Righting a Wrong: Esther 8 – Turning the Tide

Righting a Wrong

Righting a Wrong: Turning the Tide of Destruction

Esther Chapter 8 (Read in your browser)

By the time the roller coaster slows down in Chapter 8, we release the breath we’ve been holding since Mordecai’s wailing outside the castle gate. We’re tempted to think the drama is over, but it’s not. Haman has been found out and dealt with, but his death decree is still on its way to every province via courier. So how will the king go about righting a wrong?

righting a wrong


How do we go about righting a wrong? #QueenEsther Share on X

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The King gives the house of Haman to Esther, and his signet ring to Mordecai. This gives Mordecai full authority in the king’s name.

Esther risks approaching the king again and he extends his scepter, granting her favor. Esther pleads for the life of her people and begs him to revoke the decree that calls for their destruction. But a decree sealed by the king cannot be revoked.

Remember the decree that banished Vashti in chapter one? That action couldn’t be undone either even when the king did have second thoughts after his defeat in Greece.

Something to think about…

Does this say anything about our being sealed in Christ? I think it does.

Ephesians 1:13 says as a believer in Christ, we are sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise. This is like the irrevocable decree of the king. We are sealed for the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30). Dig a bit more on this in your printable today.

Then king gives Mordecai a little hint— write another decree.

Righting a WrongMordecai addresses the new decree to the Jews as well as the satraps, princes, and governors of the 127 provinces, in their languages and script. It gave Jews the right to defend themselves if attacked. Mordecai sealed the decree with the king’s signet ring. And the letters were sent in the third month of Sivan, by courier on the king’s royal steeds.

Esther and Mordecai didn’t take any chances that the decree wouldn’t arrive in time. Haman’s decree traveled by courier on foot. The royal horses would swiftly take this decree to the Jews. Every province needed the news before the day of destruction in the twelfth month—the 13th day of Adar.


I hear the hope in this chapter; they are righting a wrong

Haman was been found out and hung on the gallows he built. Mordecai was honored and became the king’s trusted advisor. And the Jews were filled with gladness and joy. There were still nine months until they need to face opposition but they saw the tide changing before their eyes.

PERIPETY: A sudden change of direction, making a story to tell. Share on X

In the Esther 6 printable I shared the word, PERIPETY: An event causing a sudden change of direction, making a story worthy to tell. What a perfect example in this chapter: A sleepless night, the pride of Haman, obedience of Esther, and the sovereignty of God, all colliding at Esther’s banquet.

Applying the Word

Have there been times in your life when others have been continually exalted?

Did you feel forgotten or overlooked like Mordecai?

What transpired? How can you encourage others from your experience?

Have you seen or experienced PERIPETY? Did it have anything to do with righting a wrong?

See you next time for Chapters 9 & 10,




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Running horse image courtesy of Morguefile.com

Wax seal image shared without need of attribution from Pixaby.com

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