Love God, Love People, Change the World

love god love people

Love God, Love People – Jesus’ Two Greatest Commands Have the Potential to Change the World

What are the greatest commands of Jesus? The message of Jesus hasn’t changed. His two greatest commandments are:



…And watch God work in hearts to hear His message of grace.

Our world needs the powerful changes that love can bring. And, God has given us His Holy Spirit to enable us to love others far beyond our own abilities. When we love, the world will see a picture of God who loves unconditionally. A love so powerful, it changes people from the inside out.

#LoveIsAVerb. An action word. How can you show love to those around you? #GreatestCommandment Share on X

How do we love God and love people?

Music has a way of speaking to us about things. Danny Gokey’s song, Love God Love People, gets to the heart of this so I want to share it with you.



As believers and children on God, we are His ambassadors. We represent Him here. We witness to the world who God is, and what He has done.

I don’t know about you, but I can do better.

Love is a contact sport. #MakeADifference in your world. #LoveGodLovePeople Share on X

This has been on my heart this week,

Who can you show love to? How can you be the ambassador God has empowered you to be? Share your comments below; I know they will encourage others.



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14 thoughts on “Love God, Love People, Change the World

  1. Such a convicting message Ms. Jeanne. Why would the world listen to me, follow me, or give me any credence at all if they see me looking and acting just like them. Amen little sister! Thank you for your truth!

    1. Thanks, J.D. My heart aches for a world that needs Jesus…and the “one they see” is us. The old song, Brighten the corner, where you are…I pray I can be the light He wants me to be right here.

  2. We can be ambassadors for the Lord by remembering that everyone is broken and hurting. As Jesus told those who were ready to stone the woman caught in adultery, whoever among you who is without sin, let them throw the first stone. Let us love with words and deeds.

    1. Amen, Sheree…including us. We may be redeemed but it doesn’t mean we aren’t broken and scarred. Yet when we love with both our words and our deeds, He is high and lifted up. He hasn’t called us to judge, but to love. He takes care of the transformations. Thanks for your thoughts today.

  3. Only when we know how much God truly loves us do we have the capacity to love other people. We love Him because He first loved us. And we need this reminder in a world full of hate and division so thanks for the post, Jeanne.

  4. Sometimes we forget this most important commandment–love God, love neighbor. Thank you for the timely reminder. We can fulfill this commandment by being kind–always, by thinking before we speak, and demonstrating compassion and empathy (putting ourselves in the other people’s shoes). Only by experiencing some of the circumstances, trials, and tragedies, do we truly understand the hardships many of our neighbors are facing. Thank you for this inspiring message, Jeanne.

    1. I love your love-to-do-list, Katherine. So true. Love covers all. and like it, when we use a soft answer we can diffuse anger and strife. Thanks for your thoughts today. Our world needs love, and I think love leads to Christ.

  5. I think I just need to pray for God’s ability to those my family well. I don’t want to just love them in though, but in deed. God gives me His patience and grace to love when I can’t on my own. So thankful.

    1. Joanna, I think you’re right. We can’t love in the way we should without the Holy Spirit’s help. Love is one of the Fruit of the Spirit…the one that all the others hinge on. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insight today

  6. Jeanne, thank you for highlighting the best way to serve God—by loving Him and others. Just today God laid on my heart a couple of ways to share His love. We’re all busy, but love comes first.

    1. Jeannie, thanks for stopping in today. I have also been praying that He will show me little ways to show His love to others. And, He wasted no time. I saw two opportunities the same day. So, I wonder…should THIS be our prayer every day? I know. a Rhetorical question. Of course, it should 🙂

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