Restore What Was Lost: Jubilee Year


Restore What Was Lost

Courtesy of

I have a friend who loves to restore old cars, and another who restores old furniture. They love to bring things back to their original condition. But what happens when something is gone for good—can it ever be restored?

I’ve been thinking about this because 2016 is the Jewish year of Jubilee, a time when debts are forgiven, slaves set free, and you receive back what was lost.

The year of Jubilee - when debts are forgiven, slaves set free, and the lost is redeemed. Share on X


Our Skype Christmas Party

The shipping box stood tall next to the Christmas tree, waiting for our Skype Christmas party. None of our kids could make it home, so a virtual holiday was my idea. I just wanted to get everyone face-to-face, and so we worked around our son’s schedule because he was deployed overseas. Overcoming time zones, we gathered from Eastern Europe, Colorado, Texas, and Connecticut for a very out-of-the-ordinary Christmas.

“We want you to open our gift,” one of my daughters blurted out. “We want to see your expression.”

I put the tall box into view of the video lens and opened the carton. I pulled out the packing material to discover a vintage 1960 Chatty Cathy doll—with blonde hair, no less. I’m not sure what my face revealed, but this was totally unexpected. They knew the story of my Chatty Cathy. But, I hadn’t thought about my childhood doll for years.

restore“Where did you find this?” I said, turning her around to find the ring that pulled the string to make her talk.

“Ebay.” the girls replied in unison.

“I—Love—You.” Chatty Cathy crooned as the string retreated.

Chatty Cathy Memories

My sister and I got Chatty Cathy dolls one Christmas from our grandparents. Mine had blonde hair. My sister’s had dark hair. I remember pulling the string and hearing her talk. I remember her freckles. And I remember my Chatty Cathy being destroyed with a hammer under the neighbor’s porch—my sister and the neighbor wanted to see how she worked.

My emotions surrounding my loss are fuzzy now, but I remember getting my sister’s doll as a replacement didn’t quite make up for it—she had the wrong color hair.

That was fifty years ago.

God’s Love Restores

To receive a Chatty Cathy doll from my daughters is the perfect illustration to this word – RESTORE. Then it dawned on me…the year of Jubilee—being given back what was taken from you. How is it possible that Chatty Cathy was restored to me in the year of Jubilee?

The metaphors that rolled around in my heart on this one—Oh my! Only God could have known. Only God can restore. And, I gleaned more about God’s grace and knowledge through a Chatty Cathy doll of all things.

I realized how God cares about even the smallest thing. But I think what touched me most through this story, is God restored Chatty Cathy not only in a Jubilee year, but fifty years after her destruction. It’s my jubilee year too. It may seem like a small thing, but it spoke volumes to me. Who would imagine a 1960 Chatty Cathy doll still existed.

So much of our hurt, injustice and loss are buried by time—but God who transcends time releases them with the shout of jubilee.

So much of our hurt, injustice and loss are buried by time... Share on X

Nothing is beyond God’s Power.

Nothing is beyond the restorative power of God. Lessons from a Chatty Cathy Doll. Share on X

What needs to be restored in your life? My heart wants you to know that God sees every part of what was taken away from you, and in His time, He will bring restoration in the most amazing way.

Do you have a restoration story?

I would love to hear your restoration stories! Be sure to share in the comments below.


Courtesy of YouTube, you can watch the vintage commercial advertising the Chatty Cathy doll.

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Elizabeth George has the pulse on a woman’s heart and our need for restoration and healing:

8 thoughts on “Restore What Was Lost: Jubilee Year

  1. YES! Jeanne! I’m hearing restoration, too. The significance of the year of Jubilee plus the 500th year of the Reformation! I keep sensing God is prepping the setting free of captives. My “word” for January 2016 was Go Forth–and Isaiah 55:12 “You shall go out with joy and be lead forth with peace, the mountains and the hills will break forth with singing. There’ll be shouts of joy and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

    In January and with all the difficult things we’ve dealt with this year, I couldn’t see how this verse and word had any connection to my life this year. I’m starting to see things differently. And that brings me hope. For restoration. On so many fronts.

    I have my Chatty Cathy, too. So glad you have one restored to you and the joy of knowing the thought of it came from your babies.


    1. Thank you for sharing this, Kathryn. What a God of Hope we serve!! It is exciting to see God on the move. And to be part of it all in some small way. The Holy Spirit is whispering–all the same tune 🙂

  2. Jeanne, Years ago the LORD gave me a promise “I will make up to you for the years that the locusts have eaten”
    I have seen this come to fruition over time……year, 2016, has been the culmination of that promise….
    I am so blessed! He cares about our every hurt, our every loss …..even a Chatty Cathy doll…..
    Loving you Mom

    1. I love the promise in that verse, MOM. God is good, all the time. And He sees all things, even those we haven’t thought about in years. Restore is such a beautiful word. And He makes us new because of Christ.

  3. Love this story, Jeanne…there is something appealing when we reach our age to think about those toys, games, and songs of our childhood!

    1. Thank you, Donna. I love how God knows about those seemingly insignificant pieces of our past. The idea that He sees me…knows me…and brings completion to the unfinished places. Amazing!!

  4. What a joy it is to see how easily you found God working through the gift of your girls. Many people would think only of how thoughtful your daughters were. Your heart not only saw that, but how thoughtful God is. He cares about us even in the “little things”. I think He knew you would find a way to share His love through your Chatty Cathy. Thank you for sharing. It blessed my heart.

    1. So glad it touched your heart, Moni. I do think that God is speaking in ways like this all the time; I need to be paying attention 🙂 I love seeing His work around me. His work to restore each one of us to Himself. Blessings to you today and thank you for sharing this with me.

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