New Year Opportunities – 2019’s Wide Open

Like a blank sheet of pristine paper, there is a new year before us – a new year of opportunities. Our mind races with the possibilities and hopes for adventures. What will come our way in 2019?

new year opportunities


New Year Opportunities in #2019

new year opportunities

Like a blank sheet of pristine paper, a new year is before me – a new year of opportunities. My mind races with the possibilities. My heart hopes for adventures. And I wonder what will come my way in the coming months.

Are you with me?

Whether you #SetGoals or let it come what may, #2019 is filled with 365 days of opportunity. Share on X

We look back on 2018 with fondness and maybe some regret. Wishing we had accomplished more, or grateful for the surprises. Once the days are past, they are gone for good. All the more reason to be intentional with the ones ahead.

new year opportunitiesWhat are your hopes for 2019?

Have you begun filling in your daytimer with appointments?

How will you prepare?

Whether you set goals, write down your dreams, pray for opportunities, or let it come what may, 2019 is filled with 365 days of opportunity.

Here are some ways to maximize their potential

…and please add yours in the comments below.

Physical – exercise more often, eat better, choose wisely, get a check-up, address areas of need, spend more time with those you love, use words to express how you feel, call mom, be inventive and intentional with long-distance loved ones….

Emotional – Don’t run from feelings, live today with joy, be thankful, keep a journal, take time for self-care, laugh more, cry easily, keep short accounts, love wholeheartedly…

Spiritual – Seek forgiveness, Ask God about ____ , Listen for God’s call, Open His word, Yield and let God work in you, Pray for things and people you care about, write down your blessings and keep a thankful jar, Journal your thoughts, write a letter to your husband and children about what you see God doing in them, write out a prayer asking God to accomplish _____ in you…

Set your mind and heart to make the most of your new year opportunities with God’s help.

Be Brave

Say YES to opportunities – don’t let fear paralyze you.

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone – trust that God will meet you there.

Be Intentional

Create enough margin in your life so you can respond to the spontaneous.

Create enough margin in your life so you can respond to the spontaneous. #2019 is full of #opportunities Share on X

Go on a self-date and do something you enjoy.

Be Kind

Do a good thing for someone else.

Seek a friend to be accountable to. Be real and transparent.

2019 might be your best year yet! Visit Debbie Wilson’s blog for more insight…

But even if it isn’t, God goes with you and will provide everything you need – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. What a lovely promise for Him who says, I will never leave you alone! We have been given a year full of opportunities – how will you spend them?

Share your hopes for this year in the comments, and add your thoughts to my lists.

I hope your blessing jar is filled to the brim this time next year!


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Resources for your New Year

6 thoughts on “New Year Opportunities – 2019’s Wide Open

  1. Love your analogy, Jeanne. Year 2019 is like “A blank piece of pristine paper………..

    You have my “mind” thinking ! What do I want this year? I want to be more aware, more deliberate, more in love with HIM…….to pour out that love to others.
    Time to sit before HIM, to listen so I will hear.
    Sounds like I’ve filled my plate…….but actually, no, I am making more time with HIM.

  2. Jeanne, I like how you named “emotional.” I hadn’t thought of that, but it is good to consider which emotions I’m allowing to dominate my life and why. And thanks for linking to my New Year post. Blessings to you for 2019!

    1. There are so many things we could include aren’t there, Debbie. The biggest one is SEEK GOD in all things. But breaking them down into practical places somehow makes the task a little more real. Thank you for sharing your thoughts…and happy to link to your great post.

  3. Aside from the everyday routines and necessary appointments, I would like God to write on that blank piece of paper His intentions for me this year!

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