Saying Goodbye, Last Minute Words: Online Study John 15

saying goodbye

Saying Goodbye – Last Minute Words to Share?

saying goodbyeSaying goodbye is never easy. There are always last minute instructions: things you want to say, and words of encouragement to share.

Jesus’ goodbye to His disciples takes place at the Passover meal after Judas left to betray Him. Jesus then shares His last words to His disciples.

In the middle of this discussion, Jesus says, “I am the true vine.” This is the seventh of His I AM statements.

Did you know God refers to Israel as a vine in the Old Testament? Most often these references are associated with judgment. So this saying must have at least piqued the disciples’ interest, if not confused them a little.

Interesting! What was Jesus trying to say?

As I started to dig into John 15, I found so many interesting things to share with you. I am teaching a series on this in my local church, and I created an online series as well.

Join me for an online #BibleStudy in John 15:1-17. Jesus says to #abide in this goodbye message. Share on X

In this online Bible study, we discuss:

The setting – of Jesus’ goodbye message.

What Jesus means when he says, “Abide in Me, and I in you.”

How to bear fruit that remains?

What symbolism of the vine do we find in scripture?

What abiding in the true vine looks like? And contrary to that, what does abiding in a false vine produce?

What’s the connection between abiding and love?

And most importantly, how do we apply this to our lives now?

John 15:1-17 Video Series Available Online

saying goodbyeYou can watch the John 15:1-17 series called, Abide in the True Vine on YouTube, or on my Facebook Videos Page. It is a four-session study you can view on your own or share in a group.

I have also included printable note pages to download with ways to dig deeper into John 15. Access these below:


John 15:1-17 - Online Bible study available on YouTube or Facebook. Taught by Jeanne Doyon Share on X

This study in John 15 is a small slice of Jesus’ goodbye (found in chapters 13-16) that transpired during their last meal together. It’s meant to encourage the disciples after they no longer have Jesus with them.

saying goodbyeThese words are an encouragement to us as we walk with Jesus now.

In the same way, Jesus desired that His disciples would not return to their old lives, and live solely by the Law, He wants us to draw near to Him. To abide in Him, the True Vine. When we answer His call to follow, we too leave our old life behind. These words in John 15 are words to live by.

Life isn’t easy. Living the way He wants us to live is only possible because of what Jesus did, and the Holy Spirit that lives in us. So, I read John 15 with this in mind. He is the source for everything we need. This goodbye message is for us too.

He is the true vine and we are the branches. And abiding in Him, we bear fruit, more fruit, and MUCH fruit.

Want to study the Bible online with me? Join me for a 4-session study in John 15. #OnlineBibleStudy Share on X

Have you read this goodbye passage in John 15 before? What have you discovered and applied in your life?

Abide in Him and bear fruit,


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6 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye, Last Minute Words: Online Study John 15

  1. Hi Jeanne,
    Thanks for sharing with us from John 15. When I think of the word “abide” I get the feeling of resting and peace. The fruit produced on the vine doesn’t have to stress or strain to grow, it merely stays connected to the vine which supplies it with all the nourishment it needs to mature into ripe fruit. So it is as we rest in our true vine, Jesus, He provides the nourishment we need to mature and bring forth the fruit necessary to serve God and others.

  2. “Living the way He wants us to live is only possible because of what Jesus did, and the Holy Spirit that lives in us.” I’m so thankful He’s there to help us live like Him!

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