Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – Who Am I?

Who am I?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…Who Am I?

Who am I? mirrored flower

I am at war with my mirrors! They challenge me to ask: Who Am I?

Mirrors are everywhere. I have one in the bathroom, a full-length in my closet, one on my bedroom wall…I even have a small compact one in my purse, just in case. And I walk past mirrors everywhere I go, taking a quick look to be sure I don’t have hair sticking up or a smudge on my face.

The problem I have with mirrors is I often only see the negative, not the positive side of my reflection. Where DID that blemish come from? Gee, my eyebrows are sparse. This outfit does nothing for me. Where’s my eye cream?

The problem I have with mirrors is I only see the negative, not the positive side of my reflection. Share on X

Mirrors Have Mixed Messages

And then, the mirror that reflects what others think always seems to glint a bit brighter too. I measure what I see with what I have heard from others, or experienced in the past. A bully’s words. A teacher’s joke. That mirror lies – loudly—so loud that I tend to believe it’s message first, making no room for the truth.

Who am I?Then there is the mirror the enemy tips my way to point out his lies and twisted truths. Don’t ever doubt that he has it in for me. He can’t have my soul but he can make my life both miserable and ineffective with his accusations.

The enemy knows he’s defeated and can’t gain ground with God, but he will go after one of God’s kids. I need to use my spiritual armor wisely to deflect his schemes.

The enemy knows he’s defeated and can’t gain ground with God, but he will go after one of God’s kids Share on X

There is only one mirror I can trust

The only mirror I can trust is the one that God holds up for me. But the message of my naysayers seems to cloud God’s image of me. So, what can I do? When I ask, ‘who am I?’ How can I focus on God’s image of me and diminish the views of others?

How can I focus on God’s image of me and diminish the views of others? Share on X

Who does God say that I am?

Even though I have been walking with Jesus since my teens, the voices of others still become my filters. They skew the truth and keep my eyes focused on my weaknesses rather than seeing God as my strength. Their messages plant my feet in my failures rather than seeing the One who overcomes.

When I ask, ‘Who am I?’ I want the truth – not a rose-colored glasses view, or a defeated in-the-pit mentality. So the first thing I realize is that without Jesus I’m lost; the lost sheep out of the hundred, and Jesus came looking for me.

I am a sinner that needs a savior.

I’m worth dying for—that’s why Jesus came.

I will never be good enough on my own; He became my righteousness when He died in my place to pay my sin debt.

Because of Jesus, I can stand before God as His daughter.

When I ask, Who am I? God says…

I am redeemed. Forgiven. Set free. Becoming a new creation—the old me is gone, the new me is starting fresh. I am His daughter – whom Jesus loves.

Because of Jesus, I can stand before God as His daughter. Share on X

What do you see in your mirror?

Are you seeing the truth or believing the lie? Tell us in the comments below.

What do you see in your mirror? Are you seeing the truth or believing the lie? Share on X

See you next time when we’ll look at some other things we see in God’s mirror of grace.

See you then,


Bring this message of our identity in Christ to your next women’s event. Contact me for more information about, Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself in God’s Eyes 


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9 thoughts on “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – Who Am I?

    1. Gretchen,

      I can’t imagine working 8+ hours a day in front of a mirror. How hard that must be when we are so easily seduced by its images. But you are right – we reflect the King. And that is a powerful image to start our day.

  1. Jeanne, What an awesome post! You touched on so many points that went straight to my heart–worrying about appearance, fears about what other people think of us, overcoming that persistent voice of the enemy by listening to God, etc. I’ve been one of those lost sheep–thought I was too sinful for Jesus to be concerned with, but HE SAVED ME! He loved this unworthy woman and brought me out of the pit of despair. Thank you for reminding me. Wishing you a blessed day!

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, Rikki. It is truly a matter of focus – and putting on our battle armor to guard our thoughts and hearts with Truth. He is Good God who loves us. I do think we need to remind one another when the image in the mirror gets fuzzy.

  2. Jeanne, for years I listened to the lies in my head about myself. As I became closer to God through His Word and prayer, I retrained my brain to embrace the truth.
    Thanks for this beautiful reminder of who and whose we are!

  3. Jeanne,
    The mirror distortions become even more challenging when you are a person of color. The culture not only criticizes your appearance but assigns negative traits and behaviors to you as well. I have reframed the distortions to celebrate God’s creativity in the diversity of His creation. God didn’t make a mistake when He created ethnic and racial diversity. The reality is diversity speaks even louder about what an awesome God We worship!

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