Love Came Down: Baby Born in Bethlehem

Love came down

Love Came Down: A Baby Born in Bethlehem

Love came downThe Christmas tree is twinkling, candles are flickering, the hearth is festive, and the table is set. Simple preparations keep Jesus the focus for me. Because love came down on a silent night in Bethlehem.



Love came down on a silent night in Bethlehem. Share on X

This life-changing event could easily be missed because babies are born every day. But this baby’s arrival shook Satan’s world. Redemption arrived in the fullness of time. Nothing would ever be the same.

Some thought Jesus would overthrow the Roman government. Others expected Him to become their King. Still, others missed the signs of the Messiah because He didn’t look the part.

Instead of conquering the Romans, He conquered death. Instead of making the sinners pay, He paid for their sin.

And, it all began with a baby born in Bethlehem while the world slept.

Love Came Down on a Silent Night

Love came down – for you and me. He came to live among us so we could see God face-to-face. His love rocked the world and sought the heart of mankind.

Jesus came to live among us so we could see God face-to-face. His love rocked the world and sought the heart of mankind. Share on X


Love came down

As you put the final touches on your Christmas plans, ponder His coming. Because Love came for you.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours. See you in the New Year,


Babies are born every day. But this baby's arrival shook Satan's world. Share on X


Download your free copy of, A Baby Changed Everything

And for a sweet story for your 3-6-year-olds, watch A Night Like No Other, on Youtube.

Or order a copy on Amazon

The paperback version is also available here.

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6 thoughts on “Love Came Down: Baby Born in Bethlehem

  1. Thank you, Jeanne………Jesus is the reason for the season. Our busyness can overshadow this. The love HE brought is seen in many places during this time…..
    may it continue all year long.

  2. I love your words – Jesus slipped into the world during a silent night but absolutely rocked and shook Satan’s world! His world, and ours, would never be the same. Hallelujah and Amen! Jesus Lives and Satan is defeated.

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