Overcoming Obstacles When Hurdles are Not Your Forté

Overcoming obstacles

Overcoming obstaclesOvercoming Obstacles When Hurdles are Not Your Forté

How I agonized over the retreat sessions I was planning!  The more I wrote, the bigger the topic seemed. And, the closer the date came, the more anxious I became. Overcoming obstacles was essential but where did I start? I knew the topic was right. I just wasn’t so sure I was the one to deliver it.

Have you ever noticed when you are writing or planning a message, the Lord seems to be teaching your heart from the middle of it all?

The topic: Overcoming Leadership Obstacles

How hysterical is that?!!

In the midst of my preparing, God was nudging me through my own obstacles. It’s like He was saying, “How about this one, Jeanne?”

“Oh, yeah, I struggle with that one too.” was my reply. And, as I battled the excuses of why I wasn’t cut out for the task, God was speaking all the louder about His message.

The trouble with obstacles is that we all have them.

The truth about obstacles is they are most often from the enemy who would like nothing better than to discourage, distract and disable our witness. And the remedy for obstacles is found in the Mighty God we serve. [Tweet This]

I’ve never run track and field, but if I did, it never would have been hurdles or the high jump events. Keep my feet on the ground, thank you very much.

overcoming obstaclesBut, though we don’t feel equipped or prepared to take that big of a step, God knows we are, with His help.

So, I said yes to a keynote speech on overcoming the obstacles leaders face. And, then I remembered I didn’t have the world-given qualifications to pull it off. No college degree. No background in leadership. No John-Maxwell-training, Max-Lucado-storytelling, Steven-Covey-success courses. Just me.

One thing I learned as I stepped up to the podium and delivered the message I believe God put on my heart…Just-me is enough for God to use as His mouthpiece.  [Tweet This]

God is looking for Just-Me’s everywhere to be His vessels…He needs hands, feet, mouths, and listening hearts…a willing servant to say, yes. Just-Me’s to run the race, jump the hurdles and overcome the obstacles that say, Just-Me isn’t enough.

Because with God, a Just-Me is all He needs so that Just-His glory shines.  [Tweet This]

What obstacles do you face today? How can you overcome them – what part of our Mighty God can you see more clearly?


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12 thoughts on “Overcoming Obstacles When Hurdles are Not Your Forté

  1. I recently shared simliar thoughts of inadequacy with a friend. My head knows God can use me until I get determined, then my heart floods with doubt. So silly. Thank you for sharing and being transparent.God is using you to touch people.

    1. Tammy Sue, we are not the only ones to struggle with the inadequacy. All the more reason to speak into one another’s lives about the power of God and His provision. His strength in our weakness. His glory and not our own. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

  2. So true, Jeanne. Often the very thing we are trying to teach/write/transmit to someone else becomes the race we have to run ourselves RIGHT NOW. Then a question, like a talkative competitor keeping pace with our steps, repeats in our ears: “How can I give authoritative advice on something I don’t seem to be overcoming myself?” Sigh. But God…

    1. Terry, You’ve got it. But God…with Him all things are possible. All power is found. All adequacy and ability are in Him. Obstacles are opportunities to shine for Him. What Glory!

  3. Wow, Jeanne, this is “mighty.” When you said “God teaches your heart right in the middle of it” Yes, yes, but we want Him to do that, don’t we !!
    Thank you for your insight………being a “Velveteen Rabbit” Love you Mom

    1. Mom, We do want that! But we are often taken by surprise by the ‘on the job training’ that comes too. All the more reason to believe that we are never “ready” to serve Him. It is an ongoing process of being who we are for this situation, or time, or place – so that He can use us even in ways we couldn’t imagine.

  4. Thanks for this, Jeanne. I feel like so much of my life with God is all about just-me showing up and letting God be be amazing. Particularly in ministry and parenting, my two most rewarding and challenging endeavors.

    1. Larissa, I have to learn everyday, it is not about me. I can get myself so anxious about performance, when it is Him that works in and through me–not anything I can do on my own. He asks me to be faithful, pray, prepare and then watch what He will do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  5. I’m so there with you, Jeanne! God doesn’t call the “qualified”–He qualifies the called. That thought has always been a comfort to me as I pursue my own calling. Be at peace. He’s greater than our weaknesses and comes through every time.

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