Now, everyone’s dumpster is different, but the truth is the same. In the middle of the garbage, there is something we can find that’s good. It’s a matter of perspective and focus.

For instance, when my dad was in a coma and we were traveling across three states to visit him and be supportive for my mom, it sure seemed pretty dark. But, I began to see the small things, like clear weather to travel, light traffic at the toll booths, and the wonderful people from my mom’s church that were there every day to encourage her.

Finding the gem in the stinky places helps me to focus on the blessing. The result is God’s peace.

Seeing God by Recalling His Words

Seeing God

Another place where I see God is through my journal. There have been so many times I have written something – a verse – a prayer – something that jumped off the page of my Bible as I read. Then days and maybe weeks go by when something strikes me afresh and I look back and see how God has spoken.

I remember a time in particular when I had been reading about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians. I asked God which fruit needed some tending in me, and jotted in my journal the word: Peace. I asked Him to strengthen that fruit in me.

You know what they say, be careful what you wish for.

Weeks later I was in anguish over a dumpster feeling—my dad had the stroke—one of my kids was struggling—my job was draining me of every ounce of energy—there was so much pressing in on me. As I cried out to the Lord, I heard a word deep in my spirit that said: “How can I bring you peace without the storms?”

Instead of responding with, “Okay, I give up. I don’t want this lesson. I don’t care about peace.” Instead I felt awed in the presence of my God who heard my prayer weeks earlier. I became more aware that He sees me—hears me—and my response was praise. I was overwhelmed by His love for me.

Seeing God requires spiritual vision. The key to seeing is belief—knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God sees us and that we matter to Him.

The ultimate way to see God is in the person of Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us Jesus is the exact representation of God. We’ll talk more about that next time.

What ways do you see God around you?


Tweetables to Share:

Finding the gem in the stinky places helps me to focus on the blessing.

Life can feel like a dumpster at times.

The key to seeing is belief—that God sees us and that we matter to Him.

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