looking back

Looking Back On 2020 – Nothing Like I Imagined

looking backLooking back on 2020, by a strange twist of God’s sovereignty, my #OneWord, identified early in the year was GATHER. I imagined taking trips, speaking at retreats, seeing my family, and connecting with friends over coffee or lunch.

Little did I know that by March we’d be totally shut down and unable to go anywhere. Yet, as the whole world reeled in pandemic panic, God accomplished something deep and personal in me. Yet, it was nothing like what I envisioned.

In reality, He did more than I can imagine—and what I needed. You see, God heard my prayer and desire for closer relationships and friendships.

Looking Back – Seeing God’s Hand in Disruption

Despite what 2020 had in mind as I cloistered myself and followed the social distancing rules, He birthed a new thing in my soul.

Rather than speaking at retreats in person, Zoom became my outreach. Instead of meeting a friend for lunch at Panera, we scheduled virtual lunches to chat. Through mailing greeting cards, I reached out each time the Holy Spirit brought someone to mind. And, long-distance grandparenting became a creative pursuit because I longed to be there with them.

Looking backAs I look back on the past year, difficulties still loom. But I see a glimmer of God’s handiwork and know He had a plan. I can’t imagine going through this isolation without technology—for that I am so grateful.

My idea for gathering paled in comparison to God’s idea and the connections He ordained.

My Idea OR God’s Idea

His idea included the gift of two prayer warriors with whom I connect every day via text. The transparency and drop-of-a-hat prayer we share has carried me.

Throughout the fall and winter, my neighbor and I have walked together every afternoon while building a friendship.

The experience of Zoom helped me to speak virtually from my home office when state travel mandates prohibited me from traveling to speak at a retreat in person. I was unsure I could pull off the intimacy that a retreat setting provides, but tea time in the afternoon with small groups encouraged the ability to get to know the women on the other side of my computer screen. God provided everything we needed including the perfect topic that turned out to be very timely.

Grabbing Onto Hope When Sick of My Four Walls

And my glimmer of hope for the year turned out to be news that my son and daughter-in-love were expecting their first child after a long and difficult wait. Though I couldn’t be there in person to share things with them, they sent updates, ultrasound images, pictures of the nursery, and baby bump progress.

Looking Back on 2020, Was It Better In Some Respects?

Looking back on 2020Little did I imagine that the change of plans would turn out for the better and bring about growth in me. It seems I am more connected than ever and continue to get new ideas for outreach and ministry.

Maybe you have experienced disruption during the past year too. I encourage you to look beyond the disappointment of your plans being dashed, to find the glimmers of hope and growth that God might be engineering. Because He always has a purpose in mind for everything we face.

Look beyond the disappointment of #plans being dashed, to find the #GlimmersOfGrowth that God might be engineering. Share on X

As I Look Back, Two Verses Have Been on My Mind:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

– Philippians 4:6-9

And, the other:

The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. – Proverbs 16:9

I also found this timely article written just before the pandemic hit. It spoke to me about disrupted plans and encouraged me that I am not the only one struggling.

In some ways, I have come through #2020 a little battered and worn, but in the grand scheme, I can see growth. #LookingBackOn2020 Share on X

In some ways, I have come through 2020 a little battered and worn, but in the grand scheme, I can see growth. And all because of a simple word that seemed so perfect at the time.

I just had no idea how perfect.

In hindsight, as you look back on 2020, what positive thing or growth area have you experienced? Please share your story in the comments below.

See you next time,


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Rearview Mirror Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Image of Woman by Юлия Вишневская from Pixabay

Plan Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

14 thoughts on “Looking Back On 2020

  1. As Romans 8:28 tells us, God brings good out of things that go wrong. Nothing is wasted with Him. While technology can be frustrating at times, in this case it proved to be a tool to get the gospel spread further around the world as churches and groups transitioned to Zoom. People who wouldn’t go to church have watched online and their lives have changed. You were able to reach people who couldn’t be touched physically.
    We can be thankful for these tools He gives us. And congratulations on the new grandchild. Blessings, Jeannie!

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Barbara. Yes, I do think that incredible opportunities have opened up to share the hope we have in Christ. So very thankful. And this little grandbaby has given me something to smile about and pray for. Seeing the good in the middle of the YUCK is so important.

  2. Jeanne, I loved reading the way God blessed you and others as He helped you “gather” during the pandemic. He helped me learn to rest and enjoy life. I enjoyed Sunday school, virtual conferences, and meeting with writer friends.

    1. Jeannie, I am so glad that there is fruit from your 2020 as well. Resting and enjoying life is something I need but often take for granted. “Keep me in the moment” and thanks for stopping in to share your insights

    1. Tammy, it is so hard not being able to be there with her right now. I am living virtually through it with my son and daughter-in-love, but it isn’t the same. I hope to get the vaccine to be ready to travel, though air travel might be a little longer yet. So, I enjoy her updates and pray for her little heart to know Jesus. Thanks for your thoughts today

  3. Wonderful lessons here Ms. Jeanne. Thank you for reminding me that God doesn’t always answer our prayers with what we ask for, expect, or want; but with what we need. Another takeaway for me is that growth only happens if we allow it to. We have to be willing to see where God takes us, rather than resisting the journey. Great thoughts ma’am; thank you.

    1. J.D., thanks for stopping by. Yes, this is a journey–and one without an itinerary other than knowing the final destination. Thankfully, He goes with us 🙂 And, He knows our needs better than we do.

  4. Thank you Jeanne for sharing your reflections. My word last year was “life” – ironic since life as we knew it stopped. But life took on an opportunity to pause and take stock of God’s ideas of life for me and one was to be shaped by His priorities.

    1. Love this, Marilyn. 2020 was surely a long pause for the whole world. I think we discovered what is important, and things we may have taken for granted, like being with family and friends. Our value for this has increased for sure! There are so many who have suffered far worse than me…and I pray that in looking for the good, we can trust God’s hand as He leads us out of this pause into a deeper appreciation of every good thing we possess.

  5. Thanks, Jeanne for your thoughtful reflections. Looking back on 2020 was for many of us a real test of faith. It’s easy to drift through life, praising God when everything is working out the way we desire. However, when the real time of testing comes, can we still praise God? Will we abandon the faith because the trial is too difficult? This is the beginning of many more trials to come. It may not be another pandemic but if our faith isn’t rooted in Christ our hope fades. I am thankful that my faith has withstood this difficult challenge. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)

    1. Sheree, your words: “if our faith isn’t rooted in Christ our hope fades” ring true. Our hope isn’t in the things that life offers. It is in Him alone. Thanks for your insights on this. “He is God of the mountain and of the valley.”

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