Questions God Asks: Walking the Third Path – Eva Marie Everson: Guest Post

The Third Path - book cover

Sometimes a book grabs my attention and I must look at it more closely. The Third Path is such a title. My guest,  Eva Marie Everson is a gifted wordsmith who brings God’s word to light in a wonderful way. Taking the questions God asks in scripture, she guides the reader on a journey of spiritual growth. Because these questions are for us too. Be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of The Third Path, Finding Intimacy with God on the Path of Questioning.

Eva Marie Everson brings out #TheQuestionsGodAsks in scripture, and guides us on a journey of #TheThirdPath because these questions are for us too. Share on X


Walking the Third Path

                    with my Guest, Eva Marie Everson


The Third Path - book coverA piece of paper. A simple folded 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. But God whispered, “pick it up,” so I obediently scooped it off the desk in my conference center bedroom and brought it home. But it wasn’t until three days later that I opened it.

Along with basic typesetting and with the simplest artwork, I read about the prayer labyrinth which could be found at the conference center. One I’d apparently missed.

I didn’t know what a prayer labyrinth was. Oh, I’d heard of them all right, but I had no idea what they were. So, for the next few days, I spent time researching and learning about them, discovering just how ancient they are and of the importance they held for our earliest mothers and fathers of the faith.

What is a Prayer Labyrinth?

The labyrinth at the conference center had four paths—the Path of Silence, the Path of Memory, the Path of Questioning, and the Path of Prayer. All quite interesting individually, but it was the third path that caught my attention and held fast. Because having a prayer labyrinth in my own backyard wasn’t going to happen, I had begun to journal the prayer labyrinth. Initially, I spent time in silence, then wrote things about my day to the Lord. These were “paths one and two.”

But, when I came to the third path, I assumed that this was a place for me to ask God my questions. On Day 1, I wrote my three questions for God, knowing that I’d not get an answer because, you see, these are questions that are not answerable this side of heaven. Then, on Day 2, my pen swept along “path two,” but stalled on the third path. Was I to ask God the same unanswerable questions day after day?

And that’s when I heard it, the unmistakable whisper of God to my heart: not your questions. My questions.

What Questions Does God Ask?

Your questions?” I penned. “How can you have questions? You’re God!”

God answered, “Where are you? . . . What is this thing you have done? . . . Where did you come from and where are you going? . . . What are you doing here, Elijah? . . . I’m doing a new thing; do you not perceive it? . . . Who can compare to me? . . . What do you want? . . . What do you want me to do for you? . . . Do you believe I can? . . . Where is your faith?”

I knew the list went on and on. In fact, there are hundreds of questions in the Bible, questions that God asked . . . not because He didn’t know the answer, but because He wanted—desired—communication with His children. That desire continues to this day. When we take these same questions, study the stories behind them, and then turn those questions from the biblical character to us, and then when we answer those questions, we find ourselves in deep, intimate conversations with our Creator.

The Third Path, Answering His Questions

Over the course of a few years and having journaled my answers to God for hours on end, I plucked 26 of those hundreds of questions from God’s Word, then laid them out purposefully to form a path toward a deeper relationship with Him, a path that anyone can walk.

Does it get rocky from time to time? Yes. Does it bring tears? It does. Laughter? Absolutely. Can you rush through it? No, but neither should you want to. However, in the end (I pray), readers will find themselves as helplessly in love with God as He is with us.

I pray readers will find themselves as helplessly #inlovewithGod as He is with us. - Eva Marie Everson #TheThirdPath Share on X

One question at a time.

So, come on. Let’s walk.

Enter to win (U.S. addresses please)

Eva mentions a few of the questions God asks; which one would you ask God? What answers come to mind? Have you ever walked a labyrinth before? Does this book intrigue you; why? Be sure to leave a comment to win a copy of this newly published title by Eva Marie Everson.


Eva Marie Everson, author

Eva Marie Everson is the CEO of Word Weavers International, the director of Florida Christian Writers Conference, and a bestselling, multiple-awarding winning author of both fiction and nonfiction. Her latest work, The Third Path, released at #1 on Amazon in the summer of 2022. She and her husband are proud parents, prouder grandparents, and are owned by a cat named Vanessa. They make their home in Central Florida.


Thank you, Eva, for being my guest today and sharing your newest book with us.

Until next time,



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21 thoughts on “Questions God Asks: Walking the Third Path – Eva Marie Everson: Guest Post

  1. The Prayer Labyrinth sounds very interesting. I’ve seen a Labyrinth on tv but not a prayer one. I can’t wait to read your book! I love learning all I can so I can draw closer to the Lord.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Diane. I have only walked a prayer labyrinth once. It was very contemplative. Eva’s book gives questions from Scripture to ponder which helps to give a focus to our prayer and quiet time, even if we don’t physically walk on a labyrinth. One thing I am learning in my later years is that God wants us to slow down and savor His presence, His word, and to listen to His voice in it. So opposite of our 21st-century rush, rush mentality.

    1. Donna, thank you for mentioning this. Actually prayer labyrinths go way, way, way back to our earliest mothers and fathers of the faith. “Walking” (or writing) the Third Path is a beautiful way to “walk” closer with God.

      Let’s walk!

  2. I LOVE this! I have so benefitted from walking and praying through labyrinths! (I even mowed one in my side yard once! :0) But to walk and prayerfully ponder the questions God asks will be a wonderful addition. Many thanks for sharing this! I am eager to read her book!

    1. Thank you, Deb! I cannot wait to hear what you think once you “walk” the Third Path. I’d love to see photos of that labyrinth! (In the book you’ll read more about why I couldn’t create one in my own yard!)

      Let’s walk!

  3. I’ve never heard of prayer labyrinth and I’m intrigued. I have tried journaling a few times and have never been successful with doing so because it feels mundane and I lose interest. This type of journaling intrigues me because it seems to give purpose.

    1. Sandra, thanks for stopping in this morning. Yes, I love using each question from God to go deeper into my answers. I think it will foster more intimacy with my Heavenly Father, and uncover anything that needs a touch from Him.

      1. Hi Jeanne,
        Thanks Eva for sharing. I think the prayer labyrinth is one of the many spiritual disciplines that is often overlooked to our detriment. There are so many rich practices that can draw us closer to God if we are willing to take the time to explore and try them out.

    2. I can only tell you that it changed my life. Plus, I’m asking you direct questions (or, I should say, God is) from His Word. That gives your journaling focus, I believe.

      Let’s walk!
      Eva Marie

    1. LuAnn, thanks for your comment. Yes, I think this book will both engage and slow our pace so that we can hear the deepest things in our heart as we draw nearer to God

  4. Thank you for your comment, LuAnn! I hope you will try it for yourself. I received a message today via Instagram in which the writer shared with me how this has become a favorite devotional-style book. These comments absolutely floor me. But, then again, I knew God’s hand was all over it from the beginning. He simply amazes me at every turn.

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