Seasonal Transitions Whether in Nature or in Life

Here in Connecticut, we’ve had the strangest summer. A beautiful June morphed into record-breaking heat in July, an over-the-top humid August, and a rainy September. The trees haven’t transitioned to their fall wardrobe yet—so odd…Seasons aren’t the only transitions that are challenging. Seasons in life can throw us for a loop when the unexpected happens.

Seasonal transition foliage path

Seasonal Transitions, Whether in Nature or Life

Here in Connecticut, we’ve had the strangest summer. A beautiful June morphed into record-breaking heat in July, an over-the-top humid August, and a rainy September. The trees haven’t transitioned to their fall wardrobe yet—so odd. Those who planted gardens were disappointed with soggy soil and less than stellar growth. Tomatoes withered. Apple, strawberry, and blueberry buds froze in the spring making a tenuous harvest. Seasons like this don’t happen often, but it can be discouraging when they do.

Transitions in Life

Seasons aren’t the only transitions that are challenging. Seasons in life can throw us for a loop when the unexpected happens. And when they do, we struggle with keeping our everyday things going.

Seasons aren't the only #transitions that are challenging. #SeasonsInLife can throw us for a loop when the unexpected happens. Share on X

You may have noticed (or maybe not) that I have not sent out any updates in a while. Yep, one of those seasons happened here. I haven’t been able to write—no bandwidth between my two ears. And, I reverted to survival mode in order to process family sorrow, going through a breast biopsy scare, and my husband’s stroke event. Our world got pretty small for a few months.

Instead of writing blog posts, I began paper crafting. I needed a creative outlet, but also a change that might jar me from my writer’s block.

Instead of social media and online meetings, I got involved with local needs like providing meals to a family struggling with a debilitating diagnosis—I know how much those meals meant to us when we were on the receiving end.

We had time with all of our children visiting in early summer—and are enjoying our daughters and grandsons moving closer to us. Yet in the middle of it all, I found myself getting anxious easily. Small tasks seemed big. I knew I needed to pace myself.

Now that fall is upon us, I wonder where to go from here…

You may wonder if I ever got my MOJO (my hubby’s new favorite expression) back, Honestly, no; at least not completely. My muse transitioned out of hiding briefly to edit and put together a six-week Bible study in Philippians 4, called, Focusing on the Gems: Mining Gems of Joy in Life’s Messy Heaps, and that felt good—productive. But it’s a speaking topic I wrote several years ago that just needed a fresh touch. Yet maybe it’s time to finish some of those unfinished projects.

I took it to a printer and made one copy—just to check the formatting and question whether this was something I could pursue. I felt the rap on my knuckles saying, “Just who would want this anyway?” and “Is this feasible financially?” It’s usually the financial question that gets me.

Don’t you hate that little voice that seems to deflate any wind you have in your sail?

Don't you hate that little voice that seems to deflate any wind you have in your sail? #Seeking God #SeasonalTransitions in Nature and Life Share on X

And just this morning, the tears refused to stop as I sat in our adult Sunday school class. Sometimes there are never enough tissues packed in my Bible.

So, here I am, crying out to God—asking for His direction. Should I continue forward or is it time for a detour? Is there a new chapter beginning or am I simply having an intermission?

Then I remember my discoveries in Philippians 4, to pray with thanksgiving, to ponder what is true, lovely…

seasonal transitions. God's timing is always rightDo you know that God’s timing for transitions is perfect!?

It just so happens that I am scheduled to attend the God Speaks Retreat in New Hampshire this week. Three days without technology or other distractions is what I need in this season of transition. No books. No papercrafting. No TO-DO list. Just time and Jesus.

My mind says:

  • I am longing for purpose
  • I want to be a good steward
  • I desire faithfulness

My heart says:

  • I want to be present
  • To see and hear
  • To walk closely with Him

Okay, so we can celebrate that this is my first post in a while—but more than anything, I ask that you pray this time in transition will be fruitful—no matter what that looks like.

When life happens, do you know that #GodsTiming for #transitions is perfect!? Share on X

And if you’re struggling with transitions in your life, know that I understand—and I am praying for you too. Share your experience in the comments below.

Looking forward to Time with Him this coming week,


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19 thoughts on “Seasonal Transitions Whether in Nature or in Life

  1. My Dear Jeanne, Listen for the still small voice……..not the one that brings stinking thinking ! (Andy spoke of that one) We can get derailed when stress happens, but the LORD is with you always. Praying you will be filled up to overflowing……

  2. Jeanne,
    So sorry to hear about the health issues, I understand the emotions you were going through, but we have the greatest of all, Heavenly Father guiding, caring, helping, and blessing us all the time.

  3. I so appreciate this post Ms. Jeanne. Working my way through some “life transitions” myself these days, and they aren’t easy. Praying for your upcoming retreat, knowing that God will bless your obedience my friend.

  4. Jeanne, I can relate to the transition feeling. I have felt lately that I don’t even know why I am writing. I have struggled with ideas and focus. My blogs have been repurposed from older posts.

    Time with Jesus is what we need and what I have sought. This is why we write and I am seeking to go deeper into worship and get away from the stress of keeping up with social media and trying to publish. Blessings and prayers to you!

  5. Hi Jeanne,
    May the Lord fill your empty cup to overflowing as only He can do. Praying He will comfort and speak to you afresh as you take the time to be still and know that He is God!

  6. I arrived home last night from the God Speaks Retreat…it was a sweet time away. Thank you for praying for me.

    I opted to arrive a day early to have more time to settle.
    Things began a bit rocky when the cleaning crew mistook my food in the fridge for leftovers from the last event and tossed it out…but the staff lovingly replaced it.

    Then that evening, I went to heat some water in the microwave and found it not working (it was unplugged) and I couldn’t reach the outlet behind a huge counter.
    All, I could think was…this weekend is going to be good. In my experience, the more the detours and pitfalls, the more God has planned.

    And planned HE DID!!

  7. Sorry to hear that you and your family have gone through a difficult season. I appreciate that you also shared about what you did to cope during that time. You chose to ditch the frills to focus on the fundamentals. Your example is an important reminder for the need to step back and make adjustments in order to deal with a bigger and especially unexpected change. God gave you the strength and the tools to endure and you found his blessings in the slower pace and in the love of community and family. That is a beautiful testimony and I know whatever this transition brings, the Lord had planned it all along and will be with you. <3

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