My interview: Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast


Join me for the NEW Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast

Hartford, CT Image by jimaro morales from Pixabay

A brand new podcast has launched here in New England. The Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast is hosted by Jared Denaro, and sponsored by Morning Star Christian Bookstores.

Today, I am Jared’s guest, talking about ministry and my Pausing for R & R (Rest & Renewal) Retreat for women.

Hi everyone! I had a cool invitation to talk about what God is doing in my heart and ministry…on a podcast, no less. A different way to communicate for me, that’s for sure.

I really enjoyed this opportunity to share my heart for pausing…taking time to see what God is doing in and around us. Whether in our everyday lives, reading His word, answers to prayer, or hearing His call to draw nearer to Him.

In this podcast, Jared asks how I came to faith, as well as how I’ve seen God lead me to this time in life where I can write, speak, and begin to offer my Pausing for R & R retreats for women. I hope you get to know me a little better as you listen.

Be sure to visit their broadcast page for more interviews. Jared’s guests share what is going on in ministry in New England…such a wonderful way to connect and be encouraged.

And, I would love to hear your thoughts after you listen to my interview for the Pressing Pause edition of the podcast.



Want to hear what God is doing in #NewEngland? Listen to the brand new Morning Star Bright Lights #Podcast, hosted by Jared Denaro. I am his guest today Share on X

Throughout this year of upheaval and change, we can be sure that God is with us and is enabling us to be bright lights in a dark world,


Direct link to the podcast:

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17 thoughts on “My interview: Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast

  1. An insightful podcast. Thank you, Jeanne for passing it on. May you continue to shine in your ministry. Women need guiding lights in their pauses and you have been a shining example as well as a gifted inspirational teacher. Shine on!

  2. Your podcast was refreshing and a wake up call for us to take time to reflect. My verse this year has been “Be still and know that I am God.” And my word is listen. I still need reminders to do that.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Barbara. So glad the podcast spoke to your heart. I love that your verse is BE STILL. Even a few moments a day can make a huge difference 🙂

  3. Hi Jeanne, I just posted your interview on fb. What a great podcast!
    I met you at the Philly conference several years ago. God has been nodding on my heart about beginning a group for women to pray, do a weekly devotional, have a weekly scripture…to connect. Not quite sure how exactly to do that. If you have any ideas I would appreciate it. Some people say podcast is the way, Zoom (by invite) seems like a good way to go, a bit more personal / to connect.
    I would love to know your thoughts.
    Congrats on your interview. It was great and a blessing.
    Bobbie King Iliff

    1. Thank you, Bobbie. I think of you often!! I would love to chat about this with you. I would say a podcast would be less personal. But there are may other ways to connect. Thanks for stopping in and for listening to the podcast message. You have encouraged me today

  4. Jeanne, I loved learning more about you and hearing your thoughts on taking a pause–a valuable exercise which is sometimes difficult to do. Bravo! Well done!

    1. Thank you, Jeannie!! So glad you stopped in today. Yes, I do think stepping back and pausing in our busyness is difficult. But so worth it with the refreshing it brings.

  5. Hi Jeanne,
    I finally had a chance to “pause” and listen to the podcast. Well done good and faithful servant! I pray God will multiply the seeds planted in women’s spirits from the podcast!

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