Love – Remedy for a World Gone Bad


love is the remedyLove is the Remedy for a World Gone Bad

This year we’ve faced unspeakable tragedies including the loss in Parkland, Florida. Our sorrow deepened with the news of Billy Graham’s death. It was like a chapter of history closed at a time when we needed Billy’s message of hope and Jesus’ love the most. A remedy for a world gone bad.

Somehow I think Mr. Graham would have had encouraging words to share with Parkland’s citizens; words of comfort in their grief; words of hope in the middle of adversity. Words of love, not hate. And words to challenge a culture where wrong is considered right, and right considered wrong (Isaiah 5:20).

We can’t have it both ways.

We Need Love More Than Ever

We banned the Ten Commandments from the public arena. Yet, when we realize that the core of these is love, we see the folly of doing so. We can’t dismiss “Thou shalt not kill” in name only. If we love our neighbor and honor God as the author of life, we will not be so quick to take life away.

remedy for a worldWho would rightly say it is okay to kill, steal, or commit adultery?

If you love, you will not kill. If you see your neighbors as important, you would not do anything to harm them. If you value life, you will not seek to take what belongs to others.

At the root, we have a heart problem.

The Ten Commandments fulfill Jesus’ command to love.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.

These two statements simplify the ten laws given by God. We all do really well loving ourselves, but when it comes to loving another more than ourselves, we stumble. We are okay with reciting the Golden Rule, but fail to see its root in the words of scripture.

We are okay with reciting the Golden Rule, but fail to see its root in the words of scripture. Share on X

Then Jesus kicks it up a notch in the Sermon on the Mount, proving that neither love or kingdom ethics come easy. Yet, love is the remedy for a world wrought with darkness and loss.

The Ten Commandments are impossible to keep, which is why we need a Savior. Share on X

The Ten Commandments are impossible to keep, which is why we need a Savior. When we fail to live up to them, He is there with mercy and grace to forgive and set right. He is the one that fills our heart with the love needed to live in peace with one another.

Another law won’t fix it when the heart is broken. Share on X

remedy for a worldCan Love Fix It?

Another law won’t fix it when the heart is broken. We have a deep heart problem in our world. God knew that from the beginning which is why He sent Jesus. He is the remedy for a world struggling with darkness. It is only with His Spirit that our heart can become tender rather than hard and stony.

And, curing heart disease begins with me.

When MY heart is captured by the love and mercy of God, I am changed. When I understand that Jesus came and died for ME and MY sin, love comes down. And mercy reigns. When I come face to face with the free gift of forgiveness, despite what I have done, grace wins.

His love covers. His love heals. His love changes us from the inside out. And ultimately, His love wins.

Love shines through when the world gets dark. #LoveAlways Share on X

Instead of laying blame and hurling hate, I need to come to the foot of the cross. Only there will I find what I need to face a difficult year like this. Pausing to see His love clearly makes all the difference.

Instead of laying blame and hurling hate, I need to come to the foot of the cross. Share on X

Wanting love to reign,


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8 thoughts on “Love – Remedy for a World Gone Bad

  1. So much truth in your post, Jeanne! One that stood out for me, “The Ten Commandments are impossible to keep which is why we need a Savior!” I’m so thankful that Jesus loves us in spite of our multitude of faults. Yes, the world needs love and we can all do our part to share more love. Thanks for an awesome message.

  2. Jeanne, “When MY heart is captured by the love and mercy of God, I am changed.” Amen! And may we allow that love and mercy to flow to others around us. THAT is how to heal this crazy world.

    1. Beckie, it all begins with US doesn’t it. We can’t have revival, change, without it beginning in my heart. With ME. When love/Jesus changes a person, that person changes their world. Thanks for your thoughts today

  3. Oh Jeanne, the truth of this message!!! Only love can straighten what is crooked, heal what is broken. God help us to get hold of the truth of HIS WORD.

    1. So true, Jan. As I mentioned in Sheree’s comment, the world needs to see God’s agape love in and through believers – then people will know we are God’s children. And the light will draw them to HIM

  4. Yes, love truly is the key but it is not love as we define it but rather as God defines it. Our love can at times come with conditions. God’s love is unconditional and that is the kind of love we need to seek to emulate!

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